Growing for the Medicinal Herb Market Selected Sources and Resources

Compiled and annotated by Suzanne DeMuth and Mary Gold
Alternative Farming Systems Information Center
National Agricultural Library, ARS, USDA
February 1998


American Botanical Council (ABC)
P.O. Box 201660, Austin, TX 78720-1660
telephone 512-331-8868, fax 512-331-1924

Membership includes subscription to the quarterly journal, HerbalGram, published in conjunction with the Herb Research Foundation. Online archives and subscription information:  
Additional educational materials include reprints from the scientific literature, an herbal education catalog, and home study course for pharmacists, "Herbs and Phytomedicines." Also: Commission E Monographs (from Germany): "Therapeutic Monographs on Medicinal Plants for Human Use."

American Herb Association (AHA)
P.O. Box 1673, Nevada City, CA 95959-1673
telephone 916-265-9552

Members receive AHA Quarterly, 4 issues/yr, plus additional benefits and access to publications. Publications include a listing of herb schools and courses, plus an herb products directory. (Send SASE for informational brochure...sample newsletter issue $4.)

American Herbal Products Association (AHPA)
8484 Georgia Ave., Suite 370
Silver Spring, MD 20910
telephone 301-588-1171, fax 301-588-1174

Members (companies and individuals who grow, import, process, market, and/or manufacture herbs and herbal products) receive a bimonthly publication, The AHPA Report, and fax broadcast news updates, in addition to educational opportunities at discounted rates.

American Herbalists Guild
Box 746555, Arvada, CO 80006
telephone 303-423-8800, fax 303 402-1564

An organization for professional herbalists specializing in the medicinal use of plants. Membership includes an annual subscription to The Herbalist, a quarterly newsletter, discounts on herb publications and herb databases, and a 25% discount on participation in the AHG annual symposium.

Herb Society of America (HSA)
9019 Kirtland Chardon Rd., Kirtland, OH 44094
telephone 440-256-0514, fax 440-256-0541

Horticulturally-oriented, HSA focuses on herb gardening, household and economic uses, and herbal history, rather than medicinals. Members receive The Herbarist and HSA Newsletter, plus other benefits, and may participate in one of 35 regional or state chapters.

Herb Growing and Marketing Network (HGMN)
P.O. Box 245, Silver Spring, PA 17575
telephone 717-393-3295, fax 717-393-9261

A service network for herb businesses, Network participants receive a bimonthly newsletter, The Herbal Connection, plus an annual resource guide, The Herbal Green Pages; additional benefits include access to various informational resources, and a yearly national conference and several regional conferences. HGMN has recently set up "HerbNet", a computer bulletin board for commercial exchange:

Herb Research Foundation (HRF)
1007 Pearl St., Suite 200, Boulder, CO 80302
telephone 303-449-2265, fax 303-449-7849, voice mail 800-748-2617

A nonprofit educational and research organization providing members, the public, and the media with information about herbs and herbal products, with focus on medicinals. Members may receive the quarterly journal, HerbalGram (see Section 7 for description), which is co-published by HRF and the American Botanical Council; the quarterly newsletter, Herb Research News, and/or Herbs for Health. HRF’s website offers "Useful Herb References: Accessing Scientific and Traditional Uses of Botanicals."

International Herb Association (IHA)
4456 Corporation Lane, #120, Virginia Beach, VA 23462
telephone 757-497-4143, fax 757-497-0010

(Known until 1994 as International Herb Growers and Marketers Association.) A networking organization for herb professionals, IHA sponsors a yearly herb conference with herbal workshops and trade show. Members receive the bimonthly IHA Newsletter, plus other benefits. Proceedings from 1991-1996 conferences are a valuable resource; inquire about print and audiotape availability. 1986 and 1987 Proceedings are available from Purdue University, Office of Publications, South Campus Courts - D, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907, telephone 317-494-2040.

Society for Economic Botany
Economic Botany Business Office, P.O. Box 368, Lawrence, KS 66044

Fosters and encourages scientific research, education, and related activities on the past, present, and future uses of plants, and the relationship between plants and people, and works to make the results of such research available to the scientific community and the general public through meetings and publications. It is recognized that the field of economic botany includes all or parts of many established disciplines such as: agronomy, anthropology, archaeology, chemistry, economics, ethnobotany, ethnology, forestry, genetic resources, geography, geology, horticulture, medicine, microbiology, nutrition, pharmacognosy, and pharmacology, in addition to the established botanical disciplines. Membership includes subscription to Economic Botany.

Resource Guides and Databases

Andersen Horticultural Library's Source List of Plants and Seeds. 4th ed. Chanhassen, MN:Andersen Horticultural Library, 1996.
Contact: Andersen Horticultural Library, Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, 3675 Arboretum Drive, P.O. Box 39, Chanhassen, MN 55317-0039, telephone 612 443-2440
A selected listing of over 59,000 garden plants and seeds commercially available from mail-order suppliers in North America, with over 400 sources represented. Coverage of flowers, vegetables, trees, and shrubs encompasses many plants popularly, or less commonly, known as "herbs." Plants are listed by scientific name and cross-referenced by common name. (NAL SB115.I8 1993)

Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas (ATTRA)
Contact: Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas, P.O. Box 3657, Fayetteville, AR 72702, telephone 800-346-9140, e-mail,
ATTRA provides technical assistance to farmers, extension agents, market gardeners, agricultural researchers, and other ag professionals in all 50 states. Technical assistance, publications, and resources are provided free of charge to appropriate users. Subject areas covered include alternative crops. See their on-line publications, including "Herb Production and Marketing," and "St. Johnswort as an Alternative Crop."

Botanicals Generally Recognized as Safe. Boulder, CO: Herb Research Foundation, 1984. 7 p
Contact: Herb Research Foundation, listed above

A compilation of the plant-derived products appearing on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) "Generally Recognized as Safe" (or GRAS) listing of food additives, including natural flavorings, spices, and seasonings (each of these defined from FDA's viewpoint). The listing is useful but also limited, as noted by the publisher, since "unsafe" herbs are not listed, and neither are many plant products used as herbs but classed by the FDA as foods; thus "many herbal products fall into a 'grey area' of regulation," and "omission from the list does not imply that they are not safe." Botanicals are listed by common name, with botanical name(s) and notations on the food additive category for each, and any restrictions. (NAL TX553.A3B68 1984)

CRC Handbook of Medicinal Herbs. James A. Duke. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 1985. 677 p.
Contact: CRC Press, Inc., Times Mirror Co., 2000 Corporate Blvd. NW, Boca Raton FL 33431, telephone 407-994-0555; orders 800-272-7737
An informative reference work on plants with medicinal or folk medicinal uses, containing data gathered from the scientific literature by the author, a noted authority on herbs and medicinal plants. Includes detailed chemistries and medicinal properties and uses for each, with line drawings of most species. Supplemented with detailed charts documenting toxicity data and phytochemical constituents, plus an index and extensive bibliography. (NAL QK99.A1D83)

Center for New Crops & Plant Products at Purdue University
Database maintained by Purdue University, 1165 Horticulture Bldg., West Lafayette, IN 47907-1165, telephone 765-494-6968, fax: 765-494-0391
Contact: Dr. Jim Simon, e-mail , or Dr. Jules Janick, e-mail

The New Crops Center researches development and marketing of new crops and new crop products including aromatic and medicinal plants. The Center’s website offers CropSEARCH, a search engine to access crop information based upon key words such as crop names or authors; CropINDEX, a list of scientific and common names of crops for information access; CropREFERENCE, books and manuals on crops; CropEXPERT, a directory of new crop resource personnel; NewCropNEWS, the newsletter of the Purdue University Center for New Crops and Plant Products; NewCropEVENTS, announcements and upcoming events; NewCrop LISTSERV, an interactive bulletin board for queries, discussion, and information on crops; FarmMARKET, a list of U.S. Farmer's Markets; NewCrop IMPORT-EXPORT, international information on plant quarantines and phytosanitation permits; and NewCroo LINKS, connections to related web sites, external databases, and libraries.

Cornucopia: A Source Book of Edible Plants. Stephen Facciola. Introduction by Noel Vietmeyer. Vista, CA: Kampong Publications, 1990. 677 p.
Contact: Kampong Publications, 1870 Sunrise Dr, Vista, CA 92084-6425, telephone 619-726-0990

An authoritative horticultural reference work presenting the diversity of food plants available to home gardeners, professional horticulturists, and others. Offers botanical listings of over 3000 species of plants, including herbs, heirloom vegetables, fruit trees, and wild edibles, with selected cultivar listings for popular food plants. Entries are fully annotated and cross-referenced, with literature references. Includes a listing of 1300 plant sources in the U.S. and abroad; in addition to commercial seed and plant suppliers, these include non-commercial sources and suppliers of a number of preserved plant food products. Supplemented with indexes and an extensive bibliography. (NAL SB175.F33)

Directory of Herbal Education. Laura Z. Clavio. West Lafayette, IN: Intra-American Specialties, 1994. 37 p.
Contact: Intra-American Specialties, 3014 N. 400 W., West Lafayette, IN 47906-5231:

An annotated listing of educational opportunities in the U.S. and Canada. Entries include various programs offering on-site or correspondence courses, workshops, and apprenticeships. While medical herbalism is emphasized, instructional programs in herb crafting, wild edibles, herbal botany, and herb production are included also. Descriptions provide contact information, and in some cases, fee information. The guide is supplemented with a listing of graduate and undergraduate programs in ethnobotany. Includes an index to programs and subjects. (NAL RS164.D57 1994)

Handbook of Phytochemical Constituents of GRAS Herbs and Other Economic Plants. James A. Duke. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 1992. 654 p.
Contact: CRC Press, Inc., Times Mirror Co., 2000 Corporate Blvd. NW, Boca Raton FL 33431, telephone 407-994-0555; orders 800-272-7737

An important reference volume that compiles data on the phytochemical constituents of approximately one thousand plants, including most of the "generally recognized as safe" (GRAS) herbs, many of the "medicinally important foods" (designated as GRAF or "generally recognized as food"), and also the "strictly medicinal plants" (designated as GRAP or "generally recognized as poisonous" (or medicinal) species). The acronyms are those assigned by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). (NAL SB351.H5D85 1992)
Available also on disk as Database of Phytochemical Constituents of GRAS Herbs and Other Economic Plants. (NAL SB351.H5D853 1992)

The Herb Companion Wishbook and Resource Guide. Bobbi A. McRae. Loveland, CO:
Interweave Press, 1992. 302 p.

Contact: Interweave Press, 201 East Fourth Street, Loveland, CO 80537-5655, telephone 800-272-2193,

An invaluable guide to thousands of mail-order sources for all things herbal. Offers annotated descriptions of sources for plants and seeds, supplies for cooking, crafts, and health, publications, educational opportunities, public herb gardens, and more, plus a calendar of herb festivals and other events. Focus is on the U.S., with a more limited selection of Canadian and British sources. Indexes to the herbal businesses and public gardens mentioned in the text are included. (NAL SB351.H5M353 1992)

The Herbal Green Pages: An Herbal Resource Guide, 1994-95. Maureen Rogers, editor. Silver Spring, PA: The Herb Growing and Marketing Network. 292 p.
Contact: HGMN, listed above

A directory of herbal products and services, organized by the following topics: publishers and book dealers, associations, information services, educational programs, botanical gardens, garden suppliers, and more. Contains 4000 annotated listings, arranged alphabetically by business name, with emphasis mainly on the U.S., and secondarily on Canada and elsewhere. Includes indexes by geographic location, contact person, and product category. (NAL SB351.H5H3714)

Herbs of Commerce. Steven Foster, editor. Austin, TX: American Herbal Products Association, 1992. 78 p.
Contact: AHPA, listed above

Herbs in commerce are described predominantly by common names. FDA regulations (21 CRF 101.3) state that the common or usual name shall be used for labeling food products. In an effort to reduce nomenclatural problems in the herb trade, the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA) has proposed, in this volume, a compilation of common names "standardized" to botanical names. The root of the concept is that a single common name in trade should apply to only one botanical name. (NAL QK96.H47 1992)

The Information Sourcebook of Herbal Medicine. David Hoffmann, editor. Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, 1994. 305 p.
Contact: The Crossing Press, P.O. Box 1048, Freedom, CA 95019-1048, telephone 800-777-1048, fax 800-722-2749, e-mail,

A guide to current information on Western herbal medicine and herbal pharmacology by a well-known British herbalist. Consists of an overview of herbalism in the modern world, guidance in searching the scientific literature of orthodox medicine, and an extensive listing of sources and library resources concerning phytotherapeutic practice. Includes the "on-line herbalist", how to find information available electronically, plus a glossary of medical terms and information on plant names and Latin derivations. Approximately 60 pages of the book consist of copies of bibliographic citations from the medical database, MEDLINE, for a selection of well-known medicinal herbs. (NAL RM666.H33I54 1994)

Northwind Farm's Herb Resource Directory, 4th Edition, 1997. Paula Oliver and David Oliver. Jemez Springs NM: Northwind Publications.
Contact: Northwind Publications, 439 Ponderosa Way, Jemez Springs, NM 87025-8036. To be included in the directory: 505-829-3448, fax 505-829-3449, e-mail or

Contains descriptive listings of herbal resources, covering commercial suppliers of plants, seeds, and herbal products, educational organizations, information and design services, and libraries. Entries (1208 in all) are grouped by state (or country) and indexed according to type of business and products or services offered, business name, and geographic location, and cross-referenced by state. Focus is on the U.S., with a few dozen entries from Canada and Australia, and fewer numbers from other locations. Updated every 2 years, the latest edition is also available with accompanying diskette (MicroSoft Access). (NAL SB351.H5O4)

Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases, from USDA, Agricultural Research Service, National Genetic Resources Program.
Database maintained by the National Germplasm Resources Information Network, Database Manager, USDA/ARS/PSI/GRIN/DBMU, Room 407, Bldg. 003, BARC-West, 10300 Baltimore Ave., Beltsville, MD 20705-2350, telephone 301-504-5666, fax 301-504-5536, e-mail
Contact: Dr. James Duke,

Provides access to information via "Plant Searches" (by chemicals and activities in a particular plant, high concentration chemicals, chemicals with one activity, and ethnobotanical uses, GRIN accessions); via "Chemical Searches" (search for plants with a chosen chemical, search for activities of a chosen chemical; via "Activity Searches" (search for plants with a specific activity, search for chemicals with a specific activity, search for chemicals with a lethal dose (LD) value; via "Ethnobotany Searches" (ethnobotanical uses for a particular plant, plants with a particular ethnobotanical use). Your may also search database references, reference citations, and the Tico Ethnobotanical Dictionary.

Browsable databases are:

Ecosys--plant ecological ranges
EthnobotDB--worldwide plant uses
FoodplantDB--Native American food plants
MPNADB--medicinal plants of Native America
PhytochemDB--plant chemicals

Whole Foods Source Book. Annual supplement to the monthly magazine, Whole Foods. South Plainfield NJ: WFC, Inc.
Contact: WFC, 3000 Hadley Road, South Plainfield, NJ 07080, telephone 908-769-1160, fax 908-769-1171, e-mail

This annual publication contains comprehensive listings of manufacturers, importers, growers, distributors, brokers, publishers, associations, suppliers, and consulting services related to natural products including dietary supplements and herbs. A special section lists herb manufacturers by product. (NAL HD9003 W46)

World Economic Plants in the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN)
(Database based on USDA Agriculture Handbook 505, revised, "A Checklist of Names for 3,000 Vascular Plants of Economic Importance", revised edition lists over 10,000 plants)
Database maintained by the National Germplasm Resources Information Network, Database Manager, USDA/ARS/PSI/GRIN/DBMU, Room 407, Bldg. 003, BARC-West, 10300 Baltimore Ave., Beltsville, MD 20705-2350, telephone 301-504-5666, fax 301-504-5536, e-mail
Contact: Dr. J. H. Wiersema, e-mail

Search and/or define plants by family name, genus or species name, common name, and country and state of plant distribution. Information includes bibliographic references.

How to Grow and Sell

Cultivation and Processing of Medicinal Plants. L. Hornok, editor. (English translation by K. Raffalszky) Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1992. 337 p. (Joint edition with John Wiley & Sons)
Contact: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 605 Third Ave., New York NY 10158-0012, 212-850-6000; orders 1-800-225-5945 (Orders to: Eastern Distribution Center, 1 Wiley Dr., Somerset NJ 08875-1272)

Although written with a European slant, this informative book covers difficult-to-find information. It not only introduces the basics of medicinal plant botany including taxonomy, breeding, and active substances in these plants, but goes on to address, in detail, drying, extraction processing, and storage and packaging of medicinal plants generally and by species. (SB293.G9513 1992)

Growing Your Herb Business. Bertha P. Reppert. Pownal, VT: Storey Communications, 1994.
186 p.
Contact: Storey’s Books for Country Living, Dept. 84, P.O. Box 38, Pownal, VT 05261-9989, telephone 800-441-5700, fax 413-664-4066

The author shares her experiences in establishing The Rosemary House, a Pennsylvania herb and spice shop in business for the past 25 years. Topics include how to start, build, and market one's business, with consideration of a broad range of herbal products. Also portrays the experiences of dozens of other herb business owners. Text is supplemented with line drawings, and includes suggested readings and resource information. (NAL SB351.H5R435 1994)

Herbs for Sale: Growing and Marketing Herbs, Herbal Products, and Herbal Know-How. Lee Sturdivant. Friday Harbor, Washington: San Juan Naturals, 1994. 246 p.
Contact: San Juan Naturals, Box 642S, Friday Harbor WA 98250, telephone 800-770-9070, fax 360-378-2584

A useful guide to the business possibilities of herbs and herbal products. Drawing from the author's own experience and that of other successful ventures, it covers herb farms, various herb products, wildcrafting, teaching about herbs, and other options. For each topic, there are lists of publications and additional resource information for getting started and learning more. Includes an index. (NAL SB351.H5S77 1994)

Herbal Renaissance: Growing, Using & Understanding Herbs in the Modern World. Steven Foster. Foreward by Richard Evan Schultes. Salt Lake City, UT: Gibbs-Smith, 1993. 234 p.

Covers many aspects of herb culture and usage, useful for home gardeners as well as those with a commercial interest. Documents 80 herbs for home use and the herb trade market, with the basics of garden design, propagation, and harvest for each. Coverage includes garden plants, as well as a number of native and naturalized North American herbs. Offers information on traditional uses and the latest scientific findings regarding medicinal properties and health and safety data. Supplemented with an extensive bibliography, resource information, and index, and well-illustrated with color plates, line drawings, and black-and-white photos. (NAL SB351.H5F627 1993)

Pay Dirt: How to Raise and Sell Herbs and Produce for Serious Cash. Mimi Luebbermann.
Rocklin, CA: Prima Publishing, 1994. 209 p.
Contact:Prima Publishing, 3875 Atherton Road, Rocklin, CA 95765, telephone 916-632-4400, fax 916-632-4405

An idea book for tapping into the growing market for herbs, specialty produce, and herb products and craft items. Covers how to grow (the basics) and how and where to market, with numerous creative suggestions. Each topic is supplemented with a lengthy bibliography for further reading, plus useful resource information. Includes an index. (NAL SB351.H5L85 1994)

The Potential of Herbs as a Cash Crop: How to Make a Living in the Country. Richard Allan Miller. Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press, 1992. 230 p.
Contact: Ten Speed Press, P.O. Box 7123, Berkeley CA 94707, telephone 510-559-1600; orders 800-841-2665

A common-sense guide for the small farmer interested in herbs as an alternative crop venture. Includes basics on growing, processing, and marketing herbs, plus useful information on specific herbs. Includes a section on resources which is generally useful, although some of the specific listings are outdated, plus an index. Reprinted from original 1985 edition. (NAL SB351.H5M52 1992)

Magazines, Journals, and Newsletters

American Herb Association Newsletter.
P.O. Box 1673, Nevada City, CA 95959-1673, telephone 916-265-9552
See AHA, listed above

Botanical & Herb Reviews
P.O. Box 1343, Fayetteville, AR 72702, telephone 501-521-5887, fax 501-521-6369, e-mail
Steven Foster, editor

Contains reviews of books, periodicals, and computer tools for both popular and professional
audiences, on herbs and herb gardening, medicinal plants, economic botany, ethnobotany, plant
taxonomy, and related topics. On average, issues contain 16 reviews and are 4 pages in length.

Business of Herbs.

Northwind Publications, 439 Ponderosa Way, Jemez Springs, NM 87025-8036, telephone 505-829-3448, fax 505-829-3449, e-mail

"The international news resource for herb businesses." Articles include business updates and ideas, "how-to" information, grower profiles, book reviews, and an annual "Herb Industry Trends" report. (NAL SB351.H5B8)

Economic Botany.
Scientific Publications Department, The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY 10458, telephone 718-817-8721, fax 718-817-8842, e-mail
Lawrence Kaplan, Department of Biology, University of Massachusetts/Boston, editor, email 

Economic Botany bridges the gap between pure and applied botany by focusing on the uses of plants by people. Economic Botany documents the rich relationship that has always existed between plants and people around the world, encompassing the past, present, and potential uses of plants. The issues contain original research articles, book reviews, annotated bibliographies, notes on economic plants, and instructions to contributors. (NAL 450 Ec7)

Growing for Market
Fairplain Publications, P.O. Box 3747, Lawrence, KS 66046, phone or fax 913-841-2559, Reader service 800-307-8949
Lynn Byczynski, editor

"News and ideas for market gardeners". Although the focus is not strictly on herbs, this publication is still a good source for technical and business information for the small commercial grower. Subjects include specialty produce, dried and cut flowers, and herbs; organic methods are emphasized. Feature articles are supplemented with resource information, commercial advertising, and an annual buyers guide to sources and suppliers.

The Herb, Spice and Medicinal Plant Digest

Dept. of Plant and Soil Sciences, 12 Stockbridge Hall, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003-2910, telephone 413-545-2347, fax 413-545-3958, e-mail
Lyle E. Craker, editor

A newsletter offering review articles, herb marketing information, profiles of herbalists, an events calendar, and in most issues, an update summary of recent herbal literature. Scientific emphasis, with focus on herb production, chemistry, and marketing, for growers, business people, and others. The newsletter's table of contents and other information can be accessed electronically at the Web site provided above. (NAL SB351.H5H365)

The Herb Quarterly
Long Mountain Press

223 San Anselmo Ave., Suite 7, San Anselmo, CA 94960, telephone 800-371-HERB or 415-455-9540, fax 415-455-9541, e-mail
Linda Sparrowe, editor-in-chief

A quarterly magazine with articles and other features on growing and using herbs for cooking, health, and enjoyment. Supplemented with book reviews, readers' recipes, a calendar of U.S. events, and commercial ads. (NAL SB351.H5H357)

American Botanical Council (ABC), P.O. Box 201660, Austin, TX 78720-1660, telephone 512-331-8868 or 800-373-7105, fax 512-331-1924, e-mail
Mark Blumenthal, editor

A publication offering current information on herbal phytotherapy, for the professional as well as more zealous general reader. Primary emphasis is on medicinal herbs, covering pharmacology, ethnobotany, clinical usage, and business aspects. Includes reviews and feature articles, research news, market and media reports, a conference and events calendar, and book reviews. Offers an international perspective, with focus on marketing and legislative aspects in the U.S. The quarterly issues advertise books available by mail from ABC. Some back issues are archived a . (NAL SB351 H5H57)

HortIdeas, 460 Black Lick Rd., Gravel Switch, KY 40328, telephone or fax 606-332-7606
Gregory and Patricia Williams, editor and publisher

A monthly digest "reporting on the latest research, methods, tools, plants, books, etc. for vegetable, fruit, and flower gardeners, gathered from hundreds of popular and technical sources, worldwide." Gleanings within each 12-page issue includes news summaries and source information for herb gardeners and heirloom plant enthusiasts. Supplemented with a twice-yearly subject index. (An electronic version of HortIdeas is available on floppy disks; contact the publishers for information.) (NAL SB317.5 H67)

Journal of Herbs, Spices, and Medicinal Plants.
Food Products Press/Haworth Press, Inc., 10 Alice Street, Binghamton, NY 13904-1580, telephone 800-HAWORTH, fax 800- 895-0582, e-mail

This publication contains research and other information related to the production and development of herbs, spices, and medicinal plants. It also includes articles on physiology, breeding, productivity, commercial applications, and marketing. (NAL SB351 H5J68)

Natural Foods Merchandiser
New Hope Natural Media, Circulation Department, 1301 Spruce Street, Boulder, CO 80302, telephone 303-939-8440, fax 303-473-0519, e-mail

NMF is a trade publication for the natural products industry; provides information to companies involved in the development, marketing, sales, and distribution of natural and organic products and dietary supplements. Many articles are available on-line at the above website

Recent Articles

"Financial considerations for the herb business." Jacqueline M. Lutz and Lyle E. Craker. The Herb, Spice, and Medicinal Plant Digest Vol. 12 (no.4): p. 1-6 (Winter 1994). (NAL SB351.H5H365)

"Drying aromatic and medicinal plants." Lyle E. Craker. The Herb, Spice, and Medicinal Plant Digest Vol. 13 (no.2): p. 1-5 (Summer 1995). (NAL SB351.H5H365)

"Economic outlook for herbs & spices in the 1990s." Richard Alan Miller. Acres U.S.A. p. 78 (July 1995).

"Growing echinacea for profit." D. Polachic. Small Farm Today, vol. 13 (no.2): p. 53 (April 1996). (NAL S1.M57)

"Growing medicinal herbs: ten steps to getting started." Laura Clavio. The Business of Herbs Vol. XII (no.1): p. 1-2,39. (March/April 1995). (NAL SB351.H5B8)

"Herb industry trends for 1998." Paula Oliver. The Business of Herbs Vol. XV (no.6): p. 1-2, 6-7. (January/February 1998). (NAL SB352.H5B8)

"Herbs." Maureen Rogers and Howard W. Kerr. From: Small-scale agriculture alternative series, USDA, CSREES, Office for Small-Scale Agriculture, 2 p. (January 1996). Available on-line at University of California Small Farm Center website,

"The medicinal herbs market: sales and trends." Heather Granato. Natural Foods Merchandiser (June 1997). Available on-line at New Hope Natural Media/ Natural Foods Merchandiser website,

"Phytomedicines as a new crop opportunity." Loren D. Israelsen. In: New Crops, J.Janick and J.E. Simon, eds., p. 669-671. New York: Wiley, 1993. Available on-line at the Center for New Crops & Plant Products at Purdue University website:

"Small-scale organic herb farming: is this the business for you?" Paula Oliver. The Business of Herbs Vol. XV (no.6): p. 4-5, 27. (January/February 1998). (NAL SB352.H5B8)

"The U.S. botanical market--an overview." Peggy Brevoort. HerbalGram (no.36): p. 49-57. (Spring 1996). (NAL SB351.H5H57 )

See also:

The Alternative Farming Systems Information Center at the National Agricultural Library

The Alternative Farming Systems Information Center (AFSIC) is one of eight centers at the National Agricultural Library (NAL) that provide in-depth coverage of specific subject areas relating to agriculture. AFSIC focuses on information related to sustainable and alternative agricultural systems, including new, industrial, and alternative crops. Established at NAL in 1985, the center is also supported by USDA’s Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program.

A current list of AFSIC information products and copies of this and other publications are available electronically on the AFSIC Website or on computer diskette. They are also available in hard copy.

For further information:

AFSIC’s Website:

Alternative Farming Systems Information Center
National Agricultural Library, ARS, USDA
10301 Baltimore Ave., Room 132
Beltsville MD 20705-2351
phone: 301-504-6559, fax: 301-504-6927