Plant America's Anniversary Garden

Authors: Elizabeth Maurer, Extension Master Gardener, Virginia Beach; Bonnie Appleton, Extension Horticulturist, Hampton Roads AREC; Joyce Latimer, Extension Horticulturist, Virginia Tech; Leanne DuBois, Extension Horticulture Agent, James City County; David Close, Extension Master Gardener Coordinator, Virginia Tech and Holly Scoggins, Floriculturist, Virginia Tech

Publication Number 426-210, Posted September 2005

The Commemoration

In 2007, Virginia will mark the 400th anniversary of Jamestown, the first permanent English settlement in the Americas. The 18-month-long commemoration begins in May 2006 and will feature educational programs, cultural events, fairs, and various live and broadcast entertainments sponsored by Virginia and cities and towns across the commonwealth. See the America's 400th Anniversary website at for information about this salute to America's birthplace. Communities and citizens also will be improving their streets, parks, schools, businesses, and gardens as part of the commemoration.

A Statewide Garden Theme

Virginia Cooperative Extension has developed the America's Anniversary Garden to help individuals, communities, and groups mark America's 400th Anniversary with a signature garden planting. The signature gardens will have red, white, and blue color schemes. All across Virginia, city and town entrance corridors, public gardens, sidewalk containers, hanging baskets, residential lawns, and other forms of gardens and landscapes will display the colorful theme in 2006 and 2007. Every Virginian can have an anniversary garden. Some will be large and some as small as potted plants on a balcony. This publication is the first in a series of Virginia Cooperative Extension publications and support materials to guide gardeners - new and experienced - in developing their anniversary gardens.

Garden Design

This publication features two designs, one for a 30-inch-wide container and one for an 8-foot-by-10-foot landscape area. Both are for full-sun locations. The selected plants - annuals, perennials, shrubs, and trees - all have at least one red, white, or blue feature. If these plants are unavailable or inappropriate for your area, use substitutions from the plant charts, or suggestions from your local garden retailer or Extension agent. Always select plants that are well-adapted to conditions of individual planting sites.

Figure 1 is the design for a 30-inch-wide container located in full sun. It is an example of a red, white, and blue combination of easy-care annuals used to create an America's Anniversary Garden.

Figure 2 is the America's Anniversary Garden design for a full-sun, 8-foot-by-10-foot garden bed or landscape area using a small tree, shrubs, perennials, and annuals. Each has at least one red, white, or blue feature.

The letters on the designs correspond to the codes on the suggested plants list on page 4. Use the table to identify substitute plants as needed due to availability or personal preference.

The America's Anniversary Garden website at has additional container and landscape designs, photos, and plant information.

Soil Preparation

Proper soil preparation is essential for the establishment and good growth of landscape plants.

Test soil drainage before planting. Dig a 12-inch test hole and fill it with water. If drainage is less than one inch per hour, relocate or raise the planting area, or install drainage to carry water away from the planting area.

Examine soil for compaction before planting. If the soil is compacted, consider replacing it with a good loam soil or incorporating several inches of an organic material, such as composted yard waste, to a depth of at least 8 to 12 inches over the entire planting area. Do not incorporate small quantities of sand; sand will increase compaction and decrease drainage.

Test the soil. Once the soil drains well and is not compacted, test the soil to determine if the pH should be adjusted or any nutrients added. To obtain a soil test kit, contact your local Virginia Cooperative Extension office. A complete list of VCE offices is available at

Do not amend the soil that will be used to backfill around the root-balls of your plants. Using amended backfill soil can cause water movement problems, causing the plant roots to be too wet or too dry.

Planting Tips for Annuals and Perennials

Watering and Mulching

Watering is important to settle the soil at planting, encourage root growth into the landscape soil, and sustain plants once they are established.

During the growing season, plants need an average of one inch of water per week. If rainfall is limited, supplement with irrigation. Even during the winter, it may be important to water perennials, shrubs, and trees if the ground is frozen yet the temperature is warm. Use irrigation methods, such as drip irrigation and water reservoir devices, to conserve water, prevent soil erosion, and target the water application. Overwatering wastes water, may weaken roots and lead to root decay, and encourages undesirable weed growth.

Mulch benefits newly planted trees, shrubs, perennials, and annuals by conserving soil moisture, moderating soil temperature, and suppressing competing grass and weeds. Apply mulch immediately after watering newly installed plants. Do not over mulch! Two to three inches is adequate, less if you are using a fine material, more if it is coarse. Use either organic mulches (shredded or chunk pine bark, pine straw, shredded leaves) or inorganic mulches (shredded tires, volcanic and river rocks). To prevent insect, disease, and rodent problems if using organic mulches, and bark abrasion if using inorganic mulches, keep mulch from touching tree trunks and shrub stems. Do not use black plastic beneath mulch around trees and shrubs because it blocks air and water exchange.

Resources and Acknowledgments

Annuals: Culture and Maintenance, Virginia Cooperative Extension publication 426-200,

Perennials: Culture, Maintenance and Propagation, Virginia Cooperative Extension publication 426-203,

Tree and Shrub Planting Guidelines, Virginia Cooperative Extension publication 430-295,

Reviewers: Debbie Dillion, program associate, Loudoun County; Laurie Fox, Extension specialist, Hampton Roads AREC; Susan French, Extension agent, Virginia Beach; and Barry Robinson, Extension agent, Montgomery County.

Container and landscape designs and watercolors by Elizabeth Maurer.

Suggested Plant Selections for America's Anniversary Garden

Code Type Botanical Name
(suggested cultivars)
A lantana Lantana 'Patriot Cherry '24" - 30"/30" - 42"
red flowers
B pentas Pentas lanceolata
'New Look Red'
'Mars Galaxy'
'Graffitti Bright Red'
12" - 24"/12" - 24"
red flowers
C angelonia Angelonia
'Angelface White'
12" - 18"/12" - 14"
white flowers
D bacopa Bacopa 'Snowstorm' 3" - 8"/20" - 30"
white flowers
E salvia Salvia farinacea 'Victoria Blue' 18" - 20"/12" - 14"
blue flowers
F verbena Verbena x hybrida 'Temari Blue'
'Tukana Denim Blue,'
'Superbena Dark Blue'
blue flowers
G yarrow Achillea Millefolium
'Red Velvet'
24" - 30"/18" - 24"
red flowers
H daylily Hemerocallis
'Frankly Scarlet'
24" - 30"/18" - 24"
red flowers
I shasta daisy Leucanthemum x
10" - 14"/12" - 18"
white flowers
J speedwell Veronica
(not recommended for SE. Va.)
18" - 24"/18" - 24"
white flowers
K cranesbill Geranium
18" - 20"/18" - 24"
blue flowers
L speedwell Veronica x
'Goodness Grows'
12" - 15"/12" - 18"
blue flowers
M redtwig (Red Osier)
Cornus spp. 4' - 8'/4' - 10'
white flowers, blue or white fruit, red stems
N bigleaf hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla 'Summer
Beauty,' 'Blue Billows,' 'Blue Wave'
3' - 6'/3' - 8'
blue flowers (in acid soil)
O Virginia sweetspire* Itea virginica
'Henry's Garnet,' 'Little Henry'
3' - 4'/4' - 6'
white flowers, red fall leaf color
P fringetree* Chionanthus virginicus 12' - 20'/12' - 20'
white flowers, blue fruit on female
Q dogwood* Cornus florida 15' - 30'/15' - 30'
white flowers, red fruit, red fall leaf color

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