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Senior Corps Programs


“What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others.”


Serve In a Way That Suits You

Through the Foster Grandparents Program, the Senior Companions Program, and RSVP, more than half a million Americans age 55 and over assist local nonprofits, public agencies, and faith-based organizations in carrying out their missions. By contributing time, experience, and skills, Senior Corps volunteers provide immeasurable value to the work carried out by these organizations and programs.

The Foster Grandparents Program

The Foster Grandparents Program provides a way for volunteers aged 60 and over with limited incomes to serve children and youth with exceptional needs. Foster Grandparents mentor troubled teenagers and young mothers, care for premature infants or children with physical disabilities, or help children who have been abused or neglected.

Foster Grandparents serve from 15 to 40 hours a week. Their service may occur in many places, including schools, hospitals, juvenile correctional institutions, daycare facilities or Head Start centers.

The Senior Companions Program

The Senior Companions Program provides a way for volunteers age 60 and over, with limited incomes, to provide assistance and friendship to adults who have difficulty with daily living tasks, such as shopping or paying bills. This service helps these adults remain independent in their homes instead of having to move to more costly institutional care.

Senior Companions spend between 15 and 40 hours a week helping an average of two to four adult clients live independently in their own homes. Senior Companions receive monthly training, provide relief to caregivers, and alert doctors and family members to potential medical and other problems.


RSVP, one of the largest volunteer efforts in the nation, engages people 55 and over in a variety of volunteer activities within their communities. Service opportunities are as diverse as the communities in which volunteers serve and may include any of the following:

  • Organizing neighborhood watch programs
  • Tutoring/mentoring disadvantaged or disabled youth
  • Renovating homes
  • Teaching English to immigrants
  • Assisting victims of natural disasters
  • Homeland security efforts

Drawing on their own interests, talents, and experience, RSVP volunteers may serve their communities in myriad other ways.

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