AEL: Atmospheric Experiments Laboratory


Image of Dr. Eigenbrode


Dr. Jennifer Eigenbrode


Atmospheric Experiment Laboratory, Code 699                   Telephone:    (301) 614-5967

Solar System Exploration Division                                        Fax:               (301) 614-6406

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center                                     Email:

Greenbelt, MD  20771



Jennifer Eigenbrode is a biogeochemist and geologist with expertise in organic and isotope geochemistry and interests in astrobiology. She specializes in the use of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GCMS) in the analysis of lipids and other hydrocarbons in rocks, ice, and biological samples. Eigenbrode studied at James Madison University (B.S. 1994), US Geological Survey (1996), Indiana University (M.S., 1999), Penn State University (Ph.D., 2004) and the Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution of Washington (postdoctoral fellowship, 2004-2006), where she worked on a variety of interdisciplinary studies including paleoclimate records, Precambrian microbial ecology, and organic biosignatures in Mars analogs. Eigenbrode had an early start in astrobiology and was presented the first Gerald A. Soffen Award for student research in 2001 by the NASA Astrobiology Institute for her work on late Archean organic geochemistry. In 2007, she joined the Atmospheric Experiments Laboratory (code 699) at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center to work on the Science Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrument package to be flown on the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) in 2009. Her current research platform includes investigations of biosignatures in planetary and lunar analogs, evolution of Earth’s early biosphere, and isotopic analysis of organics in sample return materials.



Ph.D. in Geosciences (2004), Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA.

M.S. in Geological Sciences (1999), Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA.

B.S. in Geology (1994), James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA, USA.


Professional Experience:

Research Scientist, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (2007-Present).

Visiting Investigator, Carnegie Institution of Washington (2007-Present).

Post-doctoral Fellow, Carnegie Institution of Washington (2004-2006).

Astrobiology Research Assistant and Fellow, Penn State University (2000-2003).

Graduate Teaching Assistant and Fellow Student, Penn State University (1998-1999).

Shell Oil Research Fellow, Indiana University (1997-1998)

Shell Deepwater Development Intern (1996)

Associate Instructor, Indiana University (1996-1997)

Visiting Technical Assistant, Institute for Geophysics, University of Texas (1995-1996)

US Geological Survey Intern and Consultant, Environmental Geophysics Branch (1994-1995)

Teaching/Research Assistant, James Madison University (1991-1994)


Honors and Awards:

        Carnegie Insitution Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Geophysical Laboratory (2004-2006)

        Penn State Astrobiology Fellowship (2002)

        Gerald A. Soffen Award for Student Research, NASA Astrobiology Institute (2001)

        Pennsylvania Space Grant Fellowship (2000-2004)

        Krynine Scholarship, Dept. of Geosciences, Penn State University (1998, 2000, 2002)

        Earth System Science Center Teaching Fellowship, Penn State University (1998)

        Estwing Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement, Indiana University (1998)

        Shell Oil Fellowship, Indiana University (1997)

        Geological Society of America Outstanding Student Research Award (1996)

        National Association of Geology Teachers Internship Nomination (1994)

        Philips Cosminski Award, James Madison University (1994)


Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications:

Eigenbrode, J., Benning, L., et al., submitted, An In-field organic decontamination protocol for sampling devices used in life-detection studies, Astrobiology

Eigenbrode, J., Freeman, K., Summons, R., accepted, Methylhopanes in late Archean sediments: Ecological implications, Earth and Planetary Science Letters

Eigenbrode, J., 2007, Fossil lipids for life detection: A case study from the early Earth record, Space Science Reviews, online.

Eigenbrode, J.L., Freeman, K.H., 2006, The late Archean rise of microbial aerobic ecosystems, PNAS, v. 103, p.15759-15764.

Eigenbrode, J.L., Freeman, K.H. and Summons, R.E., in prep, The organic geochemistry of the late Archean Hamersley Province, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.

Fehr, M.A., Rehkämper, M., Halliday, A.N., Wiechert, U., Hattendorf, B., Günther, D. Ono, S., Rumble, D., and Eigenbrode, J.L., 2005, Tellurium isotopes in meteorites and Archean sulfides – A search for effects resulting from stellar nucleosynthesis, 126Sn decay and mass independent fractionation, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 69, p. 5099-5112.

Ono, S., Eigenbrode, J.L., Pavlov, A.A., Kharecha, P., Rumble, D., Kasting, J.F., Freeman, K.H., 2003, New Insights into the Archean sulfur cycle from mass-independent sulfur isotope records, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 213, p. 15-30.

Pavlov, A.A., Kasting, J.F., Eigenbrode, J.L., and Freeman, K.H., 2001, Organic haze in Earth’s early atmosphere: Source of low-13C Late Archean kerogens?, Geology, 29, p. 1003-1006.

Basu, A. and Eigenbrode, J.L., 1998, A laboratory exercise on cratering in a geology course for non-science majors, Journal of Geoscience Education, 46, p.164-168.

Public Outreach:

        Interviewee for textbook on the evolution of the Earth’s oceans (2007)

        Media Interviewee with newspaper, Norwegian (NRK) radio and television broadcast

                coverage of the Arctic Mars Analog Svalbard Expedition  (2005-2007)

        NASA/PA Space Grant sponsored PA Farm Show -“Mars” exhibit volunteer (2004)

        Penn State’s Space Day - Chaired exhibit “The Evolution of Our Planet: Why is Earth

                Unique?” (2003)

        Women in Science and Engineering Camp Instructor (2002)

        NASA/PA Space Grant sponsored PA Farm Show -“Space Farming” exhibit volunteer (2002)

        Penn State’s Space Day, exhibitor (2000)

        Radio Park Elementary School, State College, PA, Guest Scientist (2001)


Service Activities:

        Treasurer, Geomicrobiology/Geobiology Division, Geological Society of America (2006-


        Member of the Next Decadal- Science Analysis Group for Mars Sample Return, MEPAG


        Member of Science Directorates Council, GSFC (2007-present)

        Member of the Program Organization Committee for the Pale Blue Dot Workshop (2006)

        Session Co-Chair: Interdisciplinary Research in Cold-Mars Analogue Environments at

                Astrobiology Science Conference, Washington, DC (2006)

        Session Co-Chair: Earth's Carbon Cycle: Sources,       Recycling Pathways, and Geochemical Evolution at AGU Spring Meeting, Baltimore (2006)

        Member of the Scientific Organization Committee for the Astrobiology Science

                Conference, Washington, DC (2006)

        Chair of Earth’s Earliest Life and Biosignatures Session, Origins of Life Gordon Conference,

        Invited Speaker: Goddard Space Flight Center; University of California, Riverside, Colorado

              College; Smithsonian Institution; Carnegie Institution of Washington; Dickenson College;

              Geological Society of Washington; Arizona State University (2004-present)

Professional Affiliations:

        American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

        American Chemical Society (ACS)

        American Geophysical Union (AGU)

        Geochemical Society (GS) and Organic Geochemistry Division

        Geological Society of America (GSA) and Geobiology Division

        Geological Society of Washington

        NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI)


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