Entry bubble Breaking down and calling the doc

By: Jess | February 19, 2009 | Category: Health

The human kneeI’m a runner, and I have a bum knee. Last summer when running hurt so much it brought me to tears, I decided it was time to see the doc. I was sent to physical therapy where I did a bunch of exercises to get things taken care of and off I went when I was fixed.

Except, it turns out I wasn’t so fixed.

So this time when the nagging pain came back, I did a little research. I punched the name of my issue into WebMD, into USA.gov, into every runner’s training resource I could find.

After reading about the symptoms and causes, and running a 5K that left me hobbling around for the rest of the weekend, I finally broke down and called a doctor.

I’m pretty sure he’ll send me for x-rays like last time to make sure nothing is structurally wrong, and then I can only hope for good news.

From what I’ve read it sounds like patellofemoral syndrome (or patellar tracking disorder) takes up to several months to heal. I’m still crossing my fingers that my doc will have some voo-doo magic that will heal me up right quick so I can run a race I’m registered for at the end of March.

I've been pretty lucky that this is the only real medical problem I've ever faced and could easily find information on it. Where do you look for advice and information when you have medical questions or need advice? I'm always interested in hearing about what resources are available.

As for my knee, cross your fingers for me and I’ll keep you posted on how the appointment goes.

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Entry bubble Parking Tickets

By: Colleen | January 25, 2008 | Category: General

parking ticketI got a parking ticket the other week because I have high arches in my feet.

Kind of.

While home in Philaburbia, I was on a quest for new sneakers. But not just ANY kicks.

A daily runner, I beat up my footwear pretty quick. And my feet? They're "special." (read: I have an insanely high arch - making me the ideal en pointe ballerina. Having the grace of an elephant hinders this somewhat, however.)

Thus, I buy running shoes made specifically for people with Everest-like arches. These are not always available at general sporting goods stores that have sprawling free parking lots.

My mission led me to a running-specific store in Bryn Mawr, PA. I park at a meter. It was Saturday. I checked for signs indicating whether or not one had to pay meters on weekends. No such sign existed. Proceeded to store. Bought shoes. Everyone wins.

Not so much.

Back at my car I was greeted by a crabby meter-maid and a hand-written bright yellow ticket. (Apparently Lower Merion Township is pretty old-school.)

Ticked off but distracted, I tossed the ticket onto my passenger's seat and there it remained.

Yesterday, my Dad called. "Colleen, do you care to explain the letter I received in the mail from the Lower Merion Police Department?" Apparently a township that still hand-writes their tickets likes to be paid rather promptly, and when your Dad's name is also on the title of your car, they send failure of payment notices his way.

The meter thing still bothers me. I decided to do some local government research to see what the real deal is with parking meters.

Turns out, "All may park, all must pay"- including Saturdays. I stand corrected, even with my high arches.

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