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News in Your Backyard: What's this?

News in Your Backyard pages includes national releases, and releases that are more specific to the selected state that would not normally appear at the national level.

Designed for 3 years, 'workhorse' satellite completes 25 open in new window new icon
Released: 3/3/2009 10:49:26 AM (Share)
Outliving its expected 3-year lifespan by more than 22 years, on March 1 Landsat 5 completed a busy quarter-century of collecting information about and observations of the planet Earth's land mass and seems to still be going strong.

Taking the Pulse of our Planet: Volunteers Needed to Track Seasonal Signs of Climate Change open in new window new icon podcast icon
Released: 3/2/2009 12:00:00 PM (Share)
Volunteers across the nation are being recruited to get outdoors and help track the effects of climate on seasonal changes in plant and animal behavior.

Erosion Doubles Along Part of Alaska's Arctic Coast: Cultural and Historical Sites Lost open in new window
Released: 2/18/2009 12:00:00 PM (Share)
Coastal erosion has more than doubled in Alaska - up to 45 feet per year - in a 5-year period between 2002 and 2007 along a 40-mile stretch of the Beaufort Sea.

Decline of Shorebird Linked to Bait Use of Horseshoe Crabs open in new window
Released: 2/12/2009 4:38:47 PM (Share)
Declining numbers of a shorebird called the red knot have been linked to bait use of horseshoe crabs.

February Science Picks -- Leads, Feeds and Story Seeds open in new window
Released: 2/4/2009 (Share)
Redoubt Volcano could be on the verge of eruption! Want to watch the volcano in real-time? In this edition of USGS science picks, we'll tell you how!

Secretary Salazar Lauds Scientists' Role in Preparing Public for Likely Eruption of Mount Redoubt Volcano in Alaska open in new window
Released: 2/2/2009 6:25:33 AM (Share)
"The Alaska Volcano Observatory is a prime example of how science can help save lives and protect property," said Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar. "It also represents a model federal-state-university partnership through which our scientists and monitoring systems help the public prepare for natural disasters. This is an important reminder of the importance of investing in science and of the value of the scientific work the Department of Interior does, day in and day out."


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