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CONTACT: Kristin Brown
Pittsburgh Cares
Phone: 412-471-2114
Cell: 412-965-3724


MLK 2009: Celebrate the Dream


In celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King’s Jr.’s birthday, Pittsburgh Cares will be holding two special events to promote respect for diversity in Pittsburgh. Participants are expected from schools, colleges, companies and the general public to continue the dream of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by working together to build a stronger and more respectful community.

Events Include:

MLK Neighborhood Diversity Crawls (various Pittsburgh neighborhoods)
Saturday, January 17, 2009, 11:00am-1:00pm

Explore Pittsburgh’s unique neighborhoods! Pittsburgh Cares will be holding Neighborhood Diversity Crawls in:

  • Bloomfield
  • South Side
  • Regent Square
  • Strip District

Each diversity crawl will include the sampling of various foods and beverages, the exploration of locally owned businesses and the education on how local nonprofit organizations support our region.

Diversity Shelves and Performances
Bidwell Training Center (1815 Metropolitan Street Pittsburgh PA 15233)
Monday, January 19, 2009, 10:00am-1:00pm

Join more than 350 youth and adult volunteers at the Bidwell Training Center, a subsidiary of the Manchester Bidwell Corporation for the design and construction of “diversity shelves.” These wooden bookcases are designed with words and images from the Civil Rights Movement and serve as a platform for initiating dialogue around race relations, community organizing, volunteerism, and diversity. Volunteers can tour a private photo exhibit of Dr. King’s life that documents and teaches individuals about his own personal civic journey. Further, various local performing artists will be showcasing their talents at the end of the project from 12-1pm as the volunteers unite in celebration of Dr. King’s dream for a community that respects and embraces diversity. Sponsors: The Home Depot, Points of Light Institute, US Airways and more!

About Pittsburgh Cares

The mission of Pittsburgh Cares is to increase community engagement through volunteerism and enhance the impact of regional service partners. Pittsburgh Cares, along with our network of over 4,000 active volunteers, supports over 250 local nonprofit agencies in 10 impact areas through four strategic programs: Community Connections, Business Cares, Campus Cares and Youth Engaged in Service. For more information on Pittsburgh Cares, please log onto or call 412-471-2114.


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