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Climate Change Information on the World Wide Web

EPA Climate Change Information

EPA Climate Change Web site Skip EPA Global Warming page.  Go to Global Warming Initiatives.

Methane and Climate Overview Role of methane in global warming.

EPA Climate Change InititativesSkip Global Warming Initiatives.  Go to Research

EPA Research, Data, and ToolsSkip Research, data and tools.  Go to Related information

Related EPA InformationSkip Related Information.  Go to State and local information

State and Local Climate Change Information for Region 4Skip State and Local Information.  Go to  Climate change impacts in the Southeast

Climate Change Impacts in the SoutheastSkip impacts in the Southeast.  Go to other Federal Agencies

Climate Change Information from other Federal AgenciesSkip other Federal Agencies.  Go to end of links

National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)Exiting EPASkip NOAA.  Go to NASA links


National Climatic Data CenterExiting EPASkip National Climatic Data Center.  Go to National Oceanographic Data Center links

National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC)Exiting EPASkip NODC.  Go to National Geophysical Data Center links

National Geophysical Data CenterExiting EPA Skip NGDC.  Go to NASA links

National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationExiting EPASkip NASA.  Go to Department of the Interior links

Department of the InteriorExiting EPASkip DOI.  Go to the Department of Energy links

United States Geological SurveyExiting EPASkip USGS links. Go to Fish and Wildlife Service link

Fish and Wildlife ServiceExiting EPA

Department of EnergyExiting EPASkip DOE.  Go to National Science Foundation links

National Science FoundationExiting EPASkip NSF links.  Go to USDA links

Department of AgricultureExiting EPASkip USDA links.  Go to US Census information link

U.S. Census Information by SubjectExiting EPA


Centers for Disease Control and PreventionExiting EPASkip CDC.  Go to Department of State links

Department of StateExiting EPASkip Department of State.  Go to end of content

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