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Title: Shifts and future trends in the forest resources of the Central Hardwood Region

Author: Schmidt, Thomas L.; McWilliams, William H.

Year: 2003

Publication: In: Van Sambeek, J. W.; Dawson, Jeffery O.; Ponder Jr., Felix; Loewenstein, Edward F.; Fralish, James S., eds. Proceedings of the 13th Central Hardwood Forest Conference; Gen. Tech. Rep. NC-234. St. Paul, MN: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Research Station: 21-31

Abstract: Forests in the Central Hardwood region are undergoing change in terms of area, volume, species composition, and forest structure. These forests are dominated by deciduous species; are increasing their average stand size, volume, and age; and, are experiencing woody plant species replacement as shade intolerant species are being replaced by more shade tolerant species. As changes progress, concerns are being raised regarding the potential for these lands to produce the wide array of benefits associated with timberland. Changes in the forest resource as well as changes in land ownership and management objectives have repercussions for wildlife species, timber industries, recreational interests, and the wide array of other benefits reaped from this invaluable resource.

Last Modified: 2/1/2007

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