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From the Chair

Chair's PictureDear Colleagues and Friends,

Those of you who live and practice outside the United States represent almost 20 percent of ABA International’s membership and span the globe - covering ninety countries.  US lawyers living abroad and non-US lawyers, wherever they live, enhance the value of Section membership for all of our members.  We are, after all, the International Section of the ABA, and as such, home to the largest and most diverse group of US and non-US lawyers.  We are diverse in gender, race, nationality, culture, age, sexual orientation and type and size of law practice.  International business is one of our core areas of specialization.  Keep in mind that US and non-US businesspersons seeking counsel for inbound or outbound transactions or representation need to be represented by lawyers who understand not only how things work in the US, but who really understand the differences among various legal systems, languages, cultures and ways of operating around the world.  They need well-rounded lawyers who have a global perspective.  They need good international lawyers.  There is no better place to develop and to maintain this multi-faceted expertise than as a member of ABA International.  With three Business Law Divisions, two regional divisions, and seven other divisions, comprising in all more than sixty committees covering every legal subject (if you have a moment, please click on the welcome video from me on our home page), membership in the Section is a must for international lawyers, whether your practice touches the US or not.

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Section Event Calendar

Click on an entry for more details.

Co-sponsored program

Jan. 22 Transitional Justice and Rule of Law and the Creation of the Civilian Response Corps U.S. Government Expeditionary Capacity Washington, DC
Feb. 12-13 Fuel Rules – Energy, Emissions and the World Trade Organization Geneva, Switzerland
Feb. 12-16 2009 Midyear Meeting Boston, MA
Jan-March 2009 Pathways to Employment in International Law  

- Click here for other programs of interest.

World Legal News From JURIST'S Paper Chase

About the Section

How to Join the Section

How to Join a Committee

Leadership Directory – 2008/09
Directory Addendum – 2008/09

ABA Redbook

The International Lawyer (TIL) and International Law News (ILN) Submission Deadlines

ILN Deadlines:

Spring 2009 Issue: India – December 11, 2008

Summer 2009 Issue (International Law Issues for the Solo Practitioner): March 16, 2009

ABA "Rule of Law"

Through its International Human Rights Law Committee, the Section may propose that the ABA president send “Rule of Law” letters to governments accused of harassing human rights lawyers and advocates.  It also may propose appointment of neutral observers to witness and report on the fairness of trials involving human rights advocates.  The ABA Center for Human Rights reviews proposals and submits recommendations to the president for decision.  For copies of the Rule of Law Letter and/or Trial Observer guidelines, contact the Center at humanrights@abanet.org or 202/662-1025.

A listing of Rule of Law letters can be found here.

Section Mission

The mission of the ABA Section of International Law is to be your gateway to global expertise and the international legal community.

The Section seeks to provide for members, prospective members and others with whom it interacts:

A.  Continuing education to enable participants to keep up to date on international issues;

B.  Networking and business development opportunities;

C.  A role in promulgating and influencing public policy regarding international law; and

D.  An accessible, welcoming environment.


Law Business Research is a Strategic Research Partner

LexisNexis is a Primary Corporate Sponsor

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