Entry bubble Winter Colds and Flu

By: Joanne | November 18, 2008 | Category: Health

a mid adult man sneezing into tissue

My nose is running, my ears are clogged and I’m coughing. Ah yes, the beginning of another cold and flu season is upon us. Every other week my daughter brings home a new and exciting virus from the germ factory (that’s how I like to refer to the elementary school at this time of year). Bailey brings home the cold and is sick for a few days, then her little sister picks it up and she’s sick for a few days and it seems like my husband and I are constantly battling a virus. Sometimes we get it and sometimes we don’t. Does this sound like your house? I suppose we’re not alone.

It's important to know the difference between colds and flu and try to prevent colds and flu by following the advice of the experts. I eat really well, exercise, drink plenty of fluids and even take a multi-vitamin regularly, just to be sure I’m getting the nutrients I need. I try to get enough rest, but with a full time job and two little kids, sometimes I have trouble getting the rest I need. I’m even an almost compulsive hand washer, and still, I get sick.

So what do I do? I stay warm, I drink plenty of fluids. I especially like nice, warm cups of tea. Green tea, white tea, red tea, herbal teas with honey and lemon are soothing and I drink tea all day long. Our old family remedy for, well anything, was whiskey with honey and lemon, but I don’t find that to be a very good prescription on a work day. I’ll stick with my tea and hope that one of you has a comforting cold remedy for me to try.

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Entry bubble Antibiotics

By: Joanne | October 14, 2008 | Category: Health

Technician Looking at Petri DishMy daughter was sick this week. Because she had a fever for a few days and a persistent sore throat, we thought we better take her to the doctor to see if she had an infection and needed an antibiotic. The doctor did a strep test and it looks like her discomfort is just the result of the virus, so no antibiotic for her.

Remember that antibiotics aren’t miracle drugs that cure everything. They’re not going to help a virus like a cold or flu or even most sore throats. But if you’ve got a bacterial infection, like strep throat, an antibiotic should do the trick.

Winter is coming and we’ll have plenty of illness to go with it. It’s important that we’re all smart about antibiotic usage, and we only use them when it’s appropriate. If we misuse antibiotics, we run the risk of antibiotic resistance. Antibiotics normally work by killing bacteria but if you use the wrong antibiotic or don’t take the full course, you might not kill all the bacteria. They grow and spread and now they're harder to kill.

The more often you use an antibiotic, the more likely it is that the germs will resist it. This can make some diseases very hard to control, like MRSA. So try to stay well this winter and remember that if you don’t have a bacterial infection, forget about the antibiotics! Turn to over-the-counter medications to ease your symptoms, or rely on good old home remedies like tea with honey, which is my favorite. What’s yours?

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