UW-Extension Cooperative Extension

UWEX > CES > Copyright

Copyright Policy

University of Wisconsin-Extension Cooperative Extension

Revised February 2008

The University of Wisconsin-Extension (UWEX) Cooperative Extension’s mission extends the knowledge and resources of the University of Wisconsin to people where they live and work. UWEX Cooperative Extension (CE) is committed to complying with copyright and intellectual property laws.

We expect our personnel to respect other’s intellectual property rights and make good faith efforts to determine if using others’ works fall within fair use. Recognizing that not all educational uses of copyrighted materials are fair use, we require our personnel to:
  1. Seek and obtain all permissions needed to avoid infringement;
  2. Assert copyright on materials we create; and
  3. Liberally give permission or licensing to disseminate educational materials we create.

Follow the links below for additional information on copyright and materials to help you make a good faith effort to follow the letter and spirit of copyright law.

Acknowledgements: Thanks to Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) Copyright Management Center,
University of Minnesota – Duluth Copyright Policy (UMN),
the University of Texas Crash Course in Copyright (UT System), and
UW-System General Counsel (UW System) for providing the basis for this document.

Disclaimer: This web site does not provide legal advice.

Copyright committee:
Pamela DeVore, Chair, CES Publishing Manager, pam.devore@uwex.edu
Molly Immendorf, CES Instructional Technology Specialist, molly.immendorf@ces.uwex.edu
Rosemary Lehman, ICS Senior Outreach/Distance Education Specialist, lehman@ics.uwex.edu
Barbara Lazewski, CES Liaison Librarian, blazewski@library.wisc.edu
Kenneth Frazier, ExOfficio, Director, UW-Madison General Library System, kfrazier@library.wisc.edu