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Forestry - Georgia Carbon Registry Verification

In 2004, the Georgia State Senate passed the Georgia Carbon Sequestration Registry Act (Senate Bill 356) and in June 2007, the Georgia Forestry Commission (GFC) implemented the provisions of this legislation by creating the Georgia Carbon Registry. Managing greenhouse gases is a global topic, and many anticipate federal regulation of greenhouse gas emissions reductions and trade, in the not too distant future. Many companies, organizations, and governmental entities are adopting green policies, and many have decided to be carbon neutral to demonstrate their commitment to the environment. The new Georgia policy facilitates the process for entities that voluntarily elect to be carbon neutral.

The Georgia Carbon Sequestration Registry Act was enacted to perform the following five basic functions (12-6-223): (1) Encourage voluntary actions to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; (2) Enable participants to voluntarily record carbon sequestrations made after January 1, 1990, in a consistent format that is certified; (3) Ensure that sources in the state receive appropriate consideration for certified carbon sequestration results under any future federal or international regulatory regime relating to greenhouse gas emissions; (4) Recognize, publicize and promote participants in the registry; and (5) Recruit broad participation in the process from all economic sectors and regions of the state.

The GFC examined the administrative methods and policies of existing carbon markets and developed a registry protocol that incorporates these methodologies as well as the unique dimensions of southern forestry. University of Georgia’s Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources played a significant role in the program design by providing recommendations on appropriate methods of measuring carbon in southern forests. The Georgia Carbon Registry considers four main carbon pool sources: above ground live biomass, below ground live biomass, forest soils and forest products. To ensure consistency and quality of offset projects, the protocol requires landowners to have their carbon credit calculations and management plans verified by an GFC approved GA Registered Forester.

ESI Capabilities
Environmental Services, Inc., (ESI) is on the forefront of this emerging issue within Georgia and other southeastern states and is a GFC approved carbon offset project verifier. ESI can provide consultation and the opportunity to learn about the new Georgia Carbon Registry and determine what the registry means for you, your land or company.

Value to Clients
By utilizing our experience and forestry capabilities, ESI can provide clients with additional Education on the Georgia Carbon Registry, Consultation on off-setting your potential GHG emissions or increasing carbon sequestrationactivities, Knowledge of current carbon markets and trends, Coordination of the potential sale for the landowner’scarbon credits, and GA Carbon Registry Verification activities.

For Additional Information Please Contact us at:
Email: Forestry@esinc.cc
Phone: 866-470-2250

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