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Open Positions

The three elements of the Peace Corps Response Profile are: the application, your current resume and your Peace Corps Description of Service.  You can submit all three documents through this website.  Here is some additional information about the application process that might be useful:

  • Simple application: The application is brief, requiring approximately 5 minutes to complete.
  • No spam: You will not be contacted regarding assignments outside of the availability you specify.
  • No penalty for declining an interview: You will not be penalized regarding future assignments if you decline a request for an interview.
  • Submit your profile or apply for a position: You can submit an application for inclusion in the database or apply for a specific assignment. All applicants are included in the PCR database; however, you will only be contacted when your skills and experience match the qualifications for an open position and when you have indicated that you are available for an assignment.
  • Easy to update or withdraw your profile: Whenever you acquire new skills, degrees or experience, email an updated resume. If your availability changes or you would like to withdraw your profile, send a message.


  • Position: Monitoring and Evaluation Assistant


    Merundoi, Inc./MARCH Project

    Projected Start Date



    Six Months


    Merundoi, Inc., a local NGO in Guyana, is requesting a Peace Corps Response Volunteer for a six-month assignment to meet the MARCH project’s monitoring and evaluation needs. The Volunteer will develop, implement and oversee a scientific assessment of a radio serial drama used to promote and reinforce behavioral change among communities in response to the high incidence of HIV/AIDS.


    Mandatory: Candidates should possess a degree in social sciences or relevant field with experience in research design methodologies; knowledge and experience in the areas of data collection and analysis, behavior change communication (BCC) models, M&E tools, capacity building and training, community health, specifically HIV/AIDS, and have returned from a successful Peace Corps service.

    Desired: MPH, experience with radio serial dramatization or relevant mass media/public affairs, and knowledge of or experience living/working in Guyana or the Caribbean.

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  • Position: Technical Officer for Hemovigilance System – NEW


    Guyana National Blood Transfusion Services (GNBTS)

    Projected Start Date

    April, 2009


    6 months


    The National Blood Transfusion Service in Guyana is requesting a PC Response Volunteer to assist with strengthening the blood safety program. The Volunteer will take the lead in developing a framework to extract hemovigilance data from the existing quality system for the purpose of improving blood bank services.


    Mandatory qualifications include: A medical degree or other Health Science related degree [i.e., medical technologist, nurse specialist, clinical scientist] with experience in blood bank services; at least one year of specialized experience with blood transfusion data analysis; successful completion of Peace Corps service, preferably in Central America/Caribbean region; training and capacity building experience and knowledge of hemovigilance system protocols.

    Please note that the volunteer will not be permitted to provide any direct care services during this assignment and will not handle blood or blood products.

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  • Position: Youth Development Officer


    Ruimvelt Children's Aid Center

    Projected Start Date

    March, 2009


    6 months


    Catering to the needs of children left vulnerable by the effects of HIV/AIDS, the Ruimveldt Children’s Aid Centre is requesting the assistance of a Peace Corps Response Volunteer for a six- month assignment. The Volunteer will work specifically with a group of youth ages 11-16 to identify their immediate needs and develop strategies for appropriate and creative interventions for their continued care and support.


    The mandatory qualifications include: an advanced degree in Behavioral Science, or related social science fields with a solid background in youth development; at least two years experience working with orphans and vulnerable children and/or their families in the context of HIV/AIDS issues; experience in participatory planning, use of needs assessment tools, training and resource development and solid capacity building skills. The ideal candidate should be a self-starter with strong interpersonal skills and have completed a successful Peace Corps service in the Caribbean region or Africa.

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  • Position: Library Support Specialist


    Ministry of Education

    Projected Start Date

    April, 2009


    6 Months


    The Ministry of Education requests two Peace Corps Response Volunteers (PCRVs) to work as Library Support Specialists. The PCRVs will be placed at Learning Resource Centers (LRCs) in two different counties and each will support the LRCs in their neighboring counties as well. LRCs have been established in a total of six counties and provide teachers, students, Ministry staff, and the large community with internet access and a library. The LRCs serve as a delivery mechanism to provide on-going training, workspace, refresher in-service meetings and materials development support to teachers and administrators. They also serve as a technical hub with computers, training manuals, and supplies. The PCRVs will be responsible for building the individual capacity of LRC staff to develop and organize well run centers that enhance the ability of users to access information. PCRVs will mentor LRC staff in key areas such as: assist LRC staff to organize and properly maintain libraries, including book inventory, ‘card’ catalogue and good treatment of books; provide suggestions to Resource Room assistants on how to make libraries ‘user friendly’ to teachers and students; assist LRC staff to carry out mini grant proposals when they relate to library use; help develop activities that will promote reading for children, youth and adults; assist clusters and school communities to organize libraries and reading rooms.


    Mandatory: degree in library science, education or related field; experience as a librarian or with another learning resource center; experienced in team-oriented approaches to ensure a well-operated institution; good communication and personal skills; strong organizational and planning skills; experience with effective staff support, mentoring and feedback; ability to work in a challenging environment. Desired: basic computer skills; able to actively promote the use of participatory methods; experience in inclusive, open leadership; experience working in sub-Saharan Africa; understanding of a post-conflict environment; creativity in working in an environment with limited resources.

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  • Position: Mentor to County Education Officer


    Ministry of Education

    Projected Start Date

    April, 2009


    6 Months


    The Ministry of Education (MOE) requests two Peace Corps Response Volunteers (PCRVs) to provide support to County Education Offices by mentoring the County Education Officers in their roles and responsibilities. The 14 years of brutal conflict in Liberia took its toll on the education system – nearly 80% if schools were destroyed by 1997 and the flight of well trained teachers means that today approx. 65% of Liberia’s teachers have no teacher training background. The MOE, along with the international donor community, is focusing on quick impact programs to ameliorate the education infrastructure. Each county has a County Education Office through which the MOE implements its educational programs and policies. The PCRVs will be responsible for building the individual capacity of the County Education Officer, developing a strong support system for rural school administrators and teachers, and creating transparent, open communication among staff. The PCRVs will mentor the County Education Officer in key areas such as: open, participatory leadership, and supportive supervision; participatory decision-making; promoting an inclusive strategic planning process; building an effective system of communication between the county and district education officers and the peripheral of the county education system; and more.


    Mandatory: Bachelor’s in Education; sound educational experience in administration and supervision, with an understanding of the needs of the rural schools; able to actively promote the use of active learning and participatory methods of education; experienced in team-oriented approaches to ensure a well-operated institution; good communication and personal skills; strong organizational and planning skills; experience with effective staff support, mentoring and feedback; ability to work in a challenging environment. Desired: Master’s in Education; experience in leadership positions in individual schools or school districts; experience in inclusive, open leadership; experience working in sub-Saharan Africa; understanding of a post-conflict environment; creativity in working in an environment with limited resources.

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  • Position: Midwife Program Instructor


    Ministry of Health and Social Welfare

    Projected Start Date



    8 Months


    The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MHSW) supports the World Health Organization recommendation of skilled attendance at every birth. Unfortunately, Liberia has lost hundreds of practicing physicians over the last three decades and are in the process of rebuilding the health sector. Frontline services now rest with the mid-level health professionals. The MHSW has prioritized the training of midwives in meeting the need for skilled attendance at each birth. Two Peace Corps Response Volunteers are being requested to work as Midwife Program Instructors. Duties and Responsibilities include: Academic and clinical teaching in one or more midwifery schools; assisting with curriculum review, design, and revision for pre-service and in-service training; assist with preparing standard lesson plans and other teaching material; assist with providing appropriate clinical environment for midwifery training; identify needs and assist in planning workshops and seminars for midwives and midwifery students to update their knowledge; and more.


    Mandatory: Registered nurse, physician, physician's assistant, nurse practitioner, or other related field; experienced in team-oriented approaches to ensure a well-operated institution; good communication and personal skills; strong organizational and planning skills; experience with effective staff support, mentoring and feedback; ability to work in a challenging environment. Desired: Nurse Practitioner or Midwife; B.S. in Nursing; Post-graduate studies; specialty training in obstetrics and gynecology; experience in teaching; able to actively promote the use of participatory methods in teaching; experience in inclusive, open leadership and team-oriented approaches to ensure a well-functioning institution; experience working in sub-Saharan Africa; understanding of a post-conflict environment; creativity in working in an environment with limited resources.

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  • Position: Nutrition Instructor


    Ministry of Health and Social Welfare

    Projected Start Date

    April, 2009


    6 Months


    A Peace Corps Response Volunteer (PCRV) is requested to work as a Nutrition Instructor to assist Liberia in its efforts to improve their health care delivery system. The volunteer will be based at two health training institutions and will develop and teach curriculum devoted to nutritional education. Duties and Responsibilities include: plan lecture notes in nutrition and deliver such to student nurses; assist the Dean of a nursing college in designing the curriculum for the Department of Nutrition; review the curriculum for nutrition in accordance with the national curriculum; advise students in need, especially on academic matters; assist other lecturers to proctor their examinations or tests when necessary.


    Mandatory: BA in nutrition or related degree and experience; experience in health care education; experience in teaching; able to actively promote the use of active learning and participatory methods of education; experienced in team-oriented approaches to ensure a well-operated institution; good communication and personal skills; strong organizational and planning skills; experience with effective staff support, mentoring and feedback; ability to work in a challenging environment. Desired: Masters level education in Nutrition; experience or training in curriculum development; experience working in sub-Saharan Africa; understanding of a post-conflict environment; creativity working in an environment with limited resources.

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  • Position: Parent Teacher Association Organizer


    Ministry of Education

    Projected Start Date

    April, 2009


    6 Months


    The Ministry of Education (MOE) requests two Peace Corps Response Volunteers (PCRVs) to work as Parent Teacher Association Organizers. Liberia underwent a period of 14 years of brutal conflict which devastated the country’s infrastructure resulting in widespread poverty, complete lack of, or extremely limited, agricultural production, and breakdown of family and community coping mechanisms. Liberia remains among the world’s most food insecure countries. The World Food Program (WFP) has been providing food rations to about a third of the population every month since 2003. The conflict impacted many sectors of society including the education sector. Schooling was badly disrupted as food-insecure families often employed children into income activities instead of sending them to school. The MOE is moving towards initiating greater community involvement in its school management-related programs and is mobilizing Parent Teacher Associations (PTAs) and creating awareness of community leaders to support the school feeding program at the community level. The MOE is requesting PCRVs to provide leadership mentoring to PTAs and community members and to build the capacity to develop transparent and open systems of communication and administration of the school feeding program, school grant and supplies management, and to improve the representation of women at all levels. The PCRVs will be involved in some of the following activities: Work in close collaboration with the County Education Office and partners to establish a strategy to mobilize PTAs; provide information to PTAs and community leaders on food storage, handling and cooking on a voluntary and rotational basis at the school level; train local youth as focal points to mobilize the PTAs and the community; and more. The PCRVs will advise and mentor PTAs in such areas as: Open, transparent leadership; participatory decision-making; promoting an inclusive strategic planning process; ensuring that the representation of and participation by women is improved; and more.


    Mandatory: Experience working with community based volunteer organizations; leadership experience organizing volunteers through schools or NGOs; public speaking skills; experience training youth or adults; ability to plan and lead meetings; ability to organize and implement projects; experience in team-oriented approaches to ensure a well-operated institution; good communication and personal skills; strong organizational and planning skills; ability to work in a challenging environment; creative problem solving skills. Desired: Experience in a PTA as a member, a leadership position preferred; knowledge of handling and storing food; knowledge of project design and management; able to actively promote the use of participatory methods; experience in inclusive, open leadership; experience working in sub-Saharan Africa; understanding of a post-conflict environment; creativity in working in an environment with limited resources.

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  • Position: Reforestation Specialist – NEW


    Panama’s Environmental Protection Agency - Authoridad del Medio Ambiente (ANAM)

    Projected Start Date

    April, 2009


    4 months


    Panama's Environmental Protection Agency known as Authoridad del Medio Ambiente (ANAM) is requesting two Peace Corps Response volunteers to train community groups and schools on topics related to natural resource management and reforestation. The purpose of the project is to encourage environmentally friendly business and agricultural practices through strengthening environmental education and awareness within the Río Chico watershed. The volunteers will be responsible for conducting workshops to train and support community groups on the promotion of environmental education, alternative farming techniques that minimize the environmental impact through the implementation of organic fertilizers and the reduction of agrochemical use and support the creation of a year long plan of environmental education presentations given to grade school classes by reforestation groups.


    The ideal candidate would possess a degree in biology, conservation, natural resource management, environmental education, environmental research or other related discipline. The candidate must also be fluent in Spanish and able to create and direct presentations to people of diverse cultures with little supervision. The candidate must also be able to walk in mountainous areas for 1-3 hours.

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Saint Lucia

  • Position: Community Outreach and Program Development Volunteer


    National Emergency Management Office

    Projected Start Date

    August, 2009


    6 Months


    The National Emergency Management Office (NEMO) in Saint Lucia has requested a Peace Corps Response Volunteer (PCRV) to work as a Community Outreach and Program Development Volunteer for a 6 month assignment. NEMO places great emphasis on assisting communities to prepare for disasters and the goal of this current project is to strengthen communities as well as NEMO to plan for and respond to disasters.

    Duties and Responsibilities: assist in the formulation of a Natural Hazard Mitigation Program to articulate the National Policy and Plan; work with the two communities within Castries Central to develop an Evacuation Plan; work with the NEMO Corporate Planning Officer to review and update the Secretariat Continuity of Operations Plan; work with the National Council of and for Persons with Disabilities/Older Persons to create a Business Continuity Plan; review and update the National Data Security Guide; and possibly assist NEMO in responding to a disaster.


    Degree in Disaster Management or Environmental Management with a focus on disaster or emergency preparedness OR a year of experience working in the disaster preparedness and mitigation field; extensive experience in community outreach and/or training; above average research skills (internet); successful completion of two years Peace Corps service in the Eastern Caribbean or any other Caribbean or Latin American country; experience working in a government agency; ability to work independently and in somewhat intense situations.

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  • Position: Community Education Facilitator


    Roving Caregivers Programme

    Projected Start Date



    6 months


    The Roving Caregivers Programme of St. Lucia in Castries is requesting a Peace Corps Response Volunteer to assist and educate the community in caring for children from birth to three years of age. This unique programme requires the ability to develop and conduct parent education workshops, assist with training of volunteers, provide support to parents in developmental approaches to child raising, assist with nutrition and meal planning, and providing activities to further childhood development.


    The ideal candidate would possess a degree in Early Childhood Development, Social Work or other related field, have strong skills in parenting and cognitive development, experience preparing and facilitating workshop sessions, training and materials developments.

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  • Position: Conservation Education Assistant


    Wildlife Clubs of Uganda

    Projected Start Date

    March, 2009


    6 months


    The Wildlife Clubs of Uganda (WCU) is requesting a Peace Corps Response volunteer to assist in the implementation of conservation education activities. The purpose of the project is to strengthen the management of productive, life sustaining biodiversity resources in Northern Uganda, through providing previously displaced peoples the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed decisions and to take responsible actions within their original home areas. The volunteer will assist the Wildlife Clubs in writing and updating curriculum for education school programs, planning public events and community activities, creating conservation awareness materials, planning and facilitating teacher training workshops and youth leaders’ camps at Murchison Falls National Park and planning a program for weekend environmental activities for local children.


    The ideal candidate would possess a degree in Environmental Education or a related field with specific environmental experience, experience in working with volunteers, community groups and youth and will have completed a successful Peace Corps service, preferably in the Africa region.

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  • Position: Instructor / Teacher Resource Centre Coordinator


    Ministry of Education

    Projected Start Date



    12 months


    The Ministry of Education in Swaziland has requested a Peace Corps Response Volunteer (PCRV) to work with their INSET (in-service teacher education and training) Department as an Instructor and Teacher Resource Centre Coordinator. INSET provides primary school teachers with in-service training courses in an effort to raise the quality of classroom teaching. There are approximately 12 trainers currently working under the INSET director and in close cooperation with the inspectorate and other education service providers. The focus of the PCRV’s assignment is to influence the quality of INSET courses by upgrading trainers’ capacity to deliver INSET courses. The emphasis would be on improving training methodology in general, assisting in efforts to align teacher education with a “modern” concept of (primary) education to support the development/flourishing of a knowledge-based economy, conducting needs assessment activities, following-up the results of training activities at the school/class room level, and more. Duties and responsibilities include: reorganize/restructure a Teacher Resource Centre; identify current needs and resources for course/curriculum redesign and materials updates; design and facilitate workshops to provide teacher trainers with updated teaching methodologies; design low-cost teaching and learning materials for primary schools; assist with preparing lesson plans and other teaching materials; conduct academic sessions with teacher trainers using a participatory approach; work with head teachers to introduce quality enhancement measures at primary schools; promote transparency and open communication among teachers, staff, and students; and more.


    Bachelor’s in Education, preferably Master’s level with a focus on primary and/or adult education; sound experience (at least 10 years) in teacher education and training (primary school level preferred); experience in school supervision and teacher support services (min. 5 years); able to actively promote the use of active learning and participatory methods of education; experienced in team-oriented approaches to ensure a well-operated institution; excellent communication and personal skills; strong organizational, planning, and management skills; experience with effective staff support, mentoring, and feedback; and a mature personality, one that radiates a certain level of authority, professional and life experience, qualification, self-confidence, and a demonstration of intercultural sensitivity. Some Desired Qualifications include: experience in Training of Trainers and curriculum development; experience teaching at the primary school level; an English language or math specialist; a background in educational/child psychology; experience working in sub-Saharan Africa.

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  • Position: Teacher Trainer Instructor


    Ministry of Education, Ngwane Teacher Training College

    Projected Start Date



    12 Months


    A Peace Corps Response Volunteer (PCRV) is being requested to work with the Ministry of Education to improve the training of primary school teachers. The high incidence of HIV/AIDS in Swaziland has severely crippled the education system and has led to a large loss of teachers. It is hoped that the PCRV will contribute to improving the delivery of primary education in the medium to long-term. The volunteer will be based at a Teacher Training College and will serve as a teacher educator/teacher trainer. Duties and Responsibilities include: assist with preparing lesson plans and other teaching materials; identify current needs and resources for course/curriculum redesign and materials updates; plan and facilitate strategic planning sessions with Teacher Training College staff to assist in redesigning/reorienting the pre-service teacher education system; participate in working groups to design appropriate curriculum and support materials for students; and more.


    Mandatory: advanced degree in education; experienced teacher trainer with a solid background in primary education/training of primary school teachers (min. 10 years experience in the field); experience with curriculum development for primary school teaching to include low-cost teaching and training materials; strong organizational, communication, and planning skills with ability to provide leadership and support; and more. Desired: ESL or primary math specialist; able to teach basic computer literacy classes at the Teacher Training College based on existing IT syllabus; work/living experience in sub-Saharan Africa; experience in early childhood development and early primary teaching methods; ability to work in an environment with limited resources.

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Last updated Sep 25 2008

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