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Chief Executive Officer - David Eisner


David Eisner is Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation for National and Community Service, the Federal Agency that oversees America’s service and volunteering programs, including AmeriCorps, VISTA, NCCC, Senior Corps, Learn and Serve America and other domestic service and volunteering programs.

Eisner came to the Corporation in December 2003, at a time of challenge and difficulty for the organization, and immediately brought strong management and passionate advocacy to its service programs.  Under Eisner, the Corporation has expanded the reach of its programs, reduced administrative burdens on grantees, increased its efficiency and accountability, and lowered many of its per unit program costs.

In addition to its ongoing grant making and program management, the Corporation has overseen the unprecedented national service response to the Gulf coast hurricanes, released groundbreaking studies on volunteering and civic engagement in America, transformed Martin Luther King Jr. Day into a national day of service in every state, and created the first Federal Mentoring Council, which is building greater coordination among mentoring activities of the Corporation and key federal agencies.

Today, operating under the guidance of a new five-year plan, Eisner is leading the Corporation in forging powerful alliances with other agencies and private sector leaders to use service as a support platform for youth in disadvantaged circumstances, to engage more college students in service, to harness the skills of retiring Baby Boomers and, generally, to drive greater numbers of Americans to have greater impact through service and volunteering in communities.

Prior to his service with the Corporation, Eisner was an executive with AOL and AOL Time Warner, where he oversaw the AOL Foundation and became a nationally recognized leader on nonprofit capacity-building, infrastructure, and organizational effectiveness. He has served on the boards of several national nonprofit organizations, including Independent Sector, the National 4-H Council, and Network for Good. A graduate of Stanford University, he received his law degree from Georgetown University Law Center, and lives in Maryland with his wife, Lori, and their four young children.

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