Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest

Access Travel Management

Proposed action maps are being developed. They will be available Fall 2008.


Until the 2010 process is complete, information about recreation opportunities for OHV's is available at:
Okanogan Recreation page
Wenatchee Recreation page

Frequently Asked Questions

Related Links

National OHV Travel Plan Rule

National OHV Report 2005

Forest Plan Revision

Hinkle Bill 1003

Motor Vehicle Route and Area Designation Process

Move mouse over blue text below for details
[these are not links]

1. Compile Existing Travel Management Direction. Completed

2. Assemble Social and Resource data. Completed

3. Conduct Travel Analysis to Identify Proposals for Change. 2008

4. Environmental Analysis and Decision Making. 2009

5. Publish a Motor Vehicle Use Map. 2010

6. Implement, Monitor and Revise. 2010 and beyond

Email comments

Motor Vehicle Route Feedback Form

Frequently Asked Questions

Do You Enjoy Recreation Sites on the Okanogan and Wenatchee National Forests?
Learn about and participate in the Recreation Facility Analysis

When the process is complete in 2010 where will I be able to use my motor vehicle in the National Forests?

The Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest is continuing to move toward implementing the Travel Management Rule. This rule requires all national forests in the nation to complete Travel Analysis, National Environmental Policy Act requirements, and designation of trails, roads and areas open to motorized use (by type of vehicle and time of year) no later than December, 2009.

“Our goal is to provide public access to the Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest via a sustainable, well maintained system of roads and trails,” said Forest Supervisor Becki Heath. “We really value the public comments that we have received so far, and I look forward to continuing discussions with the public.”

In 2007, the Forest Service received valuable information from many forest users who attended open house public meetings held across the forest. “Our goal at those meetings was to gather information about key travel routes on the National Forest,” Heath said.

Information gathered from the public meetings, from written comments, and from District resource specialists provided a better understanding of public interests and concerns. “From the information that we gathered, it is apparent that forest users are very passionate about access to their favorite areas of the national forest,” Heath said.

In 2008, the Forest Service will continue working toward the goal of publishing motor vehicle use maps (MVUM) by December 2009. The main focus of the Travel Management Team’s work this spring and summer will be reviewing and verifying data. The team will complete additional transportation analysis, including reviewing and updating the forest transportation atlas which is the official record of National Forest System roads and trails.

In addition to the work being done on the Travel Management Rule, the Okanogan-Wenatchee Forest Plan is also being revised. Heath has asked the Forest Plan Revision Team and the Travel Management Team to closely coordinate their efforts so that both of these important projects can be accomplished in an efficient and economical manner. Forest employees will embark on the next phase of the project while integrating with other critical efforts such as Forest Plan Revision and Recreation Facilities Analysis (formerly known as Recreation Site Facilities Master Planning).

Many detailed comments were received during the past year; the Travel Management Team will be reviewing and taking into consideration those comments as part of the analysis process. In addition, the team will be utilizing a watershed risk analysis tool that the Forest Plan Revision Team is using for identifying resource capacity related to aquatics, fisheries and wildlife. Information from these different sources will be combined to further refine transportation management options.

To remain on track with the December 2009 deadline, the Travel Management Team plans to develop a proposed action and publish a notice of intent in the Federal Register this fall. That will mark the beginning of the environmental analysis process and be in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act.

Further information about the Travel Management process will be provided through newsletters and will also be posted on this website.

Frequently Asked Questions

Maps of areas PROPOSED for motor vehicle use

Proposed action maps are being developed.


Until the 2010 process is complete, information about recreation opportunities for OHV's is available at:
Okanogan Recreation page
Wenatchee Recreation page


Travel Analysis schedule:

March 2008
  • Complete review and updates of the existing forest transportation atlas (official record of National Forest System roads and trails)
  • Revise the travel management website to make analysis documentation available to the public.
  • Mixed use (routes with street and non-street legal traffic) safety analysis. Determine process, resources, and priorities for completing route evaluations.
April 2008
  • Review of public input received to date.
  • Complete Travel analysis screening of travel routes incorporating resource capabilities and public input collected in 2006 and 2007.
  • Identify any field surveys needed to complete NEPA in 2009.
May 2008
  • Develop web-based interactive map for public to view travel routes information and link to Forest web site.
  • Produce a draft map of potential travel route opportunities including dispersed camping corridors and designated areas.
May-June-July 2008
  • Gather resource information in field to support up coming NEPA analysis.
  • Complete mixed use safety analysis on proposed routes.
August 2008
  • Finalize Proposed Action and summarize mileages by vehicle type, route, and season of use.
  • Publish Notice of Intent in Federal Register
  • Mail public scoping letter.
September 2008

Interdisciplinary team begins analysis of Proposed Action and alternatives.


Contacts for additional information about Access Travel Management

  • Mary Bean, Recreation Program Manager, Okanogan-Wenatchee NF Headquarters 509-664-9319
  • Tom Graham, Team Leader, Okanogan-Wenatchee NF Headquarters 509-664-9384
  • Marge Hutchinson, South Zone engineer 509-653-1430
  • Mike Rowan , Naches Ranger District 509-653-1452
  • Tim Foss, Cle Elum Ranger District 509-852-1069
  • Bill Hartl, Wenatchee River Ranger District 509-548-2565
  • Randy McLandress, Entiat Ranger District 509-784-1511
  • Joe Kastenholz, Chelan Ranger District 509-682-2576, ext 216
  • Jennifer Zbyszewski, Methow Valley Ranger District 509-996-4021
  • Michael Alvarado, Tonasket Ranger District 509-486-5111

Email comments
[ comments-pacificnorthwest-okanogan-wenatchee@fs.fed.us ]


USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.