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Feature News Release

Darby G. Holladay (301) 734-3265
Jerry Redding (202) 720-6959


Riverdale, Md., May 23, 2002--Millions of American families are about to embark upon a national pastime--summer vacation air travel. Many Americans also choose to travel with other valued family members, their pets. Few things disrupt vacations more than unexpected problems. To help make traveling with pets more enjoyable, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service outlines several pet travel requirements and tips to make Americans that travel with their pets informed and happy travelers.

Under the Animal Welfare Act, APHIS regulates the air transport of dogs and cats. The AWA provides regulatory guidelines to assure humane travel standards for pets. Travelers need to know the following criteria before traveling with an airline:

  • Dogs and cats must be at least 8 weeks old and weaned;
  • Kennels must meet minimum standards for size, strength, sanitation and ventilation;
  • Kennels must be enclosed and allow room for the animal to stand, sit, breathe and rest comfortably;
  • Kennels must have a solid, leak-proof floor covered with litter or absorbent lining;
  • Kennels must have ventilated openings making up 14 percent of total wall space;
  • Kennels must have grips or handles for lifting to facilitate handling by cargo workers;
  • Each species must have its own kennel with the exception of compatible personal pets of similar size. Maximum numbers include two puppies or kittens less than 6 months old;
  • Airlines require attached instructions to the kennel for feeding, watering and administering medication for any animal when traveling time is over 24 hours.
  • Airlines and state health officials generally require health certificates for all animals transported by air. A licensed veterinarian who examined the animal within 10 days of transport must issue health certificates.

In addition, APHIS believes the following are helpful hints to make traveling with a pet more enjoyable.

  • Whenever possible, book a direct, nonstop flight and avoid holiday or weekend travel.
  • Arrive at the airport with plenty of time to insure proper check-in of your pet.
  • Carry a leash to walk your pet before check-in and after arrival.
  • Do not take your pet out of its kennel inside the airport.
  • Clearly mark the kennel with the pet’s name.
  • Provide a telephone number of someone at your destination the airline may contact regarding your pet.
  • Call the airline for its specific travel requirements.

Pets taken out of the United States are subject, upon return, to the same regulations for those entering for the first time. Pet cats and dogs are subject to inspection at points of entry for
evidence of infectious diseases transmittable to humans. Dogs must have an unexpired certificate showing vaccination against rabies at least 30 days prior to entry into the United States. Pet cats do not require a rabies vaccination. All pet cats and dogs arriving in Hawaii and the territory of Guam are subject to quarantine requirements. Travelers taking pet cats and dogs to the United Kingdom must obtain from an APHIS accredited veterinarian a Pet Travel Scheme Entry or Re-entry Certificate from the USDA office in his or her state.

For further information regarding pet airline travel requirements please contact Jerry DePoyster, USDA, APHIS, 4700 River Road, Unit 84, Riverdale, Md. 20737, telephone: (301) 734-7586, e-mail: ace@usda.gov, Web page: http://www.aphis.usda.gov/ac/publication.html.


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