The University of Vermont

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

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The University of Vermont
Chair, Department of Animal Science
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

The University of Vermont (UVM) invites applications and nominations for Chair of the Department of Animal Science (ASCI) in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. ASCI is a multidisciplinary unit with research, instruction, and public outreach responsibilities. We seek a leader with the administrative skill to chart the direction for the department while preserving current strengths. The areas of scholarly focus within ASCI are lactation & mammary gland biology, and molecular & nutritional biology. ASCI is committed to excellence in undergraduate teaching with focus areas in pre-veterinary science; equine science; dairy science; and zoos, exotics, and companion animals. Graduate degrees are offered at both the MS and PhD levels. Additional information can be found at

We seek candidates who have the demonstrated or potential administrative expertise to lead a large, multifaceted department to excellence in research, teaching, and extension/outreach endeavors. The chair must understand the role of basic and applied research and extension within the mission of a land-grant university. The incumbent will be expected to engage Vermont stakeholders outside of the university, both those traditionally served and those that might benefit from establishing a relationship. Strong communication skills, a proven ability to foster the success of others, and commitment to diversity are required. A nationally recognized research program and a record of scholarly achievement meriting a tenured appointment at the associate or full professor rank are expected. As Chair, the successful candidate will report to the Dean of Agriculture and Life Sciences in an administrative capacity with an expectation to provide leadership throughout the calendar year.

Established in 1791, UVM is located in Burlington, VT (recognized as the 2008 “healthiest city in the nation”) on the shore of Lake Champlain, nestled between the Adirondack and Green Mountains. UVM is a comprehensive public university with a combined enrollment of 13,000 undergraduate, graduate, and medical students. The College of Medicine and teaching hospital are located on campus and provide unique opportunities and facilities for collaboration in biomedical and health sciences. The College of Agriculture and Life Science consists of 6 academic departments with 87 faculty members and 992 students; the ASCI department has 256 undergraduate and 18 graduate students. Teaching and research facilities within the college include the Miller dairy farm, the Hardacre Equine Center, and the UVM Morgan Horse Farm ( ). Additional information on UVM’s programs, mission and vision are available at and .

Applicants should submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae, a statement of interests and vision regarding teaching and research, and the names and contact information for five professional references. Apply online at Questions may be directed to: Dr. Deborah A. Neher, Chair, Search Committee for the ASCI Chair, c/o Dean’s Office, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, The University of Vermont, Morrill Hall, Burlington, VT 05405, Phone: 802-656-0474, email:

Evaluation of applications will begin March 1, 2009 and will continue until suitable candidates are identified. UVM is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and welcomes applications from all qualified individuals, especially women, people of color, veterans, and people with disabilities.

Job Description in Pdf

Last modified January 07 2009 08:32 AM

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Contact UVM © 2009 The University of Vermont - Burlington, VT 05405 - (802) 656-3131