United States Department of Agriculture
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Research, Studies and Activities

Updated 08/13/2008

Aberdeen Plant Materials Center

The Aberdeen Plant Materials Center in Aberdeen, Idaho is involved in the following studies and activities to address the above resource issues. For more information on these studies please contact the PMC at (208) 397-4133.

Study Number Study Name Description Duration
2000-R18 Medicine Lodge Creek Assessment and Revegetation Evaluate stream assessment procedures and develop revegetation plan(s) to restore stream functions. 2000-2008
87-R01 American Falls Reservoir Idaho Shoreline Erosion Control Project Develop vegetative techniques to control erosion on shorelines of lakes, reservoirs, and ponds. 1987-2005
87-R02 Trout Creek Nevada Riparian Evaluation Site Test woody riparian accessions on streams in the arid and semi-arid west. Test planting techniques for woody riparian plants. 1990-2005
92-W08 Fairview Wetland Idaho Constructed Wetland System Determine the effectiveness of various wetland species to remove nutrients from an individual farm's irrigation wastewater. Develop design criteria for sizing system components. 1998-2008
96-R13 Trout Creek Nevada Bioengineering Demonstration Demonstrate the effectiveness of bioengineering techniques in stabilizing streambanks in low precipiation zones of the aird and semi-arid west. Treatments tested include brush mattress, vertical bundles, facines, and willow structure to stop headcut. 1996-2008
98-01 Hybrid Poplar Initial Evaluation Identify commercial accessions of hybrid poplar used for fuel and fiber adapted to eastern Idaho and northern Utah. 1998-2013
98-R10 Carson River Nevada Riparian and Bioengineering Demonstration Demonstrate the effectiveness of bioengineering in conjunction with traditional engineering practices to stabilize streambanks in the arid and semi-arid west. 1998-2008
98-W07 Pocatello, ID Stormwater Constructed Wetland System CWS to treat stormwater from the SE side of Pocatello, ID. This wetland is an attempt to help the city meet the EPA phase II requirements 1998-2008
ABPMC-S-0203-RA Mutton bluegrass (9067402) initial seed increase and evaluation Seed increase G1 and evaluation. 2002-2008
ABPMC-T-0315-RI Upper Carson River Bioengineering Demo Develop bioengineering treatments to stablize severly eroding streams in low precipitation areas 2002-2008
IDPMC-P-0407-RA USFSR1 Bluebunch wheatgrass IEP Evaluate collections of R1 PSSPS for possible selected class release 2004-2007
IDPMC-P-0408-RA USFSR1 Sandberg bluegrass IEP Evaluate collections of R1 POSE for possible selected class release. 2004-2007
IDPMC-P-0409-RA USFSR1 Blue wildrye IEP Evaluate R1 collections of ELGL for possible selected class release 2004-2007
IDPMC-P-0410-RA USFSR1 Idaho fescue IEP Evaluate R1 collections of FEID for possible selected class release. 2004-2007
IDPMC-P-0411-RA USFSR1 Tufted hairgrass IEP 2004-2007
IDPMC-P-0412-RA USFSR1 Western Yarrow IEP Evaluate R1 collections of ACMI for possible selected class release. 2004-2007
IDPMC-P-0504-RA Basin Wildrye advanced evaluation Evaluate Magnar, Washoe Germplasm and Trailhead against promising accession from Nevada. 2005-2007
IDPMC-P-0508-RA Caribou-Targhee NF Slender wheatgrass IEP Evaluate CT collections of ELTR7 for possible selected class release. 2005-2007
IDPMC-P-0509-RA Caribou-Targhee NF Mountain Brome IEP Evaluate CT collections of BRMA for possible selected class release. 2005-2007
IDPMC-P-0602-RA Muttongrass (Poa fendleriana) AEP Compare 9076402 to accessions from other researchers for potential release. 2006-2010
IDPMC-P-0615-RA Coffee Point- Basin Wildrye Off-Center Evaluation Nov. 2006 Evaluate released and test material in field conditions at Coffee Point Test Site. 2006-2016
IDPMC-P-0616-RA Coffee Point-Sandberg bluegrass Off-Center Evaluation Evaluate accessions of Sandberg bluegrass under field conditions 2006-2016
IDPMC-P-0617-RA Coffee Point-Bluebunch Wheatgrass Off-Center Evaluation Evaluate accessions of PSSPS under field conditions 2006-2016
IDPMC-P-0618-RA Coffee Point-Snake River Wheatgrass Off-Center Evaluation Evaluate SRWG under field conditions 2006-2016
IDPMC-P-0619-RA Coffee Point- Thickspike wheatgrass Off-Center Evaluation Evaluate releases of ELLAL under field conditions 2006-2016
IDPMC-P-0620-RA Coffee Point- Western Wheatgrass Off-Center Evaluation Evaluate western wheatgrass under field condtions 2006-2016
IDPMC-P-0621-RA Coffee Point- Slender Wheatgrass Off-Center Evaluation Evaluate ELTR materials under field conditions 2006-2016
IDPMC-P-0622-RA Coffee Point- Bottlebrush Squirreltail Off-Center Evaluation Evaluation of bottlebrush accessions under field condtions 2006-2016
IDPMC-P-0623-RA Coffee Point- Shrub Off-Center Evaluation evaluation of native shrubs under field conditions 2006-2016
IDPMC-P-0624-RA Coffee Point- Forb Off-Center Evaluation Observe native forb releases under field conditions 2006-2016
IDPMC-P-0625-RA Coffee Point- Introduced Grass Off-Center Evaluation Evaluate introduced grass accessions under Idaho field conditions 2006-2016
IDPMC-P-0701-RA Native Buckwheat IEP Evaluate collections of Eriogonum umbellatum and E. heracleoides for potential selected class release. 2006-2009
IDPMC-T-0505-RA Orchard display and adaptation evaluation Display nursery of native and introduced grasses, forbs and shrubs. Evaluate establishment and performance. 2004-2014
IDPMC-T-0507-RI Willow Pre-soak field trial Compare effectiveness of willow pre-saoking treatments under field conditions 2005-2010
IDPMC-T-0601-RA Forb Herbicide tolerance trial In cooperation with U of I to evaluate potential herbicides for weed control in forb seed production. 2006-2008
IDPMC-T-0604-RA Great Basin Forb Initial Increase and Evaluation Develop propagation techniques and evaluate plant growth and seed production characteristics. 2005-2010
IDPMC-T-0604-WE Options and cost breakdown for direct seeding wetlands with Baltic rush Develop alternatives and costs for direct seeding Baltic Rush. 2006-2006
IDPMC-T-0607-RI Salato Creek Soil Bioengineering Demonstration Site Demonstation of soil Bioengineering treatments in low precipitation areas of the SW. Soil Bioengineerng treatmetns were combined with harder structures to show how they can fit together and function together. 2006-2008
IDPMC-T-0608-RI Restoration techniques for the Hopi Indian Reseravtion Development of ripanian planting techniques for the arid SW on the Hopi Reservation. These techniques utilize native culturally significant riparian woody species to restore the riparian areas on the reservation. 2006-2008
IDPMC-T-0609-RI Lemhi River Soil Bioengineering Demonstration near Salmon, ID Streambank Soil Bioengineering demonstration on the Lemhi River near Salmon, ID. This project evaluates different soil bioengineering treatments that can work at high elevations and in high pH water. 2005-2008
IDPMC-T-0610-RI Moose WY streambank soil bioengineering demonstration project Demonstration of Streambank Soil Bioengineering treatments on the Snake River. This project will demonstrate the use of bioengineering treatments in a large river with high velocities and high ice loads. 2005-2008
IDPMC-T-0612-WE Stratification requirements for Indian Valley Sedge (Carex aboriginum) 2006-2007
IDPMC-T-0614-RA Propagation protocol for containerized Eriogonum umbellatum and E. heracleoides Create greenhouse propagation protocols for ERUM and ERHE2. Study examines stratification requirements, planting depths and irrigation schedules. 2006-2007
IDPMC-T-0702-RI Skinner Creek Restoration using Soil Bioengineering Techniques Restoring Skinner Creek after 100+ years of cattle grazing. We removed a corral and planted a variety of bioengineering treatments to restore the 3 strata and to provide structure to the stream system. We used cluster plantings, willow clumps, poles, and fascines. 2007-2010
IDPMC-T-0703-RI Hamlton Creek, CA restoration and protection Hamilton Creek is an ephemeral stream that runs into Cashe Creek near Woodland, CA. It has been destroyed by agriculture and urbanization. We designed a number of bioengineering treatments to help stabilize the banks, recover the channel, and revegetate the floodplain. 2007-2010
IDPMC-T-0704-RI Virgin River restoration after floods in 2005 The Virgin River near St. George UT was heavily damaged by large floods in 2005. EWP funded a protection effort using rock. We developed a number of different bioengineering treatments that added riaprina vegetation to the designs. 2007-2010
IDPMC-T-0705-RI Chacon Creek restoration and revegetation Chacon Creek is located in the city limits of Laredo, TX. It has been degraded because of the urban pressure on the creek. The study is to demonstrate how to use vegeation to reduce erosion in combination with rock to give more stability to the creek. 2007-2010
IDPMC-T-0706-RI Peachleaf willow pre-soaking study evaluate multiple pre-soaking methods to determine optimum time, temp and depth for best survival. 2007-2007

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