OSTIblog: Articles and comments about accelerated science discovery

OSTI accelerates the pace of discovery by making R&D findings available to researchers and the American people

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Products and Content

The Products and Content thread contains articles about OSTI’s Web Products that are made available as a free public service and the content that they include.

Another opportunity for researchers and the public to be better informed about government research is afforded by OSTI’s recent and major update to Federal R&D Project Summaries (www.osti.gov/fedrnd). Three important project summary databases have been added to the portal, which currently provides access to more than 800,000 research projects complete with full-text single-query searching of databases residing at 9 different agencies and organizations. Now you can find research project summaries from the Department of Defense, NASA, and the Transportation Research Board at Federal R&D Project Summaries, which helps users find research projects across the federal government. [Read More]

OSTI is dedicated to the principle that to advance science, research must be shared. OSTI  is increasingly recognized for its contributions to the sharing and exchange of scientific and technical information.  OSTI works to accelerate discovery by speeding access to knowledge.

OSTI’s users conducted 80 million information transactions last year.  Spreading responsibility for these transactions across the OSTI staff implies that each OSTI employee was responsible for 12 information transactions per minute throughout the work year, which I view as an incredible metric of success.   And we have only just begun.  OSTI’s traffic increases significantly each year. 

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It is exciting to announce that an array of new search and retrieval features and capabilities have been added to ScienceAccelerator.gov, providing new options for customizing your search experience.

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Photo Credit: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Roy Kaltschmidt, Photographer         

Photo Credit:
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Roy Kaltschmidt, Photographer

In conjunction with the recent selection of Dr. Steven Chu as the next United States Secretary of Energy by President-elect Barack Obama, a quality high-level compilation of information about Dr. Chu and his research has been made available on the web at http://www.osti.gov/accomplishments/chu.html.  This web page includes scientific documents that he authored, including his Ph.D. thesis supported by the Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA); interviews, speeches, and presentations; and links to related web sites.

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The Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has achieved another milestone in our mission of accelerating the diffusion of knowledge to advance science.  Albert Einstein once said that “[t]he only source of knowledge is experience.”  What better way for OSTI to advance science and accelerate the diffusion of knowledge than by joining the Web 2.0 world of social networking.  So, come increase your own knowledge and experience the OSTI Page on Facebook.

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Innovation needs information -- the medical innovation model

The goal of energy transformation can take a lesson from America's rapid deployment of innovative medical technologies. It may take a long time to get a new drug or device approved, but once this happens the deployment is very rapid. America's spectacular success in fielding new medical technologies is anchored in the innovative Web resources of the National Library of Medicine. For a modest $350 million a year NLM supplies vast amounts of innovation information to America's scientists, doctors and consumers.

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On October 14, OSTI announced that the People's Republic of China had joined the WorldWideScience Alliance. The press release making the announcement described, and hinted at, the importance of China's contribution:

China, a major producer of journals and conference proceedings, is offering searches of key Chinese English-language scientific literature through WorldWideScience.org. The Chinese resource enables searching of over 6,000 journals.

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Our team is excited to announce that you can now join in or start discussions on important DOE research and development in the Information Bridge collection.

Our new social networking feature, Document Discussion, has been added to the Information Bridge to provide a forum for moderated, substantive commentary on DOE research and development.

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Because we live in a digital world, many people mistakenly believe all research is easily available online. Not only is this a false assumption, it’s not even an easy task to digitize the volume of research currently available in paper format and get it posted online.

That’s why OSTI is pleased to announce that we’ve recently posted 15,000 DOE research reports heretofore only available in paper or microfiche.

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OSTI now offers librarians and others, free of charge, the opportunity to download records of DOE research and development (R&D) information in MARC (MAchine-Readable Cataloging) format. Records are available for the full-text reports contained in the Information Bridge.[Read More]

Science.Gov 5.0 is now available!

The first thing you’ll notice is the new main page design. The same elements are there, but reconfigured to update the website look and feel. We have also added seven deep web sources (see DOE press release) into the search.

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Just as science progresses only if knowledge is shared, accelerating the sharing of knowledge accelerates science. All of us engaged in disseminating science knowledge have the opportunity and obligation to do our jobs better, for to do so accelerates science itself. 

To this end, I propose a grand challenge—to make more science available to, and searchable by, more people than ever before. A momentous milestone will be achieved once we enable everyone with web access the ability to search with unparalleled precision a billion pages of authoritative science. Already, considerable progress has been made. 

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Continuing the discussion of the different forms of scientific and technical information with patents, project summaries, and theses and dissertations.[Read More]
Continuing the discussion of the different forms of scientific and technical information with journal literature, conference proceedings and papers, and e-prints.[Read More]
OSTI has a number of search tools and it can be difficult to know when to use the different databases.  Understanding the different forms of scientific and technical information (STI) can help one appreciate the different OSTI products.[Read More]
If you’re ready to discover data, then OSTI’s newest product is ready for you!  The DOE Data Explorer (DDE) is a unique tool that identifies collections of DOE-sponsored numeric files, figures and data plots, multimedia and images, computer simulations, specialized databases, and interactive data maps. Browse, run a quick search, or advanced search, then click a link to results. You’ll be amazed at the data you can freely see and use, the highly specialized interfaces developed by the owners of the data that will help you delve deeper into their collections, and the software toolkits that allow you to manipulate, compare, visualize, download, and re-use the data.[Read More]

WWS handshake

Alliance Members (From Left to Right): Yukiko Sone (for Masayuki Mizukami, Japan Science and Technology Agency); Kirsi Tuominen, VTT Technical Research Centre (Finland); Pam Bjornson, Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information; Walter L. Warnick, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information (WorldWideScience.org Operating Agent); Yang Byeong-tae, Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information; Richard Boulderstone, The British Library (United Kingdom); Jeffrey Salmon, U.S. Department of Energy, Associate Under Secretary for Science; Lee Gul-woo, Korean Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology; Herbert Gruttemeier, International Council for Scientific and Technical Information; Eleanor Frierson, Science.gov Alliance (United States); Jean-François Nominé (for Raymond Duval, Institut de l’Information Scientifique et Technique (France)); Jan Brase (for Uwe Rosemann, German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB))

Not Pictured: Abel Packer, Scientific Electronic Library On-Line (SciELO); Yvonne Halland, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) (South Africa); Susan Murray, African Journals Online; T. Mary McEntegart, International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications (INASP)

Scientific history was made today in Seoul, Korea, as 13 founding members of the WorldWideScience Alliance committed their talents and resources to promoting the global sharing of science.


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If I had to describe the OSTI revolution in ten words or less it would be "OSTI is making the Web work for science."

It is a colossal irony that the Web does not work for science. The World Wide Web was developed by high energy physicists at CERN, for the purpose of sharing scientific papers. HTML is basically very simple, with features that were specifically designed to display scientific writings.[Read More]

Our OSTI team recently completed digitizing and uploading to the Information Bridge database about 10,000 documents issued by the U.S. Department of Energy (from 1991 to 1994). This means that citizens can now search this database and rapidly download these documents in full text – all for free.

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Science from Finland, Sweden and Korea can now be found at WorldWideScience.org, the global gateway to science. This brings the total to 32 sources from 44 countries that can be searched. [Read More]
The centralized software center of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has been added to the DOE Science Accelerator search capability. This means that in addition to current and legacy research findings, patents, accomplishments and project descriptions, users of the Science Accelerator can now find federally funded scientific and technical software developed by DOE national laboratories, other facilities and DOE contractors.[Read More]
On June 22, 2007, OSTI opened WorldWideScience.org, a global science gateway, to the public. WorldWideScience.org was an ambitious undertaking and OSTI was the perfect organization to take on the technical, administrative, and organizational challenges to take a powerful idea and bring it to fruition.
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When it comes to science and technology development, OSTI people are writing one of the biggest Internet success stories. Everyone talks about how the Internet is changing science but OSTI is making it happen, and doing it on a shoestring budget.

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