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Major U.S. Companies Honored For Outstanding Employee Volunteer Programs


The Corporation for National and Community Service honored Ben & Jerry’s with a Spirit of Service Corporate Award, which recognizes exceptional participants in each of its programs and outstanding corporate and foundation partners. Ben & Jerry’s was honored for its three year partnership with the DREAM program, a local youth mentoring organization. The DREAM program empowers children from affordable housing neighborhoods to create goals, make informed decision and achieve their dreams. Among other achievements, Ben & Jerry volunteers helped build a ropes course, construct a canoe rack and prepared an organic garden for participants of Camp DREAM, and have donated cash and in-kind support, including office space, to allow the nonprofit to double its staff when it became an AmeriCorps program in 2007.

Release Date: 6/2/2008
Photo Caption: The Corporation for National and Community Service honored Ben & Jerry’s with a Spirit of Service Corporate Award, which recognizes exceptional participants in each of its programs and outstanding corporate and foundation partners. Ben & Jerry’s was honored for its three year partnership with the DREAM program, a local youth mentoring organization. The DREAM program empowers children from affordable housing neighborhoods to create goals, make informed decision and achieve their dreams. Among other achievements, Ben & Jerry volunteers helped build a ropes course, construct a canoe rack and prepared an organic garden for participants of Camp DREAM, and have donated cash and in-kind support, including office space, to allow the nonprofit to double its staff when it became an AmeriCorps program in 2007.
Photo Credit: Corporation photo by M. T. Harmon, Office of Public Affairs
Photo Filename: cncs_08_0602_mh_0057

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