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Briefing Rooms

Farm Income and Costs: Glossary

Often we are asked questions about the meaning of the terms and concepts ERS uses in describing farm income, the farm sector balance sheet, and production costs and returns. This glossary is intended to provide the user with a working definition of the key terms and a better understanding of how these concepts are applied in estimating the performance of the farm production sector.

Farm sector and farm households: Which measure of income for what purpose?
I want to measure... Use this statistical indicator...
Farming's contribution to State and National economies
Net value-added income
Entrepreneurial earnings of farming's risk takers
Net farm income
Income earned to pay expenses and debt
Net cash income
Income earned by farm households
Income of farm households from nonfarm and farm resources (see more on farm households...)

Select a farm income term from the list:

For more information, contact Roger Strickland.

Select a farm balance sheet term from the list:

For more information, contact Robert Williams or Ted Covey.


For more information, contact: Robert Williams or Ted Covey

Web administration:

Updated date: September 21, 2007