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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Am I eligible for the Peace Corps Response?

    In general, applicants are required to have successfully completed their two years of Peace Corps Volunteer service. However, candidates who were not able to complete their PC service due to reasons beyond their control, (i.e. evacuation), but who have completed at least one year of PCV service (not including training), are considered as well. Often times additional regional or professional experience is necessary in order for these candidates to be competitive.

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  • How is the Peace Corps Response experience different from Peace Corps?

    Returned Peace Corps Response Volunteers ( CC Vs) have reported that assignments are intense, challenging, and rewarding. Many volunteers have commented that their Peace Corps Response assignment provided an avenue to obtain career-focused experience while accomplishing tangible results in a condensed period of time. For more information on Peace Corps Response Assignments, please refer to our recent projects.

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  • How does Peace Corps Response recruit and place Volunteers?

    Peace Corps Response maintains a database of COSing Volunteers and Returned Peace Corps Volunteers interested in Peace Corps Response work. When requests come in for Peace Corps Response Volunteers, we search the database for candidates with the appropriate technical, language, and cross-cultural skills. Candidates with the appropriate skills sets will receive an email from a recruiter with a detailed position description. If the candidate is interested in the assignment then a telephone interview is conducted and professional references are checked, including references from Peace Corps staff (when available). It is particularly important that a candidate be able to work independently, with minimal support from Peace Corps staff. Finally, a candidate is invited and enters into the clearance process. Our goal is to have a CCV in country within 8-10 weeks of opening a project.

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  • What should I do if I see a position that I am interested in, but have not been contacted by Peace Corps Response?

    If you see an assignment that you are qualified and available for, it is entirely appropriate to contact us first as no database search is ever exhaustive. We have nearly 5000 applicants in our database and assignments can be quite competitive, so we recommend being proactive about watching for positions that interest you.  If you already have your application materials on file, simply send us an email or cover letter with the Position Title in the subject line so that the appropriate recruiter may evaluate your skills and follow up directly with you. Otherwise, when you apply, note the position you are interested in.

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  • Once under consideration for a Peace Corps Response assignment, how long does it take before I am placed?

    On average, the time from when an assignment opens to when a volunteer is placed in country is 6-10 weeks. Peace Corps Response makes every effort to place Volunteers within four to six weeks from the time an invitation is extended, pending medical and legal clearances. Volunteers can also transfer-extend into Peace Corps Response assignments. The process is similar to Peace Corps Volunteer transfer-extension process.

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  • Will I only be considered for an assignment in my region of service?

    Peace Corps Response seeks to make the strongest match possible between the request for assistance and the language, technical, and cross cultural skills of the Volunteer. Much depends on the nature of the request and the backgrounds of available candidates. In certain instances, language skills and country knowledge are less relevant than strong technical skills.

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  • What type of training is provided for a Peace Corps Response assignment?

    Volunteers receive a short Peace Corps orientation upon arrival to country, generally three days. The partnering organization also provides an orientation. No additional training is provided as Peace Corps Response selects Volunteers who already have the relevant skills.

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  • Does Peace Corps Response operate only in countries where there is an existing Peace Corps program?

    No. Peace Corps Response can send Volunteers to a country that does not have a Peace Corps program as long as the safety and security of the Volunteers is reasonably assured and medical care is available. We have placed Peace Corps Response Volunteers in Bosnia , a country that has not had a Peace Corps presence before, as well as in Venezuela , Czech Republic , and Sri Lanka – all countries in which Peace Corps had programs in the past.

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  • Are Peace Corps Response Volunteers considered Peace Corps Volunteers?

    Yes. The key difference is that your Peace Corps Response assignment is short term. The rules and regulations that apply to Peace Corps Volunteers generally apply to Peace Corps Response Volunteers, as well.

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  • Do Peace Corps Response Volunteers receive the same benefits that Peace Corps Volunteers receive?

    Peace Corps Response Volunteers receive round trip airline tickets to and from their countries of assignment, settling-in, living, leave, and readjustment allowances, and medical care. CC Vs are also eligible for Workmen's Compensation for service-related injuries as well as for CorpsCare. Peace Corps Response Volunteers receive the same amount of readjustment allowance as do Peace Corps Volunteers . The full amount of this allowance is sent to their home of record upon completion of their assignment.

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  • If I accept a Peace Corps Response assignment, how does that affect my student loan deferrals?

    Peace Corps Volunteers are eligible for certain student loan deferrals for up to 36 months of service. Since Peace Corps Response service is Peace Corps service, you would be eligible for certain deferrals if you have not already exhausted the 36-month period.

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  • Are Peace Corps Response Volunteers eligible for non-competitive status for federal employment?

    Due to the short term nature of assignments, Peace Corps Response Volunteers are not eligible for non-competitive status. However, if you serve as a Peace Corps Response Volunteer during the one year non-competitive eligibility period following your two year Peace Corps service, Peace Corps Response can write a recommendation to an employing agency requesting that the eligibility period be extended beyond the one year for the period of the Peace Corps Response assignment.

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  • How do I find out what positions are currently available?

    Open positions are posted in the Hotline, at Regional Offices, and on the Peace Corps Response website, which is updated approximately once a week. For more information view our open positions.

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  • How do I apply?

    The application process consists of sending Peace Corps Response an application, resume, and a copy of your Description of Service (if available) via email, fax or mail. Learn more about applying to the Peace Corps Response.

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  • How do I contact Peace Corps Response for additional information?

    Please email us at pcresponse@peacecorps.gov or call our office at 800.424.8580 ext. 2250 or 202.692.2250.

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Last updated Dec 27 2008

Peace Corps Response Overview

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