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Forestry - Timber Sales

Wood is a valuable resource, being a useful, self-sustaining material used in construction materials (lumber, plywood), paper (cardboard, office paper), and cellulosic-chemicals (film, food additives). Significant economic returns are possible, depending on the wood quality, density, condition of the sale area, and type of sale.

Timber is divided into several commodities based on species, size, and stem quality. Local markets vary significantly, but typically include the following categories (ranked from least valuable to most valuable):

Mulchwood — low grade cypress/pine/hardwoods chipped and sold for mulch or biofuel

Pulpwood — low grade pine or low-medium grade hardwoods converted to paper products or cellulosicchemicals

Chip-n-saw — reasonably straight pine timber sawn into small diameter lumber

Sawtimber — large, straight cypress/pine/hardwoods sawn into larger lumber products

Peeler / Veneer — large, straight pine/hardwoods “peeled” for plywood and paneling

Poles — exceptionally straight pine timber used in utility poles and piers

Sales are usually either lump sum (bidders are invited to submit a total price for the wood harvested) or per-unit (also called pay-as-cut, bidders submit a price for each ton of wood removed), with per-unit generally yielding higher gross revenue but incurring more monitoring costs. Prices are dependent on site specific variables, including location relative to lumber mills, accessibility from public roads or good quality private roads, operability in wet weather, and tract size (generally, the larger the better). Contracts are generally for a year, with shorter contracts, or contracts with numerous specifications and restrictions, bringing lower bids.

ESI Capabilities

ESI staff are actively involved in timber sales in coastal North Carolina, South Carolina, coastal Georgia, and northeast and central Florida. We have developed relationships with reputable timber buyers and logging operations, and are abreast of local market conditions. Given ESI’s capabilities in the fields of wetlands and listed species, our staff are especially experienced in managing sales associated with permitted impacts/mitigation and development issues.

Value to Clients

Timber sales are especially appropriate to clients in the following circumstances:

Improving the ecological condition of property by reducing tree densities (including wetland/upland enhancement, and enhancement of habitat for wildlife including listed species, per regulatory permits)

During site-clearing, when clearing costs can be offset

For commercially-sized harvests (as defined by the conditions described above), ESI typically charges 8-10% of the gross timber revenue. Smaller sales, and sales which will require significant coordination and monitoring, may be bid at a flat fee.

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