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American Samoa Makes Another Sacrifice for Iraq War

As reported in the August 22 issue of Samoa News, Army Staff Sergeant Jeffrey Sifoa Loa, age 32, was killed in Ar Ramadi, Iraq on August 16, when an improvised explosive device (IED) exploded while he was on foot patrol.  SSG Loa, a married man, had been in the Army for nine years.  Loa is the 8th U.S. soldier from American Samoa to have given the ultimate sacrifice in the continuing war on terror.  Despite the great loss to his family, Loa’s service also brings great pride to the people of American Samoa and to other islanders of the Pacific Region.  For more details please visit http://www.samoanews.com or http://starbulletin.com/2006/08/23/news/story10.html.


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Last Updated on 10/13/06