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Corporation for National and Community Service Acting CEO Nicola Goren joins Corporation board members Stan Soloway, Hyepin Im, Laysha Ward, and thousands of volunteers to prepare care packages for troops sattioned in Iraq during Serve DC's Operation Gratitude project for the 2009 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service in Washington, DC.  Fueled by President Obama’s call to service, the 2009 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service experienced a historic level of participation, as Americans across the country honored Dr. King by serving their communities on the January 19 King Holiday. In total, more than 13,000 projects took place -- the largest ever in the 14 years since Congress encouraged Americans to observe the King Holiday as a national day of service and charged the Corporation for National and Community Service with leading this national effort.

Copyright: © 2009 Corporation for National and Community Service, Office of Public Affairs
Photo Caption: Corporation for National and Community Service Acting CEO Nicola Goren joins Corporation board members Stan Soloway, Hyepin Im, Laysha Ward, and thousands of volunteers to prepare care packages for troops sattioned in Iraq during Serve DC's Operation Gratitude project for the 2009 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service in Washington, DC. Fueled by President Obama’s call to service, the 2009 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service experienced a historic level of participation, as Americans across the country honored Dr. King by serving their communities on the January 19 King Holiday. In total, more than 13,000 projects took place -- the largest ever in the 14 years since Congress encouraged Americans to observe the King Holiday as a national day of service and charged the Corporation for National and Community Service with leading this national effort.
Photo Credit: CNCS photo by M. T. Harmon, Office of Public Affairs
Photo Filename: MLK_2009_021

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