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Forestry - Wildfire Mitigation Plans

Service Description

Every terrestrial ecosystem in the southeastern U.S. has evolved in response to natural fire events or the lack of natural fire events. For some ecosystems, regular, low-intensity fires are typical, where as other ecosystems experience rare, catastrophic (also known as stand-replacement) fires. Regardless of the ecosystem, it makes sense to plan for the threat of wildfire.

Wildfire mitigation planning is intended to protect people and structures, where they abut natural areas. The goal is not to eliminate the risk of a wildfire occurring, instead it is designed to make a wildfire easier to manage when it does occur. This is primarily accomplished in two ways:

  • modify the arrangement of wildfire fuels
  • lay out infrastructure to allow for a more effective wildfire response

Modifying the arrangement of wildfire fuels may include a variety of activities. For homes, businesses and other structures, this might include eliminating leaves and other debris from gutters, from within crawlspaces, and any other likely collection spots. Where structures directly abut natural areas, this might include clearing a buffer through pruning or mowing vegetation away from

the building. Within the natural area, this might include thinning overstory trees, mowing understory vegetation, or prescribed burning.

Laying out infrastructure with wildfire in mind generally addresses either providing an adequate water supply, or improving access. In urban areas, an adequate water supply is usually available from municipal fire hydrants. In less developed areas, or in areas abutting larger natural areas such as state parks or other conservation lands, an adequate water supply might also include an open pond of sufficient volume and size to allow wildland firefighters to draw water using pumps or aerially-carried buckets. Improving access involves both ingress for firefighters, as well as egress for residents or customers. Roadways should be of sufficient width to allow emergency vehicles easy ingress, and should have sufficient signage to allow for quick navigation. To allow for speedy evacuation, developments should have at least two entrances.

ESI Capabilities

ESI staff can perform wildfire risk assessments to identify areas of concern, and draft mitigation plans to prioritize and address issues. For situations where fuels within natural areas need to be modified, our staff can coordinate and supervise mowing and debris removal, including performing prescribed burns.

Value to Clients

Wildfire risk assessments and mitigation plans are especially appropriate to clients who own property in areas with a history of wildfire and in residential developments that contain large areas of mitigation land. In high wildfire risk areas, municipal or county agencies often require wildfire risk assessments and mitigation planning.

For Additional Information Please Contact:

Seth Ward (NC) – 252-375-6313
Donald Hendrix (SC, GA) – 912-220-1891
Scott Sager (FL) – 904-370-4678

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