2004 Security Guide - Third Edition
Doc ID Name Format Size Publish Date
  2004 Security Guide - Third Edition, Full Version Word 518k  
  Introduction Word 199k
  Risk Assessment Word 164k
  Mail Center Operating Procedures - Creating a Safe and Secure Environment Word 56k
  Training, Testing, and Rehearsal Word 22k
  Managing Threats Word 47k
  Communications Plan Word 40k
  Occupant Emergency Plan (OEP) Word 28k
  Continuity of Operations Planning (COOP) Word 31k
  Review of the Security Plan Word 31k
  Appendix A - Risk Analysis Worksheet Word 24k
  Appendix B - On Line Resources for Keeping Your Mail Center Safe Word 27k
  Appendix C - Mail Center Security Checklist Word 187k
Back to top National Guidelines on Biological Threats
Doc ID Name Format Size Publish Date
  National Guidelines on Biological Threats, Full Version This document contains the complete National Guidelines on Biological Threats. Word 575k  
  Introduction Word 34k
  The All Hazards Approach Word 33k
  Preparing for Biological Threats Word 35k
  Identifying and Assessing Biological Threats Word 34k
  Managing Biological Threats That Appear Credible Word 40k
  Sampling, Testing, and Sanitization Word 33k
  Summary Word 20k
  Appendix A Word 31k
  Appendix B Word 37k
  Appendix C Word 297k
  Appendix D Word 36k
  Appendix E Word 28k
  OSTP letter (Unofficial WORD copy of the memo) Word 33k
  OSTP letter PDF 24k
  National Guidelines on Biological Threats Complete version of the National Guidelines on Biological Threats. PDF 532k
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Last Reviewed 2/19/2009