U. S. Office of Personnel Management


May 1999

May 27, 1999: Statutory Bar to Appointment of Persons Who Fail To Register Under Selective Service Law; Technical Amendment

The Office of Personnel Management is amending the regulations that require compliance with Selective Service registration requirements as a condition of employment in executive agencies. The amendment updates the telephone number for the Selective Service System which is cited in the regulations. Further information may be obtained from Sylvia Cole at <sdcole@opm.gov> or Robert Grady at <begrady@opm.gov>.  [Federal Register Regulation: PDF or text]

May 24, 1999: Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request for Review of a Revised Information Collection: Standard Form (SF) 3102

Announces that the Office of Personnel Management has submitted to the Office of Management and Budget a request for review of a revised information collection. The SF 3102, Designation of Beneficiary, is used by employees and annuitants covered under the Federal Employees' Retirement System to designate a beneficiary to receive any lump sum due in the event of his/her death.  To obtain copies of this proposal please contact the OPM Reports and Forms Manager at <formsmanager@opm.gov>.  [Federal Register Notice: PDF or text]

May 19, 1999: Authorization of Solicitations During the Combined Federal Campaign

The Office of Personnel Management is issuing a final rule giving the Director the discretion to authorize solicitations upon written request during the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). In extraordinary circumstances, solicitations in support of victims in cases of emergencies or disasters may be approved. The intended effect of this rule is to enable the Federal workforce to respond to emergencies or disasters of catastrophic proportions which may occur during the CFC. Further information may be obtained from Becky Kumar at <bckumar@opm.gov>.  [Federal Register Notice: PDF or text]

May 7, 1999: Excepted Service; Notice

This gives notice of positions placed or revoked under Schedules A and B, and placed under Schedule C in the excepted service, during February and March, 1999, as required by Civil Service Rule VI, Exceptions from the Competitive Service. Further information may be obtained from Patricia H. Paige at <phpaige@opm.gov>.  [Federal Register Notice: PDF or text]

May 7, 1999: Interagency Career Transition Assistance for Displaced Former Panama Canal Zone Employees; Interim Rule

The Office of Personnel Management is issuing interim regulations that provide certain displaced employees of the former Panama Canal Zone with interagency priority consideration for vacant competitive service positions in the continental United States. These regulations are applicable to eligible displaced employees of the former Panama Canal Zone who are now being separated. Further information may be obtained from Thomas A. Glennon at <taglenno@opm.gov> or Jacqui R. Yeatman at <jryeatma@opm.gov>.   [Federal Register Regulation: PDF or text]

May 3, 1999: Prevailing Rate Systems; Change in Survey Cycle for the Southwestern Michigan Appropriated Fund Wage Area; Interim Rule

The Office of Personnel Management is issuing an interim rule to change the full-scale survey cycle of the Southwestern Michigan appropriated fund Federal Wage System wage area from odd to even- numbered fiscal years. Further information may be obtained from Jennifer Hopkins at <dhopkin@opm.gov>.   [Federal Register Regulation: PDF or text]

May 3, 1999: Reduction in Force Service Credit; Correction of Final Regulations

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is issuing a correction to the final regulations that were published on Wednesday, April 7, 1999. This correction covers service credit for reduction in force purposes. Further information may be obtained from Thomas A. Glennon at <taglenno@opm.gov> or Jacqui R. Yeatman at <jryeatma@opm.gov>.   [Federal Register Regulation: PDF or text]

Page created 11 June 1999