OVC Letters from the Field

The Office for Victims of Crime (OVC), U.S. Department of Justice, welcomes comments from the field, including written recognition for our efforts. Below are a few excerpts from written correspondence that OVC has received in the past few months. OVC reserves the right to edit excerpts for length, style, and grammar.

Excerpts Archive

Full-Length Letters


January 4, 2008

Dear Mr. Gillis,
It was such a pleasure meeting you! . . .Thank you so much for the information given regarding the H.O.P.E. grant.

Thank you for your time and acceptance! Read the full letter.

Mildred D. Muhammad

Executive Director,
After the Trauma, Inc.
Clinton, MD

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January 14, 2007

Dear Mr. Gillis:

I just wanted to take a few minutes to let you know how the Franks Foundation's "Operation Fuzzy" program is flourishing, due in no small part to the HOPE grant being approved by the OVC. . . In four short months, we have expanded our services to five Richmond area hospitals, four additional hospitals throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia as well as one hospital in Tennessee and one in West Virginia. None of this would have been possible if it weren't for the OVC's support. I am deeply thankful for the support my Foundation has received from you and your office. Read the full letter.

Again, thank you!!

Polly Frank, Executive Director
The Franks Foundation
Richmond, VA

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This document was last updated on May 12, 2008