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Focus: Selected Research Publications 2005-2006
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Organic Agriculture's Conservation Focus:  Selected Research Publications 2005-2006

Clover used as a cover crop.
Compiled by:
Mary V. Gold
Alternative Farming Systems Information Center

August 2006

Print PDF version

This publication may be cited as:
Organic Agriculture's Conservation Focus: Selected Research Publications 2005-2006, by Mary V. Gold. Beltsville MD: Alternative Farming Systems Information Center, National Agricultural Library, 2006. Full-text online:


This bibliography was prepared to accompany a panel presentation made at the National SARE Conference, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, August 17, 2006.

See supporting publications:

The publications cited here were retrieved using a diverse database set; documents were selected for their conservation- and environment-related content based on terms appearing in the publication titles and in author or database abstracts and keywords. All cited documents are in English. The brief annotations describing conservation category, notable content and production system were defined and assigned by the compiler.

Annotations relate to three types of content:

Conservation category: [air, biodiversity, carbon sequestration, energy, general conservation and/or soil, water]

Production system(s): [general crop production, general-multiple production, grain and field crop production, horticulture production, livestock production, pasture and forage crop production and/or tree and orchard production]

Notable content: [terms vary, relating to specific practices and methodologies that organic researchers often ask about]

An index of these terms and corresponding citation numbers is included at the end of the bibliography. This index includes the total number of citations for each topic (number appearing in parentheses).

Many organic research publications not included in this bibliography reflect significant information about environmental and conservation issues. For instance, there was not an effort to search specifically on biological control or on cover cropping – both practices with recognized conservation and environmental impacts.

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1. “Ammonia and mineral losses on Dutch organic farms with pregnant sows,” by S. G. Ivanova-Peneva, A. J. A. Aarnink, and M. W. A. Verstegen (2006) Biosystems Engineering 93, no. 2: 221-235.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Netherlands; Wageningen UR, Agrotechnology and Food Innovations, Wageningen, Netherlands
   Conservation category: air; soil
   Production system(s): livestock
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; emissions; nutrient management

2. “Apple orchard productivity and fruit quality under organic, conventional, and integrated management,” by G. M. Peck, P. K. Andrews, J. P. Reganold, and J. K. Fellman (2006) HortScience 41, no. 1: 99-107. [NAL Call Number: SB1 H6]
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: USA (Washington); Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Washington State University, Pullman, WA
   Conservation category: general
   Production system(s): tree and orchard
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; crop yield; crop quality

3. “Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and organic farming,” by P. Gosling, A. Hodge, G. Goodlass, and G. D. Bendinga (2006) Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 113, no. 1-4: 17-35. [NAL Call Number: S601 A34]
Note: Literature/research review.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: UK; Warwick HRI, University of Warwick, Wellesbourne, Warwick, UK
   Conservation category: soil
   Production system(s): general-multiple
   Notable content: biological control

4. “An assessment of the energy inputs and greenhouse gas emissions in sugarbeet (Beta vulgaris) production in the UK,” by J. Tzilivakis, D. J. Warner, M. May, K. A. Lewis, and K. Jaggard (2005) Agricultural Systems 85, no. 2: 101-119.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: UK; Agriculture and Environment Research Unit, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, UK
   Conservation category: energy; air
   Production system(s): grain and field crop
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; indicators and measurements; crop yield; nutrient management

5. “Below ground effects of organic and conventional farming on aboveground plant-herbivore and plant-pathogen interactions,” by K. Poveda, I. Steffan-Dewenter, S. Scheu, and T. Tscharntke (2006) Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 113, no. 1-4: 162-167. [NAL Call Number: S601 A34]
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Germany; Agroecology, University of Gottingen, Waldweg, Germany
   Conservation category: soil
   Production system(s): grain and field crop
   Notable content: comparison with conventional

6. “Benefits of organic farming to biodiversity vary among taxa,” by R. J. Fuller, L. R. Norton, R. E. Feber, P. J. Johnson, D. E. Chamberlain, A. C. Joys, F. Mathews, R. C. Stuart, M. C. Townsend, W. J. Manley, M. S. Wolfe, D. W. Macdonald, and L. G. Firbank (2005) Biology Letters 1, no. 4: 431-434.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: UK; British Trust for Ornithology, The Nunnery, Thetford, Norfolk, UK
   Conservation category: biodiversity
   Production system(s): grain and field crop
   Notable content: comparison with conventional

7. “Biochemical variability of olive-orchard soils under different management systems,” by E. Benitez, R. Nogales, M. Campos, and F. Ruano (2006) Applied Soil Ecology: A Section of Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 32, no. 2: 221-231. [NAL Call Number: QH541.5 S6 A67]
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Spain; Departamento de Agroecología y Protección Vegetal, Estación Experimental del Zaidín, CSIC, Granada, Spain
   Conservation category: soil
   Production system(s): tree and orchard
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; tillage

8. “The biosphere region - the role of landscape planning by using the natural resources of the metropolitan region between Vienna, Bratislava and Gyor in a sustainable way,” by H. Schaffer (2005) Prace z Zakresu Nauk Rolniczych 99, no. Supplement: 9-14.
Note: Conference paper: Environment and Agriculture: Organic Farming, Environmental Protection, Sustainable Development of Rural Areas, Mistelbach, Austria, June 14-17, 2005.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Austria, Hungary, Slovakia; Mecca Environmental Consulting, Vienna, Austria
   Conservation category: biodiversity
   Production system(s): general-multiple
   Notable content: agricultural policy

9. “Cadmium, copper and zinc leaching and surface run-off losses at the Ojebyn farm in northern Sweden - temporal and spatial variation,” by H. Bengtsson, G. Alvenas, S. I. Nilsson, B. Hultman, and I. Oborn (2006) Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 113, no. 1-4: 120-138. [NAL Call Number: S601 A34]
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Sweden; Department of Soil Sciences, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Uppsala, Sweden
   Conservation category: water
   Production system(s): general-multiple
   Notable content: long term experiments

10. “Can organic farming feed us all?,” by B. Halweil (2006) World Watch Magazine 19, no. 3.
Note: Literature/research review.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: USA; Worldwatch Institute, Washington, DC
   Conservation category: general
   Production system(s): general crop
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; crop yield; emissions; agricultural policy

11. “Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope composition of cattle hair: ecological fingerprints of production systems?,” by M. Schwertl, K. Auerswald, R. Schaufele, and H. Schnyder (2005) Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 109, no. 1: 153-165. [NAL Call Number: S601 A34]
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Germany; Lehrstuhl fur Grunlandlehre, Technische Universitat Munchen, Germany
   Conservation category: soil
   Production system(s): pasture and forage crop
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; indicators and measurements

12. “Carbon sequestration potential in European croplands has been overestimated,” by P. Smith, O. Andren, T. Karlsson, P. Perala, K. Regina, M. Rounsevell, and B. van Wesemael (2005) Global Change Biology 11, no. 12: 2153-2163.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Belgium, Finland, Sweden, UK; School of Biological Sciences, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK
   Conservation category: carbon sequestration
   Production system(s): general-multiple
   Notable content: agricultural policy; tillage

13. “Changing diversity of Hymenopteran parasitoids from organically and conventionally managed tea-ecosystem of North Bengal, India,” by S. Das, M. Sarker, and A. Mukhopadhyay (2005) Journal of Environmental Biology 26, no. 3: 505-509.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: India; Entomology Research Unit, Department of Zoology, University of North Bengal, Siliguri, India
   Conservation category: biodiversity
   Production system(s): tree and orchard
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; biological control

14. “Comparative environmental life cycle assessment (lca) of organic and conventional sugarcane growing in Queensland,” by M. A. Renouf, G. Antony, and M. Wegener (2005). In Proceedings of the 2005 Conference of the Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists, held at Bundaberg, Queensland, Australia, May 3-6, 2005, edited by D. M. Hogarth, pp. 312-323. Brisbane, Australia: PK Editorial Services.
Note: Conference paper.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Australia; School of Geography, Planning and Architecture, The University of Queensland, Australia
   Conservation category: energy; water; air
   Production system(s): grain and field crop
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; indicators and measurements; emissions; crop yield

15. “A comparative study of simple and complex ‘grass-legume’ mixtures implanted with or without cover crop,” by D. Knoden, D. Stilmant, J. Herman, and Belge C. (2005). In Integrating Efficient Grassland Farming and Biodiversity; Proceedings of the 13th International Occasional Symposium of the European Grassland Federation, Tartu, Estonia, August 29-31, 2005, edited by  R. Lillak, R. Viiralt, A. Linke, and V. Geherman, pp. 454-457. Tartu, Estonia: Estonian Grassland Society.
Note: Conference paper.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Belgium; Centre Wallon de Recherches Agronomiques, Section Systemes Agricoles, Libramont, Belgium.
   Conservation category: soil
   Production system(s): pasture and forage crop
   Notable content: crop yield

16. “A comparative study of some environmental impacts of conventional and organic farming in Australia,” by R. Wood, M. Lenzen, C. Dey, and S. Lundie (2006) Agricultural Systems 89, no. 2-3: 324-348.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Australia; School of Physics, A28, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
   Conservation category: energy; water; air
   Production system(s): general-multiple
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; models

17. “Comparison of predator and pest communities in Washington potato fields treated with broad-spectrum, selective, or organic insecticides,” by A. M. Koss, A. S. Jensen, A. Schreiber, K. S. Pike, and W. E. Snyder (2005) Environmental Entomology 34, no. 1: 87-95. [NAL Call Number: QL461 E532]
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: USA (Washington); Department of Entomology, Washington State University, Pullman, WA
   Conservation category: biodiversity
   Production system(s): grain and field crop
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; biological control

18. “Computer system for fertilizer recommendations and economic analyses of field vegetable ecological production in Croatia,” by Z. Loncaric and R. Loncaric (2006) Acta Horticulturae 700: 217-220. [NAL Call Number: 80 Ac82]
Note: Conference paper: International Symposium on Towards Ecologically Sound Fertilisation Strategies for Field Vegetable Production, held June 7-10, 2004, Perugia, Italy.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Croatia; Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek, Croatia
   Conservation category: soil
   Production system(s): horticulture
   Notable content: models; indicators and measurements; nutrient management

19. “Concentration of benzoxazinoids in roots of field-grown wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties,” by A. Stochmal, J. Kus, S. Martyniuk, and W. Oleszek (2006) Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 54, no. 4: 1016-1022. [NAL Call Number: 381 J8223]
Note: In the special section: Fate and Toxicity of Allelochemicals in Relation to Environment and Consumer.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Poland; Department of Biochemistry, Department of Systems and Economics of Crop Production, and Department of Microbiology, Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation, Pulawy, Poland
   Conservation category: soil
   Production system(s): grain and field crop
   Notable content: biological control; comparison with conventional

20. “Copper content in agricultural soils related to cropping systems in different regions of Greece,” by E. Vavoulidou, E. J. Avramides, P. Papadopoulos, A. Dimirkou, A. Charoulis, and S. Konstantinidou-Doltsinis (2005) Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 36, no. 4-6: 759-773.
Note: Conference paper: 8th International Symposium on Soil and Plant Analysis: Part Two.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Greece; Soil Science Institute of Athens, NAGREF, Lykovrissi, Greece
   Conservation category: soil
   Production system(s): tree and orchard
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; long term experiments

21. “Cotton-basil intercropping: effects on pests, yields and economical parameters in an organic field in Fayoum, Egypt,” by C. Schader, J. G. Zaller, and U. Kopke (2005) Biological Agriculture and Horticulture 23, no. 1: 59-72. [NAL Call Number: S605.5 B5]
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Egypt; Institute of Organic Agriculture, University of Bonn, Germany
   Conservation category: general
   Production system(s): grain and field crop
   Notable content: biological control; crop yield

22. “A critical analysis of the agronomic and economic sustainability of organic coffee production,” by H. A. M. van der Vossen (2005) Experimental Agriculture 41, no. 4: 449-473. [NAL Call Number: 10 Ex72]
Note: Literature/research review.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Netherlands; Plant Breeding and Seed Consultant, The Netherlands
   Conservation category: general
   Production system(s): general crop
   Notable content: agricultural policy; crop quality

23. “Cropping system management for mitigation of second-generation problems in agriculture,” by B. Gangwar and K. Prasad (2005) Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 75, no. 2: 65-78.
Note: Literature/research review.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author India; Project Directorate for Cropping Systems Research, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India
   Conservation category: general
   Production system(s): general-multiple
   Notable content: agricultural policy

24. “Development of arable weed seedbanks during the 6 years after the change from conventional to organic farming,” by H. Albrecht (2005) Weed Research 45, no. 5: 339-350.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Germany; Vegetation Ecology, Department of Ecology, TU Muenchen-Weihenstephan, Freising, Germany
   Conservation category: soil
   Production system(s): general-multiple
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; biological control; long term experiments

25. “Differential effects of landscape and management on diversity and density of ground-dwelling farmland spiders,” by M. H. Schmidt, I. Roschewitz, C. Thies, and T. Tscharntke (2005) Journal of Applied Ecology 42, no. 2: 281-287.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Germany; Department of Agroecology, Georg-August University, Gottingen, Germany
   Conservation category: biodiversity
   Production system(s): grain and field crop
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; biological control

26. “Does organic farming benefit biodiversity?,” by D. G. Hole, A. J. Perkins, J. D. Wilson, I. H. Alexander, P. V. Grice, and A. D. Evans (2005) Biological Conservation 122, no. 1: 113-130.
Note: Literature/research review.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: UK; Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), Sandy, Bedfordshire, UK
   Conservation category: biodiversity
   Production system(s): general-multiple
   Notable content: comparison with conventional

27. “The effect of conversion strategy on the yield of the first organic crop,” by S. K. Huxham, D. L. Sparkes, and P. Wilson (2005) Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 106, no. 4: 345-357. [NAL Call Number: S601 A34]
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: UK; Division of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, School of Biosciences, University of Nottingham, Sutton Bonington Campus, Loughborough, UK
   Conservation category: soil
   Production system(s): grain and field crop
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; crop yield

28. “The effect of mechanical weed control technique and irrigation method on yield, tuber quality and weed suppression in organic potato,” by C. Mirabelli, G. Colla, A. Fiorillo, M. Cardarelli, Y. Rouphael, and R. Paolini (2005) Acta Horticulturae, no. 684: 127-133. [NAL Call Number: 80 Ac82]
Note: Conference paper: Proceedings of the Meeting of the Physiology Section of the European Association for Potato Research, Viterbo, Italy, June 14-16, 2004.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Italy; Dipartimento di Produzione Vegetale, Universita degli Studi della Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy
   Conservation category: soil; water
   Production system(s): grain and field crop
   Notable content: crop yield; tillage

29. “Effect of straw addition on nitrous oxide and methane emissions from stored farmyard manures,” by S. Yamulki (2006) Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 112, no. 2-3: 140-145. [NAL Call Number: S601 A34]
Note: In the special issue: Mitigation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Livestock Production, edited by A. Hensen, J.E. Olesen, S.O. Petersen, R. Sneath, A. Weiske and S. Yamulki.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: UK; Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research (IGER), North Wyke, Okehampton, UK
   Conservation category: air
   Production system(s): livestock; pasture and forage crop
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; emissions; nutrient management

30. “The effects of farm size and organic farming on diversity of birds, pollinators, and plants in a Swedish landscape,” by K. Belfrage, J. Bjorklund, and L. Salomonsson (2005) Ambio  34, no. 8: 582-588.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Sweden; Department of Rural Development and Agroecology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden
   Conservation category: biodiversity
   Production system(s): general crop
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; indicators and measurements

31. “Effects of intensifying organic manuring and tillage practices on penetration resistance and infiltration rate,” by C. Thierfelder, E. Amezquita C, and K. Stahr (2005) Soil and Tillage Research 82, no. 2: 211-226.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Colombia; Department of Soil Science and Land Evaluation, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany
   Conservation category: soil
   Production system(s): horticulture
   Notable content: cassava; nutrient management; tillage

32. “The effects of landscape complexity on arable weed species diversity in organic and conventional farming,” by I. Roschewitz, D. Gabriel, T. Tscharntke, and C. Thies (2005) Journal of Applied Ecology 42, no. 5: 873-882.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Germany; Department of Agroecology, Georg-August University, Gottingen, Germany
   Conservation category: biodiversity
    Production system(s): grain and field crop
   Notable content: comparison with conventional

33. “The effects of organic agriculture on biodiversity and abundance: a meta-analysis,” by J. Bengtsson, J. Ahnstrom, and A. C. Weibull (2005) Journal of Applied Ecology 42, no. 2: 261-269.
Note: Literature/research review.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Department of Ecology and Crop Production Science, Section for Landscape Ecology, SLU, Uppsala, Sweden
   Conservation category: biodiversity
   Production system(s): general crop
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; biological control

34. “Effects of organic farming on field boundary vegetation in Denmark,” by S. Petersen, J. A. Axelsen, K. Tybirk, E. Aude, and P. Vestergaard (2006) Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 113, no. 1-4: 302-306. [NAL Call Number: S601 A34]
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Denmark; Department of Terrestrial Ecology, Institute of Biology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
   Conservation category: biodiversity
   Production system(s): livestock
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; indicators and measurements

35. “Effects of organic versus conventional management on chemical and biological parameters in agricultural soils,” by A. D. van Diepeningen, O. J. de Vos, G . W. Korthals, and A. H. C. van Bruggen (2006) Applied Soil Ecology 31, no. 1-2: 120-135. [NAL Call Number: QH541.5 S6 A67]
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Netherlands; Biological Farming Systems Group, Department of Plant Sciences, Wageningen University and Research Center, Wageningen, Netherlands
   Conservation category: soil
   Production system(s): general-multiple
   Notable content: comparison with conventional

36. “Effects of row spacing and liquid manure on directly drilled winter wheat in organic farming,” by J. Hiltbrunner, M. Liedgens, P. Stamp, and B. Streit(2005) European Journal of Agronomy 22, no. 4: 441-447.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Switzerland; Institute of Plant Sciences, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, Switzerland
   Conservation category: soil
   Production system(s): grain and field crop
   Notable content: crop yield; nutrient management; crop quality

37. “Effects of straw mulch on soil nitrate dynamics, weeds, yield and soil erosion in organically grown potatoes,” by T. F. Doring, M. Brandt, J. Hess, M. R. Finckh, and H. Saucke (2005) Field Crops Research 94, no. 2-3: 238-249.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Germany; Department of Ecological Plant Protection, Kassel University, Witzenhausen, Germany
   Conservation category: soil
   Production system(s): grain and field crop
   Notable content: crop yield

38. “Emergy value evaluation on rice-duck organic farming mode,” by Y. Xi and P. Qin (2006) Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology 17, no. 2: 237-242.
Note: “Emergy refers to several concepts at the same time. It was originally coined by Dr. David M. Scienceman in collaboration with the late Professor Howard T. Odum as a means of making it distinct from other embodied energy methodologies. In this context, ‘emergy’ is a contraction of the term ‘embodied energy’. However Scienceman also used emergy to refer to the concept of energy memory, and H.T.Odum used it to mean both sequestered energy and emergent property of energy use...” From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 7/19/06.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: China; School of Life Science, Nanjing University, China; Nanjing Institute of Environmental Science, State Environmental Protection Administration, China
   Conservation category: energy
   Production system(s): livestock; grain and field crop
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; crop yield

39. “Energy use and economic evaluation of a three year crop rotation for conservation and organic farming in NE Italy,” by L. Sartori, B. Basso, M. Bertocco, and G. Oliviero (2005) Biosystems Engineering 91, no. 2: 245-256.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Italy; Dipartimento Territorio e Sistemi Agro-Forestali, University of Padova, Italy
   Conservation category: energy
   Production system(s): grain and field crop
   Notable content: agricultural policy; crop yield

40. “Environment and agriculture,” by I. M. Vilchez (2005). In Turkey in the European Union: Implications for Agriculture, Food and Structural Policy, edited by A. Burrell and A. Oskam, pp. 169-190. Wallingford, UK: CABI Publishing.
Note: Book chapter.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Turkey;
   Conservation category: general
   Production system(s): general crop
   Notable content: agricultural policy

41. “Environmental agricultural policy in Japan in harmony with WTO agricultural agreements: current situation and its development (II),” by M. Ishida (2005) Agricultural Science and Technology Hunan 6, no. 1: 2-9.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Japan; Faculty of Bioresources, Mie University, Tsu-city, Mie-Prefecture, Japan
   Conservation category: general
   Production system(s): general-multiple
   Notable content: agricultural policy

42. “Environmental and economic impacts of decision-making at an arable farm: an integrative modeling approach,” by U. Lindgren and H. Elmquist (2005) Ambio  34, no. 4-5: 393-401.
Note: Conference paper.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Sweden; Umea University, Sweden; Swedish University of Sciences (SLU), Uppsala, Sweden
   Conservation category: general
   Production system(s): general crop
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; models

43. “Environmental assessment tools for the evaluation and improvement of European livestock production systems,” by N. Halberg, H. M. G. van der Werf, C. Basset-Mens, R. Dalgaard, and I. J. M. de Boer (2005) Livestock Production Science 96, no. 1: 33-50. [NAL Call Number: SF1 L5]
Note: Literature/research review. In the special issue: Livestock Farming Systems and their Environmental Impacts, edited by J.E.Hermansen and G. Zervas.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Denmark
   Conservation category: general
   Production system(s): livestock
   Notable content: indicators and measurements; nutrient management

44. “Environmental, energetic, and economic comparisons of organic and conventional farming systems,” by D. Pimentel, P. Hepperly, J. Hanson, D. Douds, and R. Seidel (2005) BioScience 55, no. 7: 573-582.
Note: Literature/research review.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: USA; College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
   Conservation category: general
   Production system(s): general crop
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; long term experiments; crop yield

45. “The Europeanisation of agri-environmental policy: a case study of water quality in the Lithuanian karst zone,” by R. Zemeckis, S. Lazauskas, and M. Gorton (2005) Land Use Policy 22, no. 2: 255-264.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Lithuania; Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics, Agricultural Policy Department, Lithuania; Centre for Rural Economy, University of Newcastle, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK
   Conservation category: water
   Production system(s): general-multiple
   Notable content: agricultural policy

46. “Evaluation of fertilization-to-planting and fertilization-to-harvest intervals for safe use of noncomposted bovine manure in Wisconsin vegetable production,” by S. C. Ingham, M. A. Fanslau, R. A. Engel, J. R. Breuer, J. E. Breuer, T. H. Wright, J. K. Reith-Rozelle, and J. Zhu (2005) Journal of Food Protection 68, no. 6: 1134-1142. [NAL Call Number: 44.8 J824]
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: USA (Wisconsin); Department of Food Science, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, WI
   Conservation category: soil
   Production system(s): horticulture
   Notable content: indicators and measurements; nutrient management; crop quality

47. “Evaluation of indicators to assess the environmental impact of dairy production systems,” by M. A. Thomassen and I. J. M. de Boer (2005) Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 111, no. 1-4: 185-199. [NAL Call Number: S601 A34]
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Netherlands; Animal Production Systems Group, Wageningen Institute of Animal Sciences, Wageningen, Netherlands
   Conservation category: general
   Production system(s): livestock
   Notable content: indicators and measurements; emissions

48. “Fluxes of nitrous oxide and methane, and nitrogen leaching from organically and conventionally cultivated sandy soil in western Finland,” by E. Syvasalo, K. Regina, E. Turtola, R. Lemola, and M. Esala (2006) Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 113, no. 1-4: 342-348. [NAL Call Number: S601 A34]
Research country and/or affiliation of first author Finland; MTT Agrifood Research Finland, Soils and Environment, Jokioinen, Finland
   Conservation category: air; soil; water
   Production system(s): grain and field crop; pasture and forage crop
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; emissions

49. “Fungi in Danish soils under organic and conventional farming,” by S. Elmholt and R. Labouriau (2005) Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 107, no. 1: 65-73. [NAL Call Number: S601 A34]
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Denmark; Department of Agroecology, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Research Centre Foulum,Tjele, Denmark
   Conservation category: soil
   Production system(s): general-multiple
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; long term experiments; indicators and measurements

50. “Green mulch decomposition and nitrogen release from leaves of two Inga spp. in an organic alley-cropping practice in the humid tropics,” by H. A. Leblanc, P. Nygren, and R. L. McGraw (2006) Soil Biology and Biochemistry 38, no. 2: 349-358. [NAL Call Number: S592.7 A1S6]
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Costa Rica; Department of Agronomy, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO
   Conservation category: soil
   Production system(s): grain and field crop
   Notable content: models

51. “Greenhouse gas emissions from Swiss agriculture since 1990: implications for environmental policies to mitigate global warming,” by J. Leifeld and J. Fuhrer (2005) Environmental Science and Policy 8, no. 4: 410-417.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Switzerland; AGROSCOPE, Swiss Federal Research Station for Agroecology and Agriculture, Air Pollution, Climate Group, Zurich, Switzerland
   Conservation category: air; carbon sequestration
   Production system(s): general-multiple
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; agricultural policy; emissions

52. “Ground beetles as weed control agents: effects of farm management on granivory,” by J. G. Lundgren (2005) American Entomologist 51, no. 4: 224-226. [NAL Call Number: QL461 A52]
Note: Conference paper: Ground Beetle [Coleoptera: Carabidae] Ecology: Their Function and Diversity in Natural and Agricultural Habitats, (Symposium) March 2005, West Lafayette, Indiana.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: USA; USDA-ARS, North Central Agricultural Research Laboratory, Brookings, SD
   Conservation category: biodiversity
   Production system(s): horticulture; grain and field crop
   Notable content: biological control

53. “How natural enemies and cabbage aphid (Brevicoryne brassicae L.) population dynamics affect organic broccoli harvest,” by D. J. Nieto, C. Shennan, W. H. Settle, R. O’Malley, S. Bros, and J. Y. Honda (2006) Environmental Entomology 35, no. 1: 94-101. [NAL Call Number: QL461 E532]
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: USA (California); Department of Biological Sciences, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA
   Conservation category: general
   Production system(s): horticulture
   Notable content: biological control

54. “Impact of different management systems and location parameters on floristic diversity of mountainous grassland,” by E. M. Poetsch, A. Blaschka, and R. Resch (2005). In Integrating Efficient Grassland Farming and Biodiversity Proceedings of the 13th International Occasional Symposium of the European Grassland Federation, Tartu, Estonia, August 29-31, 2005, pp. 315-318. Tartu, Estonia: Estonian Grassland Society.
Note: Conference paper.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Austria; Agricultural Research and Education Centre, HBLFA Raumberg, Gumpenstein, Irdning, Austria
   Conservation category: biodiversity
   Production system(s): pasture and forage crop
   Notable content: comparison with conventional

55. “Impact of grassland farming intensification on the breeding ecology of an indicator insectivorous passerine, the whinchat Saxicola rubetra: lessons for overall alpine meadowland management,” by A. Britschgi, R. Spaar, and R. Arlettaz (2006) Biological Conservation 130, no. 2: 193-205.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Switzerland; Zoological Institute, Division of Conservation Biology, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
   Conservation category: biodiversity
   Production system(s): pasture and forage crop
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; indicators and measurements

56. “The impact of organic agriculture on food quantity, food quality and the environment: a China perspective,” by F. Chen and K. Wan (2005) Soil Use and Management 21, no. 1: 73-74.
Note: Literature/research review.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: China; Wuhan Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, China
   Conservation category: general
   Production system(s): grain and field crop
   Notable content: long term experiments; crop yield; crop quality

57. “Impact of plastic mulch and poultry manure on plant establishment in organic strawberry production,” by R. Berglund, B. Svensson, and U. Gertsson (2006) Journal of Plant Nutrition 29, no. 1: 103-112. [NAL Call Number: QK867 J67]
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Sweden; Department of Crop Sciences, Swedish University of Agricultural Science, Alnarp, Sweden
   Conservation category: soil
   Production system(s): horticulture
   Notable content: crop-yield; nutrient management

58. “Indicators of biodiversity and conservational wildlife quality on Danish organic farms for use in farm management: a multidisciplinary approach to indicator development and testing,” by E. Noe, N. Halberg, and J. Reddersen (2005) Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 18, no. 4: 383-414. [NAL Call Number: BJ52.5 J68]
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Denmark; Research Centre Foulum, Department of Agroecology, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Tjele, Denmark
   Conservation category: biodiversity
   Production system(s): general-multiple
   Notable content: indicators and measurements

59. “Influence of alternative and conventional management practices on soil physical and hydraulic properties,” by K. A. Oquist, J. S. Strock, and D. J. Mulla (2006) Vadose Zone Journal 5, no. 1: 356-364. [NAL Call Number: S593.7  V23]
Note: In the special section: From Field- to Landscape-scale Vadose Processes.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: USA (Minnesota); Department of Soil, Water and Climate, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN
   Conservation category: soil; water
   Production system(s): grain and field crop
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; tillage

60. “The influence of landscape context and farming practices on parasitism of cereal aphids,” by I. Roschewitz, M. Hucker, T. Tscharntke, and C. Thies (2005) Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 108, no. 3: 218-227. [NAL Call Number: S601 A34]
Note: Conference paper: Symposium on ‘Agri-Environment Schemes as Real World Landscape Experiments’, presented at the World Congress ‘Crossing Frontiers - Landscape Ecology Down Under’, Darwin, Australia, July 15, 2003, edited by F. Herzog.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Europe; Department of Agroecology, Georg-August University Gottingen, Gottingen, Germany
   Conservation category: general
   Production system(s): grain and field crop
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; biological control

61. “Integrated approaches to organic pest management in the Midwestern U.S.A.: case studies of three crops,” by K. Delate, J. DeWitt, A. McKern, and R. Turnbull (2005) Organic Research Database Reviews (CAB International).
Note: Literature/research review. Conference paper: IPM in Organic Systems, XXII International Congress of Entomology, Brisbane, Australia, August 16, 2004.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: USA; Department of Horticulture, Iowa State University, Ames, IA
   Conservation category: general
   Production system(s): general-multiple
   Notable content: biological control; crop yield; apples; squash; soybeans

62. “Integrated plant nutrient supply: an approach to sustained cotton production,” by D. Blaise and R. Prasad (2005) Indian Journal of Fertilisers 1, no. 1: 37-44.
Note: Literature/research review.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: India; Central Institute for Cotton Research, Shankarnagar, India
   Conservation category: soil
   Production system(s): grain and field crop
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; crop yield; nutrient management

63. “Intercropping with sunflowers to attract beneficial insects in organic agriculture,” by G. A. Jones and J. L. Gillett (2005) Florida Entomologist 88, no.1: 91-96.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: USA (Florida); Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
   Conservation category: biodiversity
   Production system(s): grain and field crop
   Notable content: biological control

64. “Intrinsic and induced isoproturon catabolic activity in dissimilar soils and soils under dissimilar land use,” by B. J. Reid, N. D. Papanikolaou, and R. K. Wilcox (2005) Environmental Pollution 133, no. 3: 447-454.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: UK; School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK
   Conservation category: soil
   Production system(s): general-multiple
   Notable content: comparison with conventional

65. “A keystone mutualism drives pattern in a power function,” by J. Vandermeer and I. Perfecto (2006) Science 311, no. 5763: 1000-1002. [NAL Call Number: 470 Sci2]
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Mexico; Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
   Conservation category: general
   Production system(s): tree and orchard
   Notable content: biological control; coffee; models

66. “Landscape context of organic and conventional farms: influences on carabid beetle diversity,” by T. Purtauf, I. Roschewitz, J. Dauber, C. Thies, T. Tscharntke, and V. Wolters (2005) Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 108, no. 2: 165-174. [NAL Call Number: S601 A34]
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Germany; IFZ - Department of Animal Ecology, Justus Liebig University, Giessen, Germany
   Conservation category: biodiversity
   Production system(s): grain and field crop
   Notable content: comparison with conventional

67. “Long-term changes in soil fertility in organic arable farming systems in England, with particular reference to phosphorus and potassium,” by P. Gosling and M. Shepherd (2005) Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 105, no. 1-2: 425-432. [NAL Call Number: S601 A34]
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: UK; Henry Doubleday Research Association (HDRA), Coventry, UK
   Conservation category: soil
   Production system(s): general crop
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; long term experiments

68. “Management influence on environmental impacts in an apple production system on Swiss fruit farms: combining life cycle assessment with statistical risk assessment ,” by P. Mouron, T. Nemecek, R. W. Scholz, and O. Weber (2006) Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 114, no. 2-4: 311-322. [NAL Call Number: S601 A34]
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Switzerland; Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Department of Environmental Sciences, Institute for Human-Environment Systems, Zurich, Switzerland
   Conservation category: general
   Production system(s): tree and orchard
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; indicators and measurements

69. “Managing soil quality,” by M. Schloter, J. C. Munch, and F. Tittarelli (2005). In Microbiological Methods for Assessing Soil Quality, edited by J. Bloem, D. W. Hopkins, and A. Benedetti, pp. 50-62. Wallingford, UK: CABI Publishing.
Note: Book chapter.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Germany; GSF Research Centre for Environment and Health, Institute of Soil Ecology, Neuherberg, Germany
   Conservation category: soil
   Production system(s): general crop
   Notable content: indicators and measurements

70. “Mapping of coffee quality in Nicaragua according to regions, ecological conditions and farm management,” by P. Vaast, C. Cilas, J. J. Perriot, F. Davrieux, B. Guyot, and M. Bolano (2005). In ASIC 2004 20th International Conference on Coffee Science, Bangalore, India, October 11-15, 2004, pp. 842-850. Paris, France: Association Scientifique Internationale du Cafe (ASIC).
Note: Conference paper.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Nicaragua, France; Centre de Cooperation Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Developpement, (CIRAD), Centro Agronomico Tropical de Investigacion y Ensenanza (CATIE), Turrialba, Costa Rica
   Conservation category: general
   Production system(s): tree and orchard
   Notable content: indicators and measurements; crop quality; comparison with conventional

71. “Mathematical programming models for agri-environmental policy analysis: a case study from the White Carpathians,” by P. Havlik, F. Jacquet, J. M. Boisson, S. Hejduk, and P. Vesely (2006) Zemedelska Ekonomika Agricultural Economics52, no. 2: 51-66.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Czech Republic; INRA-UMR LAMETA, Faculty of Economics, University of Montpellier, Montpellier, France
   Conservation category: general
   Production system(s): livestock; pasture and forage crop
   Notable content: agricultural policy; models

72. “Microbial biomass c and n and activity of enzymes in soil under winter wheat grown in different crop management systems,” by A. Gajda and S. Martyniuk (2005) Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 14, no. 2: 159-163.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Poland; Department of Agricultural Microbiology, Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation, Puawy, Poland
   Conservation category: soil
   Production system(s): grain and field crop
   Notable content: comparison with conventional

73. “Migration of sulphur in limed soils differing in agricultural management,” by S. Guzys and R. Aksomaitiene (2005) Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 71, no. 2: 191-201.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Lithuania; Water Management Institute, Lithuanian University of Agriculture, Vilainiai, Lithuania
   Conservation category: soil
   Production system(s): grain and field crop
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; nutrient management

74. “Mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions in European conventional and organic dairy farming,” by A. Weiske, A. Vabitsch, J. E. Olesen, K. Schelde, J. Michel, R. Friedrich, and M. Kaltschmitt (2006) Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 112, no. 2-3: 221-232. [NAL Call Number: S601 A34]
Note: In the special issue: Mitigation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Livestock Production, edited by A. Hensen, J.E. Olesen, S.O. Petersen, R. Sneath, A. Weiske and S. Yamulki.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Germany, Denmark; Institute for Energy and Environment, Leipzig, Germany
   Conservation category: air
   Production system(s): livestock
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; models; nutrient management; emissions

75. “Mitigation of subsoil recompaction by light traffic and on-land ploughing: I. soil response,” by L. J. Munkholm, P. Schjonning, and K. Ruegg (2005) Soil and Tillage Research 80, no. 1-2: 149-158.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Denmark; Department of Agroecology, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Tjele, Denmark
   Conservation category: soil
   Production system(s): grain and field crop
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; tillage

76. “Modelling greenhouse gas emissions from European conventional and organic dairy farms,” by J. E. Olesen, K. Schelde, A. Weiske, M. R. Weisbjerg, W. A. H. Asman, and J. Djurhuus (2006) Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 112, no. 2-3: 207-220. [NAL Call Number: S601 A34]
Note: In the special issue: Mitigation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Livestock Production, edited by A. Hensen, J.E. Olesen, S.O. Petersen, R. Sneath, A. Weiske and S. Yamulki.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Europe; Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Tjele, Denmark; Institute for Energy and Environment, Leipzig, Germany
   Conservation category: air
   Production system(s): livestock
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; indicators and measurements; models; emissions; nutrient management

77. “Monitoring ghg from manure stores on organic and conventional dairy farms,” by R. W. Sneath, F. Beline, M. A. Hilhorst, and P. Peu (2006) Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 112, no. 2-3: 122-128. [NAL Call Number: S601 A34]
Note: In the special issue: Mitigation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Livestock Production, edited by A. Hensen, J.E. Olesen, S.O. Petersen, R. Sneath, A. Weiske and S. Yamulki.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: France; Silsoe Research Institute, Wrest Park, Silsoe, Bedford, UK
   Conservation category: air
   Production system(s): livestock
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; emissions; nutrient management

78. “Nature and nature values in organic agriculture  an analysis of contested concepts and values among different actors in organic farming,” by L. Hansen, E. Noe, and K. Hojring (2006) Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 19, no. 2: 147-168. [NAL Call Number: BJ52.5 J68]
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Denmark; Department of Agroecology, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences Research Centre Foulum, Tjele, Denmark
   Conservation category: general
   Production system(s): general-multiple

79. “New Zealand’s pastoral industries: efficient use of grassland resources,” by J. Hodgson, K. Cameron, D. Clark, L. Condron, T. Fraser, M. Hedley, C. Holmes, P. Kemp,  R. Lucas, D. Moot, S. Morris, P. Nicholas, N. Shadbolt, G. Sheath, I. Valentine, G. Waghorn, and D. Woodfield (2005). In Grasslands: Developments, Opportunities, Perspectives, edited by S. G. Reynolds and J. Frame, pp. 181-205. Enfield, NH: Science Publishers, Inc.
Note: Book chapter.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: New Zealand; Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand
   Conservation category: soil
   Production system(s): pasture and forage crop
   Notable content: crop quality

80. “Nitrate leaching from organic arable crop rotations: effects of location, manure and catch crop,” by M. Askegaard, J. E. Olesen, and K. Kristensen (2005) Soil Use and Management 21, no. 2: 181-188.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Denmark; Department of Agroecology, Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Tjele, Denmark
   Conservation category: water
   Production system(s): grain and field crop
   Notable content: nutrient management

81. “Nitrogen and phosphorus surpluses on Danish dairy and pig farms in relation to farm characteristics,” by A. H. Nielsen and I. S. Kristensen (2005) Livestock Production Science 96, no. 1: 97-107. [NAL Call Number: SF1 L5]
Note: Conference paper: Livestock Farming Systems and their Environmental Impacts. Selected papers from the 55th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production, Bled, Slovenia, 2004, edited by J. E. Hermansen and G. Zervas.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Denmark; Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Agroecology, Tjele, Denmark
   Conservation category: soil; water
   Production system(s): livestock
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; nutrient management

82. “Nitrogen isotope relationships between crops and fertilizer: implications for using nitrogen isotope analysis as an indicator of agricultural regime,” by A. S. Bateman, S. D. Kelly, and T. D. Jickells (2005) Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 53, no. 14: 5760-5765. [NAL Call Number: 381 J8223]
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: UK; School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK
   Conservation category: soil
   Production system(s): horticulture
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; indicators and measurements

83. “Nitrous oxide emissions from organic and conventional crop rotations in five european countries,” by S. O. Petersen, K. Regina, A. Pollinger, E. Rigler, L. Valli, S. Yamulki, M. Esala, C. Fabbri, E. Syvasalo, and F. P. Vinther (2006) Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 112, no. 2-3: 200-206. [NAL Call Number: S601 A34]
Note: In the special issue: Mitigation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Livestock Production, edited by A. Hensen, J.E. Olesen, S.O. Petersen, R. Sneath, A. Weiske and S. Yamulki.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Austria, Denmark, UK, Finland, Italy; Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Tjele, Denmark
   Conservation category: air; soil
   Production system(s): pasture and forage crop
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; emissions; nutrient management

84. “Nutrient exclusivity in organic farming - does it offer advantages?, ” by H. Kirchmann and M. H. Ryan (2005) Better Crops With Plant Food 89, no. 1: 24-27.
Note: Literature/research review from the Potash and Phosphate Institute (PPI).
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Department of Soil Sciences, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden
   Conservation category: soil; water
   Production system(s): general crop
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; crop yield; nutrient management

85. “Occurrence and distribution of soil borne entomopathogenic fungi within a single organic agroecosystem,” by N. V. Meyling and J. Eilenberg (2006) Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 113, no. 1-4: 336-341. [NAL Call Number: S601 A34]
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Denmark; Department of Ecology, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Frederiksberg, Denmark
   Conservation category: biodiversity
   Production system(s): general-multiple
   Notable content: biological control

86. “On-farm assessment of organic amendments effects on nutrient status and nutrient use efficiency of organic rice fields in northeastern Japan,” by H. Hasegawa, Y. Furukawa, and S. D. Kimura (2005) Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 108, no. 4: 350-362. [NAL Call Number: S601 A34]
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Japan; Tohoku National Agricultural Research Center, Fukushima, Japan
   Conservation category: soil
   Production system(s): grain and field crop
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; indicators and measurements; crop yield

87. “On-farm production and utilization of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus inoculum,” by D. Douds, G. Nagahashi, P. Pfeffer, W. Kayser, and C. Reider (2005) Canadian Journal of Plant Science 85, no. 15: 15-21.
Note: Literature/research review.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: USA; USDA-ARS, Eastern Regional Research Center, Wyndmoor, PA
   Conservation category: soil
   Production system(s): horticulture
   Notable content: biological control; crop yield

88. “Organic cucumber production in the greenhouse: a case study from Turkey,” by Y. Tuzel, A. Gul, O. Tuncay, D. Anac, N. Madanlar, Z. Yoldas, M. Gumus, I. H. Tuzel, and S. Engindeniz (2005) Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 20, no. 4: 206-213.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Turkey; Department of Horticulture, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey
   Conservation category: water
   Production system(s): horticulture
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; crop yield

89. “Organic farming at the farm level - scenarios for the future development,” by B. H. Jacobsen, N. Madsen, and J. E. Orum (2005) Rapport Fodevareokonomisk Institut, no. 178.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Denmark; Danish Research Institute of Food Economics (FOI), Copenhagen, Denmark
   Conservation category: soil
   Production system(s): general crop; livestock
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; agricultural policy; nutrient management

90. “Organic farming: impact on rice (Oryza sativa L.) productivity and soil health,” by S. Krishnakumar, A. Saravanan, K. Ramesh, S. K. Natarajan, V. Veerabadran, and S. Mani (2005) Asian Journal of Plant Sciences 4, no. 5: 510-512.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: India; Water Technology Centre, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, India
   Conservation category: soil
   Production system(s): grain and field crop
   Notable content: crop yield; nutrient management

91. “Organic farming scenarios: operational analysis and costs of implementing innovative technologies,” by C. G. Sorensen, N. A. Madsen, and B. H. Jacobsen (2005) Biosystems Engineering 91, no. 2: 127-137. [NAL Call Number: S671 B567]
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Denmark; Department of Agricultural Engineering, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Research Centre Bygholm, Horsens, Denmark
   Conservation category: general
   Production system(s): general-multiple
   Notable content: indicators and measurements; models

92. “Organic grassland farming in the Netherlands: a case study of effects on vegetation dynamics,” by J. P. Bakker and G. N. J. ter Heerdt (2005) Basic and Applied Ecology 6, no. 2: 205-214.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Netherlands; Community and Conservation Ecology Group, University of Groningen, Haren, Netherlands
   Conservation category: soil
   Production system(s): pasture and forage crop
   Notable content: crop yield

93. “Organic grassland: principles, practices and potential,” by D. Younie and T. Baars (2005). In Grasslands: Developments, Opportunities, Perspectives, edited by S. G. Reynolds and J. Frame, pp. 207-232. Enfield, New Hampshire: Science Publishers, Inc.
Note: Book chapter.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Scottish Agricultural College, Aberdeen
   Conservation category: general
   Production system(s): pasture and forage crop
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; emissions

94. Organic Works: Providing More Jobs through Organic Farming and Local Food Supply, by R. Maynard and M. Green (2006). 64p. Bristol UK: Soil Association.
Note: Report; Literature/research review.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: UK; The Soil Association, Bristol, UK
   Conservation category: general
   Production system(s): general-multiple
   Notable content: agricultural policy

95. “Phosphorus and nitrogen turnover and risk of waterborne phosphorus emissions in crop rotations on a clay soil in southwest Sweden,” by B. Ulen, H. Aronsson, G. Torstensson, and L. Mattsson (2005) Soil Use and Management21, no. 2: 221-230.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Sweden; Division of Water Quality Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden
   Conservation category: soil; water
   Production system(s): pasture and forage crop
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; nutrient management; emissions

96. “Phosphorus loss from different farming systems estimated from soil surface phosphorus balance,” by P. Ekholm, E. Turtola, J. Gronroos, P. Seuri, and K. Ylivainio (2005) Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 110, no. 3-4: 266-278. [NAL Call Number: S601 A34]
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Finland; Finnish Environment Institute, Helsinki, Finland
   Conservation category: water; soil
   Production system(s): general-multiple
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; long term experiments; indicators and measurements; models; nutrient management

97. “Polyculture in aquaculture,” by A. Milstein (2005) Animal Breeding Abstracts 73, no. 12: 15N-41N.
Note: Literature/research review.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Fish & Aquaculture Research Station, Israel
   Conservation category: water
   Production system(s): livestock

98. “Potassium cycling and losses in grassland systems: a review,” by M. Kayser and J. Isselstein (2005) Grass and Forage Science 60, no. 3: 213-224.
Note: Literature/research review.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Germany; Research Centre for Animal Production and Technology, University of Gottingen, Gottingen, Germany
   Conservation category: water; soil
   Production system(s): pasture and forage crop
   Notable content: nutrient management

99. “Presence of Salmonella and Campylobacter spp. in wild small mammals on organic farms,” by B. G. Meerburg, W. F. Jacobs-Reitsma, J. A. Wagenaar, and A. Kijlstra (2006) Applied and Environmental Microbiology 72, no. 1: 960-962. [NAL Call Number: 448.3 Ap5]
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Netherlands; Animal Sciences Group, Wageningen University and Research Centre, Lelystad, The Netherlands
   Conservation category: soil
   Production system(s): livestock
   Notable content: nutrient management

100. “Reduced nitrate leaching and enhanced denitrifier activity and efficiency in organically fertilized soils,” by S. B. Kramer, J. P. Reganold, J. D. Glover, B. J. M. Bohannan, and H. A. Mooney (2006) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 103, no. 12: 4522-4527.
Note: Conference paper.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: USA; Department of Biological Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
   Conservation category: water
   Production system(s): tree and orchard
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; emissions; apples

101. “Relationships between soil biota, nitrogen and phosphorus availability, and pasture growth under organic and conventional management,” by R. L. Parfitt, G. W. Yeates, D. J. Ross, A. D. Mackay, and P. J. Budding (2005) Applied Soil Ecology 28, no. 1: 1-13. [NAL Call Number: QH541.5 S6 A67]
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: New Zealand; Landcare Research, Palmerston North, New Zealand
   Conservation category: soil; biodiversity
   Production system(s): pasture and forage crop
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; crop yield

102. “Response of organically managed grassland to available phosphorus and potassium in the soil and supplementary fertilization: field trials using grass-clover leys cut for silage,” by S. Fortune, J. S. Robinson, C. A. Watson, L. Philipps, J. S. Conway, and E. A. Stockdale (2005) Soil Use and Management 21, no. 4: 370-376.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: UK; Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, UK
   Conservation category: soil
   Production system(s): pasture and forage crop
   Notable content: crop yield; nutrient management

103. “Responses of soil microbial biomass and n availability to transition strategies from conventional to organic farming systems,” by C. Tu, F. J. Louws, N. G. Creamer, J. P. Mueller, C. Brownie, K. Fager, M. Bell, and S. Hu (2006) Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 113, no. 1-4: 206-215. [NAL Call Number: S601 A34]
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: USA (North Carolina); Department of Plant Pathology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
   Conservation category: soil
   Production system(s): general-multiple
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; long term experiments; crop yield

104. “Responses of soil microbial community structure and diversity to agricultural deintensification,” by W. J. Zhang, W. Y. Rui, C. Tu, H. G. Diab, F. J. Louws, J. P. Mueller, N. Creamer, M. Bell, M. G. Wagger, and S. Hu (2005) Pedosphere 15, no. 4: 440-447.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: USA (North Carolina); Department of Agronomy, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, China
   Conservation category: soil; biodiversity
   Production system(s): general-multiple
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; tillage

105. “Responsiveness of certain agronomic weed species to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi,” by C. Vatovec, N. Jordan, and S. Huerd (2005) Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 20, no. 3: 181-189.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: USA; University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN
   Conservation category: soil; biodiversity
   Production system(s): general-multiple
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; biological control; tillage

106. “Scenario-based environmental assessment of farming systems: the case of pig production in France,” by C. Basset-Mens and H. M. G. van der Werf (2005) Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 105, no. 1-2: 127-144. [NAL Call Number: S601 A34]
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: France; INRA, UMR Sol Agronomie Spatialisation de Rennes-Quimper, Rennes, France
   Conservation category: water; soil; energy
   Production system(s): livestock
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; indicators and measurements; emissions

107. “Scientific and technical information on organic farming: assessment of selected bibliographic indicators in database CAB abstracts,” by T. Bartol, S. Drnovsek, and M. Cernic-Istenic (2005) Acta Agriculturae Slovenica 85, no. 1: 3-13.
Note: Literature/research review.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Denmark, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, UK; Agronomy Department, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia
   Conservation category: general
   Production system(s): general-multiple
   Notable content: indicators and measurements

108. “Sensory quality and mineral and glycoalkaloid concentrations in organically and conventionally grown redskin potatoes (Solanum tuberosum),” by A. L. Wszelaki, J. F. Delwiche, S. D. Walker, R. E. Liggett, J. C. Scheerens, and M. D. Kleinhenz (2005) Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 85, no. 5: 720-726.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: USA (Ohio); Department of Horticulture and Crop Science, The Ohio State University, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Wooster, OH
   Conservation category: soil
   Production system(s): grain and field crop
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; crop quality

109. “The social, ecological and farming system constraints on organic crop production in Puerto Rico,” by R. Pluke and A. Guptill (2005) Organic Research Database Reviews (CAB International).
Note: Literature/research review. Conference paper: IPM in Organic Systems, XXII International Congress of Entomology, Brisbane, Australia, August 16, 2004.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: USA (Puerto Rico); Southwest Florida Research and Education Center, Institute of Food and Agricultural Science University of Florida, Immokalee, FL
   Conservation category: general
   Production system(s): general crop

110. “Soil analysis for organic farming,” by S. Haneklaus, E. Schnug, H. M. Paulsen, and I. Hagel (2005) Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 36, no. 1-3: 65-79.
Note: Conference paper: 8th International Symposium on Soil and Plant Analysis, Cape Town, South Africa, January 12-16, 2003.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Germany; Institute of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, Federal Agricultural Research Centre (FAL), Braunschweig, Germany
   Conservation category: soil
   Production system(s): general crop
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; indicators and measurements; nutrient management

111. “Soil and winegrape quality in biodynamically and organically managed vineyards,” by J. R. Reeve, L. Carpenter-Boggs, J. P. Reganold, A. L. York, G. McGourty, and L. P. McCloskey (2005) American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 56, no. 4: 367-376.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: USA (California); Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA
   Conservation category: soil
   Production system(s): horticulture
   Notable content: long term experiments; crop yield; crop quality

112. “Soil macrofauna in cover crops of figs grown under organic management,” by A. O. de Merlim, J. G. M. Guerra, R. M. Junqueira, and A. M. de Aquino (2005) Scientia Agricola 62, no. 1: 57-61.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Brazil; USP/ESALQ, Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Ecologia de Agroecossistemas, Sao Paulo, Brazil
   Conservation category: soil; biodiversity
   Production system(s): horticulture
   Notable content: bahiagrass

113. “Soil microbial biomass and activity in organic tomato farming systems: effects of organic inputs and straw mulching,” by C. Tu, J. B. Ristaino, and S. J. Hu (2006) Soil Biology and Biochemistry 38, no. 2: 247-255. [NAL Call Number: S592.7 A1S6]
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: USA (North-Carolina); Department of Plant Pathology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
   Conservation category: soil
   Production system(s): horticulture
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; long term experiments; nutrient management

114. “Soil organic matter distribution and microaggregate characteristics as affected by agricultural management and earthworm activity,” by M. M. Pulleman, J. Six, N. van Breemen, and A. G. Jongmans (2005) European Journal of Soil Science 56, no. 4: 453-467.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Netherlands; Laboratory of Soil Science and Geology, Wageningen University, Wageningen, Netherlands
   Conservation category: soil
   Production system(s): general-multiple
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; long term experiments

115. “Soil phosphorus status of organic farming in Flanders: an overview and comparison with the conventional management,” by A. van den Bossche, S. de Neve, and G. Hofman (2005) Soil Use and Management 21, no. 4: 415-421.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Belgium; Department of Soil Management and Soil Care, University of Ghent, Ghent, Belgium
   Conservation category: soil
   Production system(s): general-multiple
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; nutrient management

116. “Soil physical properties and aggregate-associated c, n, and p distributions in organic and conventional cropping systems,” by V. S. Green, M. A. Cavigelli, T. H. Dao, and D. C. Flanagan (2005) Soil Science 170, no. 10: 822-831.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: USA (Maryland); USDA, Agricultural Research Service, Sustainable Agricultural Systems Laboratory, Beltsville, MD
   Conservation category: soil
   Production system(s): grain and field crop
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; tillage

117. “Soil quality and nitrate percolation as affected by the horticultural and arable field conditions of organic and conventional agriculture,” by B. Biro, G. Varga, W. Hartl, and T. Nemeth (2005) Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B, Soil and Plant Science 55, no. 2: 111-119.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Hungary; Research Institute for Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary
   Conservation category: soil; water
   Production system(s): general-multiple
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; nutrient management

118. “Soil quality: tools for developing sustainable management systems,” (2006) Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 21, no. 1: 1-73.
Note: Special issue edited by B. J. Wienhold and R. R. Weil. Includes 7 research papers.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: USA; USDA, Agricultural Research Service, Lincoln, NE
   Conservation category: soil; energy
   Production system(s): general-multiple
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; indicators and measurements; tillage

119. “Soil solarization provides weed control for limited-resource and organic growers in warmer climates,” by J. J. Stapleton, R. H. Molinar, K. Lynn-Patterson, S. K. McFeeters, and A. Shrestha (2005) California Agriculture 59, no. 2: 84-89. [NAL Call Number: 100-C12Cag]
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: USA (California); University of California Statewide IPM Program, UC Kearney Agricultural Center
   Conservation category: soil
   Production system(s): horticulture

120. “Species richness and weed composition of agrophytocenoses in selected agricultural companies with conventional and organic farming systems,” by L. Tyser, P. Hamouz, K. Novakova, and V. Brant (2005) Herbologia  6, no. 3: 1-7.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Czech Republic; Department of Agroecology and Biometeorology, Czech University of Agriculture in Prague, Czech Republic
   Cnservation category: soil; biodiversity
   Production system(s): grain and field crop
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; long term experiments

121. “Survival and disease suppression of potato brown rot in organically and conventionally managed soils,” by N. A. S. Messiha, J. D. Janse, A. van Diepeningen, F. G. Fowzy, A. J. Termorshuizen, and A. H. C. van Bruggen (2005). In Potato in Progress: Science Meets Practice, pp. 221-227. Wageningen, Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers.
Note: Conference paper: Potato 2005, Emmeloord, Netherlands, September 5-7, 2005, edited by A. J. Haverkort and P.C. Struik.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Egypt, Netherlands; Wageningen University Dept. of Biological Farming Systems BFS, Wageningen, Netherlands
   Conservation category: soil
   Production system(s): grain and field crop
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; biological control

122. “Time of interseeding of lana vetch and winter rye cover strips determines competitive impact on pumpkins grown using organic practices,” by S. Vanek, H. C. Wien, and A. Rangarajan (2005) HortScience  40, no. 6: 1716-1722. [NAL Call Number: SB1 H6]
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: USA (New York); Department of Horticulture, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
   Conservation category: soil
   Production system(s): grain and field crop
   Notable content: crop yield

123. Trace Element Status of Soil and Organically Grown Herbage in Relation to Animal Requirements, by E. Govasmark (2005). 90p. As, Norway: Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences.
Note: Thesis.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Norway; Department of Plant- and Environmental Sciences, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, As, Norway
   Conservation category: soil
   Production system(s): pasture and forage crop; livestock
   Notable content: crop quality; sheep; cattle

124. “The use of herbs in pastures: an interview survey among bio-dynamic and organic farmers with dairy cattle,” by N. W. Smidt and L. Brimer (2005) Agriculture and Human Values 22, no. 3: 355-363.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Denmark; Department of Veterinary Pathobiology, Laboratory of Toxicology, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Frederiksberg C, Denmark
   Conservation category: biodiversity
   Production system(s): pasture and forage crop

125. “Use of on-farm produced biofuels on organic farms - evaluation of energy balances and environmental loads for three possible fuels,” by H. Fredriksson, A. Baky,  S. Bernesson, A. Nordberg, O. Noren, and P. A. Hansson (2006) Agricultural Systems 89, no. 1: 184-203.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Sweden; Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Biometry and Engineering, Uppsala, Sweden
   Conservation category: energy
   Production system(s): general-multiple
   Notable content: ethanol; methane; RME; emissions

126. “Uselessness and indirect negative effects of an insecticide on rice field invertebrates,” by F. Mesleard, S. Garnero, N. Beck, and E. Rosecchi (2005) Comptes Rendus Biologies 328, no. 10-11: 955-962.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: France; Station Biologique de la Tour du Valat, Arles, France
   Conservation category: biodiversity
   Production system(s): grain and field crop
   Notable content: comparison with conventional

127. “Using multi-objective classification to model communities of soil microarthropods,” by D. Demsar, S. Dzeroski, T. Larsen, J. Struyf, J. Axelsen, M. B. Pedersen, and P. H. Krogh (2006) Ecological Modelling 191, no. 1: 131-143.
Note: Conference paper: Fourth International Workshop on Environmental Applications of Machine Learning, September 27-October 1, 2004, Bled, Slovenia, edited by S. Dzeroski, B. Zenko and M. Debeljak.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Denmark; Department of Knowledge Technologies, Jozef Stefan Institute, Jamova Ljubljana, Slovenia
   Conservation category: biodiversity; soil
   Production system(s): general-multiple
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; models

128. “Using resource management plans to protect organic production in New Zealand, ” by P. Wallace (2005) New Zealand Geographer 61, no. 2: 124-130.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: New Zealand; Department of Geography, Tourism and Environmental Planning, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand
   Conservation category: general
   Production system(s): general-multiple
   Notable content: agricultural policy

129. “Values of ecosystem services on arable land and the role of organic farming,” by Y. Takatsuka, R. Cullen, M. Wilson, and  S. Wratten (2005) AERU Discussion Paper, no. 152: 97-107.
Note: Conference paper: Eleventh Annual Conference of the New Zealand Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (Inc.), Nelson, August 26-27, 2005.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: New Zealand; Commerce Division, Lincoln University, Canterbury, New Zealand
   Conservation category: general
   Production system(s): general-multiple
   Notable content: agricultural policy

130. “Weed community and corn yield variability in diverse management systems,” by R. G. Smith and K. L. Gross (2006) Weed Science 54, no. 1: 106-113. [NAL Call Number: 79.8 W41]
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: USA (Michigan); Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT
   Conservation category: biodiversity
   Production system(s): grain and field crop
   Notable content: comparison with conventional; crop yield

131. “Weed distribution across field boundaries adjacent to roadsides,” by J. Y. Leeson, A. G. Thomas, and J. W. Sheard (2005). In Field Boundary Habitats: Implications for Weed, Insect and Disease Management, edited by A. G. Thomas, pp. 185-199. Sainte Anne de Bellevue, Canada: Canadian Weed Science Society.
Note: Conference paper: Canadian Weed Science Society - Societe canadienne de malherbologie inaugural meeting symposium: field boundary habitats: implications for weed, insect and disease management in Canada, Saskatoon, Canada, November 2002.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Canada (Saskatchewan); Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
   Conservation category: biodiversity
   Production system(s): general-multiple
   Notable content: comparison with conventional

132. “Wild bee abundance and seed production in conventional, organic, and genetically modified canola,” by L. A. Morandin and M. L. Winston (2005) Ecological Applications 15, no. 3: 871-881.
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: Canada (Alberta); Department of Biological Sciences, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada
   Conservation category: biodiversity
   Production system(s): grain and field crop
   Notable content: comparison with conventional

133. “Yield variation in organic winter wheat: a diagnostic study in the southeast of France,” by C. David, M. H. Jeuffroy, J. Henning, and J. M. Meynard (2005) Agronomy for Sustainable Development 25, no. 2: 213-223. [NAL Call Number: SB7 A3]
Research country and/or affiliation of first author: France; ISARA Lyon, France
   Conservation category: soil
   Production system(s): grain and field crop
   Notable content: crop yield

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Author Index

Aarnink, A. J. A.    1
Ahnstrom, J.    33
Aksomaitiene, R.    73
Albrecht, H.    24
Alexander, I. H.    26
Alvenas, G.    9
Amezquita C, E.    31
Anac, D.    88
Andren, O.    12
Andrews, P. K.    2
Antony, G.    14
Arlettaz, R.    55
Aronsson, H.    95
Askegaard, M.    80
Asman, W. A. H.    76
Aude, E.    34
Auerswald, K.    11
Avramides, E. J.    20
Axelsen, J.    127
Axelsen, J. A.    34

Baars, T.    93
Bakker, J. P.    92
Baky, A.    125
Bartol, T.    107
Basset-Mens, C.    43, 106
Basso, B.    39
Bateman, A.S.    82
Beck, N.    126
Belfrage, K.    30
Belge C.    15
Beline, F.    77
Bell, M.    103, 104
Bendinga, G.D.    3
Bengtsson, H.    9
Bengtsson, J.    33
Benitez, E.    7
Berglund, R.    57
Bernesson, S.    125
Bertocco, M.    39
Biro, B.    117
Bjorklund, J.    30
Blaise, D.    62
Blaschka, A.    54
Bohannan, B.J.M.    100
Boisson, J. M.    71
Bolano, M.    70
Brandt, M.    37
Brant, V.    120
Breuer, J.E.    46
Breuer, J.R.    46
Brimer, L.    124
Britschgi, A.    55
Bros, S.    53
Brownie, C.    103
Budding, P. J.    101

Cameron, K.    79
Campos, M.    7
Cardarelli, M.    28
Carpenter-Boggs, L.    111
Cavigelli, M. A.    116
Cernic-Istenic, M.    107
Chamberlain, D. E.   6
Charoulis, A.    20
Chen, F.    56
Cilas, C.    70
Clark, D.    79
Colla, G.    28
Condron, L.    79
Conway, J. S.    102
Creamer, N.G.    103, 104
Cullen, R.    129

Dalgaard, R.    43
Dao, T. H.    116
Das, S.    13
Dauber, J.    66
David, C.    133
Davrieux, F.    70
de Aquino, A. M.    112
de Boer, I. J. M.    43, 47
de Merlim, A. O.    112
de Neve, S.    115
de Vos, O. J.    35
Delate, K.    61
Delwiche, J. F.    108
Demsar, D.    127
DeWitt, J.    61
Dey, C.    16
Diab, H. G.    104
Dimirkou, A.    20
Djurhuus, J.    76
Doring, T. F.    37
Douds, D.    44, 87
Drnovsek, S.    107
Dzeroski, S.    127

Eilenberg, J.    85
Ekholm, P.    96
Elmholt, S.    49
Elmquist, H.    42
Engel, R.A.    46
Engindeniz, S.    88
Esala, M.    48, 83
Evans, A. D.    26

Fabbri, C.    83
Fager, K.    103
Fanslau, M.A.    46
Feber, R. E.    6
Fellman, J. K.    2
Finckh, M. R.    37
Fiorillo, A.    28
Firbank, L. G.    6
Flanagan, D. C.    116
Fortune, S.    102
Fowzy, F. G.    121
Fraser, T.    79
Fredriksson, H.    125
Friedrich, R.    74
Fuhrer, J.    51
Fuller, R. J.    6
Furukawa, Y.    86

Gabriel, D.    32
Gajda, A.    72
Gangwar, B.    23
Garnero, S.    126
Gertsson, U.    57
Gillett, J. L.    63
Glover, J.D.    100
Goodlass, G.    3
Gorton, M.    45
Gosling, P.    3, 67
Govasmark, E.    123
Green, M.    94
Green, V. S.    116
Grice, P. V.    26
Gronroos, J.    96
Gross, K. L.    130
Guerra, J. G. M.    112
Gul, A.    88
Gumus, M.    88
Guptill, A.    109
Guyot, B.    70
Guzys, S.    73

Hagel, I.    110
Halberg, N.    43, 58
Halweil, B.    10
Hamouz, P.    120
Haneklaus, S.    110
Hansen, L.    78
Hanson, J.    44
Hansson, P. A.    125
Hartl, W.    117
Hasegawa, H.    86
Havlik, P.    71
Hedley, M.    79
Hejduk, S.    71
Henning, J.    133
Hepperly, P.    44
Herman, J.    15
Hess, J.    37
Hilhorst, M. A.    77
Hiltbrunner, J.    36
Hodge, A.    3
Hodgson, J.    79
Hofman, G.    115
Hojring, K.    78
Hole, D. G.    26
Holmes, C.    79
Honda, J.Y.    53
Hu, S.    103, 104
Hu, S. J.    113
Hucker, M.    60
Huerd, S.    105
Hultman, B.    9
Huxham, S. K.    27

Ingham, S.C.    46
Ishida, M.    41
Isselstein, J.    98
Ivanova-Peneva, S. G.    1

Jacobs-Reitsma, W. F.    99
Jacobsen, B. H.    89, 91
Jacquet, F.    71
Jaggard, K.    4
Janse, J. D.    121
Jensen, A.S.    17
Jeuffroy, M.H.    133
Jickells, T.D.    82
Johnson, P. J.    6
Jones, G. A.    63
Jongmans, A. G.    114
Jordan, N.    105
Joys, A. C.    6
Junqueira, R. M.    112

Kaltschmitt, M.    74
Karlsson, T.    12
Kayser, M.    98
Kayser, W.    87
Kelly, S.D.    82
Kemp, P.    79
Kijlstra, A.    99
Kimura, S. D.    86
Kirchmann, H.    84
Kleinhenz, M. D.    108
Knoden, D.    15
Konstantinidou-Doltsinis, S.    20
Kopke, U.    21
Korthals, G. W.    35
Koss, A.M.    17
Kramer, S.B.    100
Krishnakumar, S.    90
Kristensen, I. S.    81
Kristensen, K.    80
Krogh, P. H.    127
Kus, J.    19

Labouriau, R.    49
Larsen, T.    127
Lazauskas, S.    45
Leblanc, H.A.    50
Leeson, J. Y.    131
Leifeld, J.    51
Lemola, R.    48
Lenzen, M.    16
Lewis, K. A.    4
Liedgens, M.    36
Liggett, R. E.    108
Lindgren, U.    42
Loncaric, R.    18
Loncaric, Z.    18
Louws, F.J.    103, 104
Lucas, R.    79
Lundgren, J.G.    52
Lundie, S.    16
Lynn-Patterson, K.    119

Macdonald, D. W.    6
Mackay, A. D.    101
Madanlar, N.    88
Madsen, N.    89
Madsen, N.A.    91
Mani, S.    90
Manley, W. J.    6
Martyniuk, S.    19, 72
Mathews, F.    6
Mattsson, L.    95
May, M.    4
Maynard, R.    94
McCloskey, L. P.    111
McFeeters, S.K.    119
McGourty, G.    111
McGraw, R.L.    50
McKern, A.    61
Meerburg, B. G.    99
Mesleard, F.    126
Messiha, N. A. S.    121
Meyling, N. V.    85
Meynard, J.M.    133
Michel, J.    74
Milstein, A.    97
Mirabelli, C.    28
Molinar, R.H.    119
Mooney, H.A.    100
Moot, D.    79
Morandin, L. A.    132
Morris, S.    79
Mouron, P.    68
Mueller, J. P.    103, 104
Mukhopadhyay, A.    13
Mulla, D.J.    59
Munch, J. C.    69
Munkholm, L. J.    75

Nagahashi, G.    87
Natarajan, S. K.    90
Nemecek, T.    68
Nemeth, T.    117
Nicholas, P.    79
Nielsen, A. H.    81
Nieto, D.J.    53
Nilsson, S. I.    9
Noe, E.    58, 78
Nogales, R.    7
Nordberg, A.    125
Noren, O.    125
Norton, L. R.    6
Novakova, K.    120
Nygren, P.    50

O’Malley, R.    53
Oborn, I.    9
Olesen, J. E.    74, 76, 80
Oleszek, W.    19
Oliviero, G.    39
Oquist, K.A.    59
Orum, J. E.    89

Paolini, R.    28
Papadopoulos, P.    20
Papanikolaou, N.D.    64
Parfitt, R. L.    101
Paulsen, H. M.    110
Peck, G. M.    2
Pedersen, M. B.    127
Perala, P.    12
Perfecto, I.    65
Perkins, A. J.    26
Perriot, J. J.    70
Petersen, S.    34
Petersen, S. O.    83
Peu, P.    77
Pfeffer, P.    87
Philipps, L.    102
Pike, K.S.    17
Pimentel, D.    44
Pluke, R.    109
Poetsch, E. M.    54
Pollinger, A.    83
Poveda, K.    5
Prasad, K.    23
Prasad, R.    62
Pulleman, M. M.    114
Purtauf, T.    66

Qin, P.    38

Ramesh, K.    90
Rangarajan, A.    122
Reddersen, J.    58
Reeve, J. R.    111
Reganold, J. P.    2, 100, 111
Regina, K.    12, 48, 83
Reid, B.J.    64
Reider, C.    87
Reith-Rozelle, J.K.    46
Renouf, M. A.    14
Resch, R.    54
Rigler, E.    83
Ristaino, J. B.    113
Robinson, J. S.    102
Roschewitz, I.    25, 32, 60, 66
Rosecchi, E.    126
Ross, D. J.    101
Rounsevell, M.    12
Rouphael, Y.    28
Ruano, F.    7
Ruegg, K.    75
Rui, W. Y.    104
Ryan, M. H.    84

Salomonsson, L.    30
Saravanan, A.    90
Sarker, M.    13
Sartori, L.    39
Saucke, H.    37
Schader, C.    21
Schaffer, H.    8
Schaufele, R.    11
Scheerens, J. C.    108
Schelde, K.    74, 76
Scheu, S.    5
Schjonning, P.    75
Schloter, M.    69
Schmidt, M. H.    25
Schnug, E.    110
Schnyder, H.    11
Scholz, R.W.    68
Schreiber, A.    17
Schwertl, M.    11
Seidel, R.    44
Settle, W.H.    53
Seuri, P.    96
Shadbolt, N.    79
Sheard, J. W.    131
Sheath, G.    79
Shennan, C.    53
Shepherd, M.    67
Shrestha, A.    119
Six, J.    114
Smidt, N. W.    124
Smith, P.    12
Smith, R. G.    130
Sneath, R. W.    77
Snyder, W.E.    17
Sorensen, C.G.    91
Spaar, R.    55
Sparkes, D. L.    27
Stahr, K.    31
Stamp, P.    36
Stapleton, J.J.    119
Steffan-Dewenter, I.    5
Stilmant, D.    15
Stochmal, A.    19
Stockdale, E. A.    102
Streit, B.    36
Strock, J.S.    59
Struyf, J.    127
Stuart, R. C.    6
Svensson, B.    57
Syvasalo, E.    48, 83

Takatsuka, Y.    129
ter Heerdt, G. N. J.    92
Termorshuizen, A. J.    121
Thierfelder, C.    31
Thies, C.    25, 32, 60, 66
Thomas, A. G.    131
Thomassen, M. A.    47
Tittarelli, F.    69
Torstensson, G.    95
Townsend, M. C.    6
Tscharntke, T.    5, 25, 32, 60, 66
Tu, C.    103, 104, 113
Tuncay, O.    88
Turnbull, R.    61
Turtola, E.    48, 96
Tuzel, I. H.    88
Tuzel, Y.    88
Tybirk, K.    34
Tyser, L.    120
Tzilivakis, J.    4

Ulen, B.    95

Vaast, P.    70
Vabitsch, A.    74
Valentine, I.    79
Valli, L.    83
van Breemen, N.    114
van Bruggen, A. H. C.    35, 121
van den Bossche, A.    115
van der Vossen, H.A.M.    22
van der Werf, H.M.G.    43, 106
van Diepeningen, A.    121
van Diepeningen, A. D.    35
van Wesemael, B.    12
Vandermeer, J.    65
Vanek, S.    122
Varga, G.    117
Vatovec, C.    105
Vavoulidou, E.    20
Veerabadran, V.    90
Verstegen, M. W. A.    1
Vesely, P.    71
Vestergaard, P.    34
Vilchez, I. M.    40
Vinther, F. P.    83

Wagenaar, J. A.    99
Wagger, M. G.    104
Waghorn, G.    79
Walker, S. D.    108
Wallace, P.    128
Wan, K.    56
Warner, D. J.    4
Watson, C. A.    102
Weber, O.    68
Wegener, M.    14
Weibull, A. C.    33
Weisbjerg, M. R.    76
Weiske, A.    74, 76
Wien, H. C.    122
Wilcox, R.K.    64
Wilson, J. D.    26
Wilson, M.    129
Wilson, P.    27
Winston, M. L.    132
Wolfe, M. S.    6
Wolters, V.    66
Wood, R.    16
Woodfield, D.    79
Wratten, S.    129
Wright, T.H.    46
Wszelaki, A. L.    108

Xi, Y.    38

Yamulki, S.    29, 83
Yeates, G. W.    101
Ylivainio, K.    96
Yoldas, Z.    88
York, A. L.    111
Younie, D.    93

Zaller, J.G.    21
Zemeckis, R.    45
Zhang, W. J.    104
Zhu, J.    46

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Country, Conservation Category, Production System and Notable Content Index

[Numbers in parentheses ( ) denote total number of citations in this bibliography relating to that particular term.]

agricultural policy    (15)    8, 10, 12, 22, 23, 39, 40, 41, 45, 51, 71, 89, 94, 128, 129
air conservation category    (11)    1, 4, 14, 16, 29, 48, 51, 74, 76, 77, 83
Australia    (2)    14, 16
Austria    (3)    8, 54, 83

Belgium    (3)    12, 15, 115
biodiversity conservation category    (28)    6, 8, 13, 17, 25, 26, 30, 32, 33, 34, 52, 54, 55, 58, 63, 66, 85, 101, 104, 105, 112, 120, 124, 126, 127, 130, 131, 132
biological control    (18)    3, 13, 17, 19, 21, 24, 25, 33, 52, 53, 60, 61, 63, 65, 85, 87, 105, 121
Brazil    (1)    112

Canada (Alberta)    (1)    132
Canada (Saskatchewan)    (1)    131
carbon sequestration conservation category    (2)    12, 51
China    (2)    38, 56
Colombia    (1)    31
comparison with conventional    (77)    1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 42, 44, 48, 49, 51, 54, 55, 59, 60, 62, 64, 66, 67, 68, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 81, 82, 83, 84, 86, 88, 89, 93, 95, 96, 100, 101, 103, 104, 105, 106, 108, 110, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 120, 121, 126, 127, 130, 131, 132
Costa Rica    (1)    50
Croatia    (1)    18
crop quality    (10)    2, 22, 36, 46, 56, 70, 79, 108, 111, 123
crop yield    (30)    2, 4, 10, 14, 15, 21, 27, 28, 36, 37, 38, 39, 44, 56, 57, 61, 62, 84, 86, 87, 88, 90, 92, 101, 102, 103, 111, 122, 130, 133
Czech Republic    (2)    71, 120

Denmark    (15)    34, 49, 58, 74, 75, 78, 80, 81, 83, 85, 89, 91, 107, 124, 127

Egypt    (2)    21, 121
emissions    (16)    1, 10, 14, 29, 47, 48, 51, 74, 76, 77, 83, 93, 95, 100, 106, 125
energy conservation category    (8)    4, 14, 16, 38, 39, 106, 118, 125
Europe    (2)    60, 76

Finland    (4)    12, 48, 83, 96
France    (5)    70, 77, 106, 126, 133

general conservation category    (27)    2, 10, 21, 22, 23, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 47, 53, 56, 60, 61, 65, 68, 70, 71, 78, 91, 93, 94, 107, 109, 128, 129
general crop production system    (13)    10, 22, 30, 33, 40, 42, 44, 67, 69, 84, 89, 109, 110
general-multiple production system    (34)    3, 8, 9, 12, 16, 23, 24, 26, 35, 41, 45, 49, 51, 58, 61, 64, 78, 85, 91, 94, 96, 103, 104, 105, 107, 114, 115, 117, 118, 125, 127, 128, 129, 131
Germany    (12)    5, 11, 24, 25, 32, 37, 66, 69, 74, 98, 107, 110
grain and field crop production system    (39)    4, 5, 6, 14, 17, 19, 21, 25, 27, 28, 32, 36, 37, 38, 39, 48, 50, 52, 56, 59, 60, 62, 63, 66, 72, 73, 75, 80, 86, 90, 108, 116, 120, 121, 122, 126, 130, 132, 133
Greece    (1)    20

horticulture production system    (13)    18, 31, 46, 52, 53, 57, 82, 87, 88, 111, 112, 113, 119
Hungary    (2)    8, 117

India    (4)    13, 23, 62, 90
indicators and measurements    (24)    4, 11, 14, 18, 30, 34, 43, 46, 47, 49, 55, 58, 68, 69, 70, 76, 82, 86, 91, 96, 106, 107, 110, 118
Italy    (4)    28, 39, 83, 107

Japan    (2)    41, 86

Lithuania    (2)    45, 73
livestock production system    (16)    1, 29, 34, 38, 43, 47, 71, 74, 76, 77, 81, 89, 97, 99, 106, 123
long term experiments    (13)    9, 20, 24, 44, 49, 56, 67, 96, 103, 111, 113, 114, 120

Mexico    (1)    65
models    (11)    16, 18, 42, 50, 65, 71, 74, 76, 91, 96, 127

Netherlands    (8)    1, 22, 35, 47, 92, 99, 114, 121
New Zealand    (4)    79, 101, 128, 129
Nicaragua    (1)    70
Norway    (1)    123
nutrient management    (29)    1, 4, 18, 29, 31, 36, 43, 46, 57, 62, 73, 74, 76, 77, 80, 81, 83, 84, 89, 90, 95, 96, 98, 99, 102, 110, 113, 115, 117

pasture and forage crop production system    (17)    11, 15, 29, 48, 54, 55, 71, 79, 83, 92, 93, 95, 98, 101, 102, 123, 124
Poland    (2)    19, 72

Slovakia    (1)    8
soil conservation category    (66)    1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 15, 18, 19, 20, 24, 27, 28, 31, 35, 36, 37, 46, 48, 49, 50, 57, 59, 62, 64, 67, 69, 72, 73, 75, 79, 81, 82, 83, 84, 86, 87, 89, 90, 92, 95, 96, 98, 99, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 127, 133
Spain    (1)    7
Sweden    (7)    9, 12, 30, 42, 57, 95, 125
Switzerland    (5)    36, 51, 55, 68, 107

tillage    (10)    7, 12, 28, 31, 59, 75, 104, 105, 116, 118
tree and orchard production system    (8)    2, 7, 13, 20, 65, 68, 70, 100
Turkey    (2)    40, 88

UK    (14)    3, 4, 6, 12, 26, 27, 29, 64, 67, 82, 83, 94, 102, 107
USA    (8)   10, 44, 52, 61, 87, 100, 105, 118
USA (California)    (3)    53, 111, 119
USA (Florida)    (1)    63
USA (Maryland)    (1)    116
USA (Michigan)    (1)    130
USA (Minnesota)    (1)    59
USA (New York)    (1)    122
USA (North-Carolina)    (3)    103, 104, 113
USA (Ohio)    (1)    108
USA (Puerto Rico)    (1)    109
USA (Washington)    (2)    2, 17
USA (Wisconsin)    (1)    46

water conservation category    (18)    9, 14, 16, 28, 45, 48, 59, 80, 81, 84, 88, 95, 96, 97, 98, 100, 106, 117

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