Privacy Policy
  1. Kiva will not rent or sell your personal information to third parties.

  2. By default, you will receive update emails on your loans that are sent by our field partners through the Website. Kiva will not disclose your email address to our partners in any case -- these emails are sent through a webform without any third party learning your address. You can choose not to receive these emails through a preference on the Website.

  3. By default, you may receive periodic newsletter emails from Kiva. The frequency of these newsletters may vary but will be no greater than once per month. You can choose not to receive these newsletters through a preference on the Website.

  4. Kiva will not disclose your personally identifiable lending activity to any third party without consent. Kiva reserves the right to record and display anonymous lending activity on the Website and display the general regions where our lenders are located.

  5. We take privacy seriously and we value yours.