These resources are brought to you by the Cooperative Extension System and your Local Institution

Resource Areas

eXtension content is organized around resource areas. See which areas might make a connection with you.

About Our Resource Areas

eXtension resource areas are also known as Communities of Practice. When a group of individuals interested in a particular topic or subject matter area form, they are known as a Community of Interest. As that Community of Interest grows, professional educators with expertise in that topic or subject matter area join together and form a Community of Practice. This Community of Practice is typically multi-institutional, multi-state, and multi-disciplinary bringing the "best of the best" educational resources to you, the public.

How to Start a New Resource Area

As you look through the offerings on this site, you might determine that you're still seeking information or educational resources in a topic or subject matter area not found in eXtension. You can let us know about this need in several ways. You can contact us directly and let us know what you'd like to see added. You may also contact your local Cooperative Extension office and let them know what more you'd like to know. They may be able to help you immediately OR they can alert us to what you need.

This resource area was created by the: Animal Manure Management community
