Why 40 Days of PEACE

For 40 days, beginning with the Martin Luther King Holiday Jr. in 2009, national and local partners, individuals, families, communities, schools, communities of faith, community organizations and many others will focus on helping to start building a peaceful community. Make a difference in your own life and in the lives of others by acting peacefully during this period and help to create a community of peace.


Like the civil rights movement, this is meant to be inclusive and all-encompassing. We seek participation from (but not limited to): Individuals; Families; Communities; Faith institutions; Community and nonprofit organizations; Government (at all levels); Schools and Education institutions; Multimedia and communications outlets; Retail establishments; Health care professionals; Law enforcement; Corrections; Fraternal organizations; Business and employee groups


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Learn More

Go to Service For Peace to learn more about the latest news on 40 Days of Peace and tools on how to build a better community.