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[image:] Patrick Brose Patrick Brose

Title: Research Forester
Unit: Sustaining Forests in a Changing Environment
Previous Unit: Guidelines and indicators for sustaining forest ecosystems of Pennsylvania and the adjacent Allegheny Plateau Region
Address: Northern Research Station
PO Box 267
Irvine, PA 16329
Phone: 814-563-1040
E-mail: Contact Patrick Brose

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  • Ph.D. Forest Resources; Clemson University, Clemson, SC
  • M.S. Forest Resources; Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA
  • B.S. Forest Resopurces; Utah State University, Logan, UT

Civic & Professional Affiliations

Society of American Foresters (since 1988)
American Chestnut Foundation (since 2000)

Current Research

My current research emphasis is on the oak regeneration problem.  I am responsible for five separate studies.  They are:

  1. root development of oak seedlings growing in shelterwood stands,
  2. esponse of mountain laurel to chemical, cultural, and mechanical control practices,
  3. uantifying fuel loadings and fire behavior in oak forests,
  4. esponse of northern red oak seedlings to forest liming, and
  5. dendroecology of xeric oak – pine forests.

Why is This Important

Oak forests are the dominant forest type in much of the eastern United States yet they face a myriad of problems that prevent their regeneration. My research addresses several of those regeneration obstacles and my results help foresters be better stewards of oak forests

Future Research

Given the intractable nature of the oak regeneration problem, I?ll likely be engaged in oak research for quite some time.

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Last Modified: 11/19/2008