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Regional Partnerships

In addition to conducting its own programs, Dominion works with non-profit partners to support a variety of state, regional and local community endeavors. Choose a topic from the list below:

Northeast Ohio Environmental Awards

Dominion and Biodiversity Alliance are proud to announce that nominations are now being accepted for the 2008 Northeast Ohio Environmental Awards. The awards program recognizes and honors the outstanding achievements of organizations, businesses and individuals in a wide range of environmental initiatives throughout the region and pays tribute to those that have demonstrated a commitment to environmental excellence, leadership and accomplishment in their respective fields.

Awards will be given in the following categories: Community, Business, Primary/Secondary Education and Higher Education.

The awards are open to any group, program, organization, business or individual located and working in Northeast Ohio. Nominations can be made by the person or persons involved in the activity or by a third party and must address activities or initiatives that were in place in 2007. Successful nominees will demonstrate some measure of results achieved and/or impact of the activities. All nominations will be evaluated by an independent panel of judges.

All nomination materials must be post-marked or received no later than Saturday, June 28, 2008. All finalists will be honored at an awards ceremony to be held at The Cleveland Museum of Natural History on Friday, October 3, 2008. Award winners will be presented with a plaque and a cash award of $2,500 during the ceremony. (View the 2007 winners.)

For complete details, view/print the PDF files below:

Dominion Volunteers in the Arts (VITA) Awards

In Pittsburgh, Dominion and WQED Pittsburgh promote the arts by recognizing outstanding volunteers and awarding $1,000 grants to the arts organizations they represent. Recipients are featured on public radio and television station promotions, in Pittsburgh Magazine and at an awards luncheon sponsored by Dominion. At the luncheon, a Volunteer of the Year is announced, and his or her organization receives an additional $2,500 grant.

The program is underwritten by the Dominion Foundation and is a partnership between WQED Pittsburgh and the Foundation. For more information about this program, e-mail us or call (412) 690-1430.

Community Impact Awards

  • Ohio

    Within the Dominion service area in Ohio, our commitment to the communities we serve is stronger than ever. In 2008, a total of $100,000 in funding will be awarded to cities and community organizations that have made major contributions to the economic and social revitalization of their communities.

Download our award guidelines and entry information. The deadline for submitting nominations is November 24, 2008.

  • Pennsylvania

    In southwestern Pennsylvania, Dominion Peoples administers a similar program that is underwritten by the Dominion Foundation. A total of $60,000 is awarded to organizations for revitalization projects covering a 16-county region. For more information on this program, e-mail us or call (412) 690-1430.

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Award of Achievement

In Pennsylvania, Dominion Peoples recognizes outstanding African-American high school students by awarding collegiate grants. The competitive program honors students who have distinguished themselves academically and demonstrated positive leadership qualities. Each year three students are presented $6,000 in grant awards. This program, in its 14th year, has presented over $60,000 to 35 students since its inception.

Cooling Assistance

In Virginia and northeastern North Carolina, Dominion works with agencies on aging to provide fans and air-conditioners for those on fixed or low incomes, whose health would otherwise suffer during hot summer months. The programs include Fan Care in Virginia and donations to the North Carolina Division of Aging. For more details, e-mail us or call (804) 771-4414.

  • Virginia - Fan Care

    For more than a decade Dominion Virginia Power has sponsored Fan Care, a cooling assistance program in partnership with the Virginia Department for the Aging and Wal-Mart. Fan Care provides fans free of charge to the elderly poor. The Dominion Foundation contributes annually to Area Agencies on Aging to administer the program. Agencies may also use a portion of allocated funds to purchase air conditioners for seniors with more serious health problems. For information on how to apply in Virginia, call 1-800-552-3402.

  • North Carolina - Project Fan/Heat Relief

    Since 1990, Dominion North Carolina Power has supported the North Carolina Division of Aging's program for seniors called Project Fan/Heat Relief with an annual $2,500 donation to help provide fans in the northeastern portion of North Carolina. For information on how to apply in North Carolina, contact the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services- Division of Aging at (919) 733-3383.

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