Volunteer Profiles

Peace Corps Volunteers come from all over the United States with different backgrounds, interests, and talents. Check out the following Volunteer Profiles to learn about a few Volunteers, including their likes and dislikes, what inspires them, and what they miss most from home. You may find that Volunteers are a lot like you.

Current Volunteers

Photo of Erika Kraus
Erika Kraus, 23 Benin
Hometown: Scranton, Kansas
Favorite thing you've done: Played basketball in my town, and continued to do so. The girls' team has definitely increased in numbers.
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Photo of Ian Jobe
Ian Jobe, 23 Georgia
Hometown: Denver, Colorado
Favorite thing you've done: Swim in the Black Sea. I'm from Colorado so the chance to swim in anything bigger than a wave pool is always exciting.
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Photo of Jeremiah Marquis
Jeremiah Marquis, 24 Paraguay
Hometown: Casstown, Ohio
Favorite thing you've done: The most amazing thing I have done has been seeing the falls, which was only a bus ride away from where I live. It was the Iguazu Falls on the border of Brazil and Argentina and THAT was one of the reasons I joined PC...
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