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Contact Us

The Peace Corps website offers a thorough overview of the Volunteer experience-the types of work Volunteers do, the countries in which Volunteers serve, a step-by-step guide to the application process, and details about how Volunteers live. Learn About Peace Corps is a great place to start for information about Peace Corps and becoming a Volunteer.

If you've looked over the website and are ready to take the next step toward becoming a Volunteer, call us toll-free at 800.424.8580 to speak to a recruiter in your area. You can also apply now and get started on your application.

In case on an emergency, call the Office of Special Service 24 hours a day at 1-800-424-8580 ext. 1470 or 202-692-1470. 

Still have questions? The answer may be just a click away. Visit one of our Frequently Asked Questions pages or search the site:

You can also try the following resources:

Regional Contacts
Call 800.424.8580 to get in touch with the recruitment office nearest you. Or view our list of regional recruitment office addresses to visit a recruitment office in person or send an email.
Other Questions and Comments
Still have questions, or need to contact someone at Peace Corps headquarters? Use this form to send your feedback to Peace Corps staff.

Last updated Sep 23 2008

Contact the Peace Corps

Peace Corps
Paul D. Coverdell Peace Corps Headquarters
1111 20th Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20526


What's It Really Like?

Don't just take our word about what Peace Corps is really like. Listen to the Volunteers themselves!