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Career Opportunities

Mathematical Statistician

Desirable Credentials

Minimum requirements include B.S. degree with at least 24 semester credits of math and statistics, of which at least 12 semester credits must be in mathematics and 6 semester credits in statistics. Training or experience in agriculture is desirable.

Starting Salary

Government grade level and starting salary will depend on experience, education, and grade point average.

Promotion Potential

All promotions are based on performance. Highly qualified employees can be promoted to top-level technical and management positions.

Training Opportunities

College courses funded by the Agency
Cross training in mathematical statistics or information   technology
One year graduate study program with full salary
Ongoing professional training (seminars, conferences, etc.)

Career Fields

Commodity statistics
Survey statistics
Data processing
Mathematical statistics
Remote sensing/geographic information systems


Excellent domestic travel opportunities
International travel opportunities exist, depending on special   qualifications


Family friendly policies
Opportunity to serve agriculture
Small, world-reknown statistical Agency

Geographic flexibility in duty station
Excellent advancement opportunities
Member of the team-oriented Agency


For further information contact:

Field Operations, Human Resources
Room 5058 - South Building
1400 Independence Avenue, S.W.,
Washington, D.C. 20250-2000
Telephone: (800) 832-4180
Fax: (202) 720-3131


Last modified: 5/28/08

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