Front Cover

Research critical to Asian citrus psyllid, citrus greening control

Jan 16, 2009 10:55 AM, By Cary Blake
Farm Press Editorial Staff

The Western citrus industry is drawing upon research and the lessons learned in Florida, Texas, and foreign countries to better prepare against the threats of the Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) pest and citrus greening disease....


Grass control tricky in Central Valley alfalfa

Jan 16, 2009 3:05 PM, By Brenda Carol
Contributing Writer

Producing high quality alfalfa hay means keeping the field clean, and that can get tricky at times. ...

Cultivar scrutiny vital for tree fruit industry

Jan 16, 2009 3:01 PM, By Dan Bryant
Contributing Writer

“Somehow the industry has to evaluate the 300 new cultivars we’ve had since 1980 and discipline ourselves to dump the ‘dogs’ before new orchards are planted.”...

Conference getting back to its agronomical roots

Jan 16, 2009 2:57 PM

As more and more growers in the San Joaquin Valley begin diversifying their crop mix, the more important basic soils knowledge becomes. ...

Cotton conference expands to include other field crops

Jan 16, 2009 2:54 PM

To meet the changing demands of today’s California farmers, the Central Coast Cotton Conference has expanded its agenda to address issues concerning other field crops produced in the San Joaquin Valley....

Walnut Day and Almond Institute set for Feb. 3

Jan 16, 2009 2:51 PM

Where: Masonic Family Center, 1110 W. East Ave., Chico...

Schafer announces availability of $58 million to producers, entities through new conservation program

Jan 16, 2009 2:48 PM

Agriculture Secretary Ed Schafer announced that up to $58.4 million in financial assistance is available to agricultural producers and entities through the Agricultural Water Enhancement Program (AWEP), established in the new farm bill to promote ground and surface water conservation and water quality improvement....

2009 North San Joaquin Valley Almond Day set for Jan. 22

Jan 16, 2009 10:42 AM

Sponsored by the University of California Cooperative Extension...

Western Farm Press News Archive


Early Pacific and Alaskan storms give hope for wet California winter

By Harry Cline
Farm Press Editorial Staff

Lake Tahoe ski areas received 12 feet of snow over a 13-day span during the holiday season after the storms moved through the state....

McClendon gets high marks on Doha briefing

By Forrest Laws
Farm Press Editorial Staff

U.S. cotton producers may be taking it on the chin in the World Trade Organization’s Doha Round, but it might be even worse if they didn’t have strong, articulate spokesmen to defend them....

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2008 High Cotton Award Winners

Page Two

Chaotic fertilizer prices continue to place pressure on alfalfa growers

Jan 13, 2009 7:15 PM, By Brenda Carol
Contributing Writer

Fertilizer prices have come down in recent months, but no one knows exactly where the train is heading — at least short term. Few predicted the extent to which prices would skyrocket, then plunge in 2008. With so much volatility in the market, it will be increasingly important to farm smarter, according to Rob Mikkelsen, Western U.S. director for the International Plant Nutrition Institute in Merced, Calif....

Across the sunbelt

New ethanol crops for Louisiana farms

Researchers at the LSU AgCenter’s Audubon Sugar Institute are combining their knowledge of sugarcane processing and chemical engineering to develop a synergy between sugar production and ethanol....

Volatility is outlook for phosphorus in 2009

Demand for phosphorus fertilizer is expected to increase slightly for 2009 globally, with the U.S. likely to have a slight drop in use in the coming crop year....

Texas among 27 states testing horses for contagious equine metritis (CEM)

Texas is among 27 states tracing and testing horses that may have been exposed to contagious equine metritis (CEM), a highly contagious disease that can be transmitted during breeding or artificial insemination. ...

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Continuing Education

Accredited by California DPR and California and Arizona Certified Crop Advisers:

(New Course)

Nutrient Management in Key California Crops

This online CEU course offers a detailed look at the nutrient management in key California crops. It is sponsored online by Western Plant Health Association and funded by a grant from the California Department of Food and Agriculture Fertilizer Research and Protection Program (FREP). It is accredited for one (1)-hour of credit by the California Department of Pesticide Regulation for California Pest Control Advisers (PCA), Private Applicators, Qualified Applicators and Aerial Applicators. The course is also accredited for 3 units in Nutrient Management (NM) for California and Arizona Certified Crop Advisers (CCAs).

Accredited in California, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon and Washington and for Certified Crop Advisers:

(New Course)
Organic/Sustainable Agricultural Production in the West

Organic/sustainable agriculture is expanding rapidly in the U.S. with an average annual increase of 20% during the last 15 years. This course covers a wide range of pests and organic control strategies. It is accredited for up to 4 continuing education hours for PCAs and Applicator Licensees in California, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. It is also approved for Certified Crop Adviser credit.


(New Course)
Managing Spray Drift to Minimize Problems

This online spray drift management course has been certified by the Oregon Department of Agriculture and the Washington Department of Agriculture for 2 hours of credit for licensed Applicators and Consultants in Oregon and Washington.


Almond Pest Management

Get the latest info on almond insect pest management and earn 2 hrs. CE DPR and CCA credit in California.

California Groundwater Protection Regulations

Earn 2 hrs. in California laws and regs CE and learn how to protect California groundwater supplies.

Disease Management in California Almonds

Managing diseases in California almond production is a year-long process. This course provides the latest information on controlling these diseases with management practices and fungicides. The course is approved for 2 CEUs by DPR for PCAs and all applicator categories and California CCAs.

Powdery Mildew Control in California Grapevines

Learn about the No. 1 grape disease in California; earn 2 California CE hours.


The Role of Copper in Disease Control

Copper has long been a key tool in disease control in a many crops. This 2-CEU course accredited California PCAs and all DPR applicator categories and Arizona applicators details how best to use copper to maximize its potential.

Insecticide Resistance Management in Agronomic and Row Crops

A 3-hr. CE approved for California and Arizona licensees and CCAs in both states.

Agronomic Weed Resistance Management in Row Crops, Trees Nuts and Vines

Weeds Resistance Management is approved for 3 hours of CE credit for all California and Arizona licensees and Certified Crop Advisers.

Lepidopterous Pest Management/ Pesticide Safety

This course is approved for 2 hours in Arizona and California (1 hr. of laws/regs; 1 hour Other) and for CCAs.

Managing Spray Drift to Minimize Problems

2-hrs laws and regs for California licensees; 2 hours in Arizona and for CCAs.

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