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Celebrate the Year of Science with NSTA in New Orleans

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Join more than 10,000 science educators at the most prominent and comprehensive NSTA National Conference on Science Education, March 19–22, 2009. Our sessions, workshops, and discussion forums are designed to provide you with practical techniques for teaching science that will pay off in your classroom, school, or district. Network with a community of your peers, gather ready-to-use educational materials, and view the latest products from 400 exhibitors. Whether you're a first-year teacher or a veteran, you'll be inspired personally and professionally. To see specific sessions, visit the session browser / scheduler. Teachers from every discipline and grade band can view the programs they most desire. Register today for this professional development event.

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  • Underground Particles Forecast Winter Storms
    Discovery.com News
    Without getting a weather report—or even stepping outside—scientists have found a way to predict when a winter storm is on its way. The tip-off? Tabulating the number of cosmic ray particles reaching detectors a half-mile underground.
    Without getting a weather report—or even stepping outside—scientists have found a way to predict when a winter storm is on its way. The tip-off? Tabulating the number of cosmic ray particles reaching detectors a half-mile underground.
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  • Child-Health Bill Advances
    The Wall Street Journal
    The Senate voted Thursday to expand the State Children's Health Insurance Program, one in a series of early steps Congress is taking on health care. These early efforts are serving as a warm-up of sorts for the broader debate coming over an overhaul to...  [view full summary]
    The Senate voted Thursday to expand the State Children's Health Insurance Program, one in a series of early steps Congress is taking on health care. These early efforts are serving as a warm-up of sorts for the broader debate coming over an overhaul to the health system.
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  • Conference Focus Zooms From Outer Space to the Space Between Your Ears
    NSTA Reports—Lynn Petrinjak
    Nearly 20 featured speakers at NSTA's New Orleans National Conference on Science Education, March 19–22, will ensure attendees will be inspired and challenged, no matter what their specialty.
    Nearly 20 featured speakers at NSTA's New Orleans National Conference on Science Education, March 19–22, will ensure attendees will be inspired and challenged, no matter what their specialty.
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  • Is Technology Producing a Decline in Critical Thinking and Analysis?
    As technology has played a bigger role in our lives, our skills in critical thinking and analysis have declined, while our visual skills have improved, according to research by Patricia Greenfield, UCLA distinguished professor of psychology.
    As technology has played a bigger role in our lives, our skills in critical thinking and analysis have declined, while our visual skills have improved, according to research by Patricia Greenfield, UCLA distinguished professor of psychology.
    [hide full summary]

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The Story of Science Classroom Companion
This e-book (free to members) includes editions for both teachers and students and provides teaching tips, vocabulary lists, activities, writing prompts, and more.  More »

NSTA Press book cover

Today in Science History

On January 30 in 1957, an artificial pacemaker is used for the first time to successfully treat a disruption of a human heartbeat. C. Walton Lillehei leads the University of Minnesota team that engineered the pacemaker and connected it to the patient's heart. The original pacemaker was as big as a desk; modern pacemakers are so small that they can be inserted into the patient's body. [ from The Illustrated Almanac of Science, Technology, and Invention ]

NSTA Presents …

The NSTA Learning Center

Every teacher wants to grow their understanding of the subjects they teach and the pedagogical implications. To address this challenge, NSTA is proud to make available our professional development website, called The NSTA Learning Center.

CalendarAll Events

  • 1/30/2009 - 1/1/2010
    DonorsChoose.Org: Public School Teachers' Source for Materials, Funding  More »
  • 1/30/2009 - 12/31/2009
    Funding for Water Stewardship Projects  More »
  • 1/31/2009 - 1/31/2009
    NASA Kepler Mission--A Search for Habitable Planets Teacher Workshops  More »
  • 1/31/2009 - 1/31/2009
    NASA Kepler Mission--A Search for Habitable Planets Workshop (California)  More »
