Physics Posters

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coffee earth stardust

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Toy Box Physics Video Contest! Win $1,000

Drinking BirdLike tossing yo-yos? Ever wanted to unravel the mystery of the drinking bird? Then the Toy Box Physics video contest is for you. Take any toy you want and use it to somehow express a physics concept. Bounce, spin, jump and splash your way into physics history. Video Contest Rules & Details »

Writers' Gallery

plait-coverDeath From the Skies
By Philip Plait
The Universe is trying to kill you. It's nothing personal. It's trying to kill me too" Astronomer, Phil Plait, describes how everything from asteroids to gamma ray burst would end impact the Earth.

Resources for Educators

PhysicsCentral runs programs for all ages with the goal of making physics fun and interesting for everyone.  From coloring books to at home experiments we have something perfect for you and your students to enjoy. Resources for Educators »

Look for us at upcoming conferences to learn about and participate in Physics Quest 2008 Nikola Tesla and the Electric Fair.