
4 Mar 2009

Cucurbit Downy Mildew Forecast Homepage


*** Forecast Note - 20 February: The cucurbit acreage maps have been updated with the most recent available data. They can be found by clicking on the link in the menu to the left. ***

*** Downy Mildew forecasts in 2009 will be produced 3 times per week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. ***

Timely information on the occurrence of Cucurbit Downy Mildew and the future movement of inoculum (fungus spores) across the North American continent is important to cucurbit producers in managing this destructive and fast-moving plant disease epidemic.

Map of known Downy Mildew Outbreaks
(Click on the map for a larger image):

Epidemic Status MapThe current forecast can be found using the left-hand menu or the calendar to the above right. For epidemic updates, please refer to the status map given below and the Epidemic History page.


*** NOTE: These forecasts/outlooks apply ONLY to disease development from AIRBORNE TRANSPORT of spores. We do not have the capability to track cucurbit downy mildew development by other means, such as transporting infected materials, nor will we attempt to do so. Please consult the County Extension Service personnel in your area if you have questions about these matters. ***

The forecast(s) presented in this report only represent estimates of pathways spores are likely to travel from confirmed sources. The forecasts were prepared for purposes of supporting the research and extension functions of North Carolina State University. The forecasts contained herein were not prepared or issued in support of business, industrial, or investment decisions whether they are profit-making or otherwise. The authors; the Department of Plant Pathology; Department of Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences; North Carolina State University; The University of North Carolina, their Governors, Trustees, officers, administrators, employees, and agents do not assume any responsibility for any interpretations of the data, nor do they warrant the fitness of the forecasts for any use.

This forecasting service is provided by the North Carolina State University departments of:

Plant Pathology

Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences

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