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Terrorism and International Victim
Assistance Services Division

The Terrorism and International Victims Services Division (TIVASD) is responsible for developing programs and initiatives regarding assistance to victims of terrorism and to victims of crimes involving transnational dimensions, such as victimization of tourists, the international trafficking of adults and children for sexual or worker exploitation, and international child abduction victims. The threat of terrorism against Americans, both in the United States and abroad, has increased in recent years. New types of weapons of mass destruction, such as chemical and biological agents, pose significant challenges for those charged with responding to victims of terrorist attacks. TIVASD staff are responsible for coordinating OVC resources and funding for victims of terrorism and for developing the International Terrorism Victims Compensation Program. OVC recognizes that as countries and their citizens become more interconnected through tourism, Internet usage, and international trade, issues of violent crime and victimization increasingly become an international concern and focus. TIVASD strives to improve awareness of and responsiveness to the needs of terrorism victims and individuals who are victimized outside the borders of their own country, and to further promote crime victim issues into international discussions related to crime. The Terrorism and International Victims Assistance Services Division—

More detailed information is available in the TIVASD fact sheet.


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This document was last updated on October 17, 2008