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International Quantum Structure Association

The International Quantum Structures Association (IQSA) is a society for the advancement and dissemination of structures based on quantum mechanics, in its physical, mathematical, philosophical, applied and interdisciplinary aspects, including the relevant aspects of:

convex structures, logico-algebraic structures, orthomodular structures, quantum logics, empirical logics, operational structures, realistic structures, quantum measurement, quantum geometry, quantum statistics, quantum probability, quantum topology, quantum space time, quantum set theory, quantum information, quantum communication, quantum computation, fuzzy quantum logics

The International Quantum Structures Association was founded in 1990. Since then, the association has organised nine biennial conferences, a satellite conference, and an intermediate conference. The proceedings of these conferences have all been published as special issues of the International Journal of Theoretical Physics.

The Biennial IQSA Conference Quantum Structures'08 Brussels-Gdansk took place in Sopot, Poland, a holiday resort close to the university of Gdansk, on July 6-12, 2008, and was jointly organized by the University of Brussels (VUB) and the University of Gdansk. For all information see the website of the conference.
Proceedings of IQSA'08 Brussels-Gdansk will be published in a special issue of International Journal of Theoretical Physics, with guest editors Jaroslaw Pykacz and Bart D'Hooghe. Papers should be submitted by the end of September 2008. Talks of 40 minutes are requested to respect a maximum page limit of 12 pages, while 20 minutes talks and poster contributions are limited to 8 pages maximum.
This information can also be found on the website of the conference via this link.

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Last modified August 27th, 2008, by Bart D'Hooghe