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Find a Volunteer Opportunity

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Finding a volunteer opportunity with Volunteer.gov is easy - just follow the three simple steps
and you'll be searching from a database of over 4 million volunteer opportunities!

Step 1: Tell us Your Interest

(Type a keyword(s), select a category of interest, or both.)

Advanced Keyword Search

Find opportunities:




Natural Resources, Parks, Nature Centers, Humane Societies, Advocacy Groups

Appreciation Societies, Theater, Museums, Media, Sports, Recreation

Mentoring, Reading, Coaching, Group Leaders

Development Efforts, Employment, Business, Support Groups

Tutoring, Camps, Literacy Programs, Libraries

Leadership Roles, Office Help

Veterans, Hospitals, Clinics, Outreach Programs, Hospices, Hotlines

Homelessness, Hunger, Elder Care

Citizen Corps, Homeland Security, Emergency Response Training, Relief Efforts

Opportunities related to the hurricane relief and recovery effort

Step 2: Choose Where to Serve


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