Entry bubble Unemployment Compensation

By: Colleen | August 27, 2008 | Category: Money

Usually here at Gov Gab we're pretty good about making our posts all sunshine and rainbows and what-unemploymentnot. However, it's not a big secret that there is a lot of not so pleasant stuff going on. Food and gas prices are on the rise, and so is unemployment.

The U.S. Department of Labor's July report says that 43 states and the District of Columbia reported an increase in unemployment during the month of July. Nationwide, the unemployment rate is 5.7%—up a full percentage point from this time last year.

If you are laid off due to "no fault of your own," then you are eligible for unemployment compensation. Check your state's Department of Labor to find out the best and easiest way for you to file. Many of them let you file online or by phone. Be prepared with information such as you social security number, your mother's maiden name, and the Federal ID # of your employer (found on your W-2).

If you've been out of work because of a major disaster (must be declared by the President) like a flood, tornado, fire, or hurricane you are also eligible for Disaster Unemployment Insurance. People are eligible to claim for Disaster Unemployment Insurance a week after the event and up to 26 weeks following the disaster.

Laid off and thinking of starting your own business? There's help for that as well.

Unemployment compensation is designed to help keep you going while you find new work. During this time it is important to carefully watch your expenses, and save money. Any advice to help make ends meet while looking for work?

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Entry bubble Flag Day and Father's Day, A Busy Weekend

By: Nicole | June 13, 2008 | Category: General

Wow, we have a lot to celebrate this weekend. Saturday, June 14, is Flag Day. And of course, Sunday, June 15, is Father's Day.

U.S. FlagFlag Day recognizes the day in 1777 when a Congressional resolution officially adopted our beloved stars and stripes as the U.S flag. However, celebration of this day didn’t begin until nearly a century later. According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, there are at least three different claims for the origin of Flag Day. Some believe the tradition began in predominantly immigrant communities in Hartford, CT; others say it originated in a school in New York; still others say the Colonial Dames in Philadelphia are responsible. Pennsylvania does hold the honor of being the only state that recognizes Flag Day as a legal holiday. If you want to know more about our flag, check out our publication on the subject.

The origin of Father’s Day is a little more straight forward. Sonora Dodd proposed the idea of Father’s Day to honor her father, a Civil War veteran who raised Sonora and her five siblings after his wife passed away. Father’s Day was first celebrated on June 19, 1910 and was made a permanent holiday in 1972. Since then, Father’s Day has become a time to recognize the many different father figures in our lives.

Family Cook-OutFor my family, that will mean a good ole fashioned cook-out, topped off by a rich slice of white chocolate-raspberry cheesecake. What are your Father’s Day customs?

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