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Youth SET for Life: All About Water

Last Updated: March 05, 2009 Related resource areas: Science, Engineering, and Technology for Youth

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All About Water

Welcome to the Youth SET for Life learning site for water. This area will help you understand water processes and explore your water resources and learn about water quality and the basic properties of water.
We often take water for granted. Turn on a faucet tap and the water appears. Do you ever think about how the water gets to you? As you admire the view of a river or lake, do you ever wonder how the water there and where it is going? Can you name important rivers and lakes in your community? Do you know your watershed address?
Explore this set of lessons to find out more about your local water resources. You can view animations, play educational games and submit stories and photos for others to view. We hope you will enjoy these resources and that it will make you a better steward of your water.

What is Your Water IQ?

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