United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Social Sciences Team

The Social Sciences Team develops and transfers technology through a variety of methods on social and anthropological topics. The Team manages interactive software that is useful for all levels of the organization. These methods include evaluating locally led planning, determining leadership skills, appraising the level of social capital in a community, estimating and assessing participation, and using a demographic data base.

Team members possess professional skills that include the ability to do the following tasks or work on the topics listed: 

• Manage Conflict • Managing Small Group Meetings
• Conduct Demographic Analysis • Methods to Increase Participation
• Set-Up and Evaluate Demonstrations and Field Days • Outreach and Minority Issues
• Environmental Justice • Social Change and Trend Analysis
• Focus Group Development and Implementation • Social Impact Assessments
• Identification of Local Leaders • Social Interaction
• Locally Led Planning • Survey Development, Analysis and Implementation

Social Sciences Team Directory

Additional information and more than 60 reports and fact sheets that offer science-based recommendations and analysis are available through the Social Sciences Web site.

Contact Information:

Social Sciences National Technology Development Team
USDA NRCS East National Technology Support Center
2901 East Lee Street, Suite 2100
Greensboro, NC 27401-4901

Phone: 336-370-3332
FAX: 336-370-3376


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