Research: University of Virginia U.Va. Research
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pan-university institutes
office of the vice president

The University of Virginia seeks institutional collaborators throughout the world.  For some scientific studies, it is a geographical place that sparks the formation of an international team, such as our research on regional-scale ecosystem dynamics with academic and research institutions in sub-Saharan Africa.  For others, it is a complex problem in molecular biology, such as the National Institutes of Health Glue grant, led by U.Va. biomedical scientists, that involves some 11 American institutions. 

We partner with national laboratories, such as the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the Jefferson National Laboratory, where U.Va. has led the team competing for the new management contract from the Department of Energy.  And we partner with nongovernmental organizations, such as Conservation International, to close the gap between basic and applied biodiversity and conservation science and accelerate the development of science-based policy.  Each kind of partnership increases our research capacity, expands educational opportunities, and infuses our community with important diversity of thought.

  Maintained by: Office of the Vice President for Research
Last Modified: Tuesday, 05-Aug-2008 14:55:34 EDT
© Copyright 2009 by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia

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